Monday, September 22, 2008

Giveaway Winner / First Day of Autumn

Well, my younger daughter picked the winner last night. And the winner is... Valerie from Life's Little Garden, a really lovely blog. Thanks again to everyone who entered! Make sure to check back- I will be doing more in the future, 'cause they're just so darn fun!

First Day of Autumn...
Some photos I took at a local roadside stand, I love the light at this time of year...

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
- Albert Camus


  1. Congratulations Valerie, enjoy your prize. It has been a joy to find this blog, I'll be coming back ;-)
    Janelle xx
    Threads of Friendship

  2. Congratulations Valerie! I was a previous winner here and loved everything I got!

    Happy Autumn Jacquelynne!

  3. Congratulations to Valerie! Thank you, Jacquelynne, for hosting a super stupendous give away!
    Love the photos of the roadside stand...Happy Autumn!

  4. Thank you is not enough!!!! I am so excited! I can't believe that I won this. Thanks again. I am looking forward to receiving this. You are so kind.

  5. Love the pumpkin photos. I saw similar scenes along the way when I ran for groceries yesterday. One sign even said "corn shocks for sale". I thought about stopping but couldn't figure out where I would stuff a "corn shock" with all the groceries I had in my car!:-) Congrats to lucky winner Valerie!

  6. Hi Jacquelynne,
    I just love your photos of the pumpkin stands. I do enjoying coming over here and visiting your wonderful blog.
    Happy First Day Of Fall,

  7. Congratulations!!!!

    Love the pumpkin pictures.


  8. Congratulations Valerie! THank you Jacquelynne for hosting the giveaway! :)
