Friday, September 19, 2008

Last Chance for Giveaway/ Baby Quilt is Done!

Last chance for the Giveaway, it closes at Midnight EDST tonight- CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

I'm so glad it's done! I tend to work on several projects at a time, but I worked on just this one all week, and I'm ready to move on to something else (I have lots of ideas for new projects, or should I work on the 15 or so that I have already started..... Hmmm....)

As promised, here is the FREE PATTERN/TUTORIAL for this quilt. CLICK HERE to get the pattern and directions.

I also wanted to mention that Sandi has had an absolutely adorable sunflower pattern published in Cotton Spice, a free online quilting magazine. Click Here to go to Sandi's blog to find out more. Congratulations, Sandi!


  1. Your quilt turned out adorable! I need to start one for my granddaughter! I have 3 months till she is here!
    Have a great weekend~

  2. Hey, thank you, Jacquelynn. I was checking to see if your quilt was done and it is and then I see my name. Thanks for the link to my blog. And, yes, isn't it frustrating when you want to load or change something on your blog and it just doesn't want to work right? Blogger doesn't have a way to offer PDF's - at least not that I know of - so that makes offering free patterns less "user friendly". Someone suggested I should switch to typepad but I've spent months figuring out blogger so am not ready yet to make a switch. By the way, the quilt is really pretty! Blessed is the little one that will receive it!!
