Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quilt Backs and Other Stuff...

This is the back that I put together for a quilt that I recently finished. It took a fair amount of time to put together- not difficult, but obviously more time consuming than using just a solid piece of fabric. I used to just use muslin for the backs of all my quilts, because it's neutral and inexpensive and I could just buy bolts of it at a time. But recently I have decided that that is just boring, and I'd hate to think of myself as a boring kind of girl! And I figure that if I spend lots of time on the top, I might as well make the back just as pretty. So once this is quilted, it will really be a reversible quilt. 2 for 1- so practical!

Taking the photo was not easy, though. I had the thing thumbtacked to the barn wall and the wind was blowing and so I had to keep tacking it back up. And I had to wait between gusts of wind so that the quilt would stop moving around so I could take the photo.

While I was back behind the barn, I noticed this delightful little wild strawberry patch. My daughter had told me that it was back there and I had forgotten. She loves to spend time outside. When she was little, she would play all kinds of games out there, now she spends her time taking photos. Reminds me of when I was kid, we lived in a rural area and it seemed I spent all of my spare moments outside on all kinds of "adventures". And I knew that yard, the woods, every tree, like the back of my hand. Those were the days!

I also managed to grab a shot of a wasp and a bee on some goldenrod growing up along the fence.

My oldest daughter is coming home from college for the weekend. Her only request was that I cook- anything! Apparently she is tired of dining hall food! I am planning on making something that involves some of her favorite foods- eggplant, pasta, goat cheese... Stay tuned!

Finally, make sure you stop over at Martha Stewart's blog, she recently did a show all about blogging and has some great tips!


  1. Love your quilt! My daughter makes great quilts too! I wouldn't even try!

  2. I love your quilt backing & that was alot of work. Great photos, too.


  3. I love the pattern of your quilt backing..its beautiful:)

  4. Hi!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I've been reading a bit of yours again tonight. I must say, you are inspiring me to take up the needle and thread again!

    Quilting is just so satisfying!

    I've added you to my list of favorites so my readers can find you, too.


  5. The quilt back is beautiful Jacquelynne! I like your choice of colors.

    Have fun with your daughter when she comes home!

  6. what a beautiful fall colored quilt. My best friend in HS quilted non-stop but I have never learned the I just enjoy yours!
