Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free Apron Pattern

This is the project that I finished last week (only took a couple of hours, once I got the embroidery done). I think it is just so darn cute, I am putting the directions on my website. CLICK HERE for the directions.
I would have loved to have worn it while I was carving my pumpkin last week, but I didn't want to get it covered with pumpkin guts! You could do this with any of the free embroidery patterns on my website, or any of your favorites, or if you don't want to embroider it, you could leave the pocket plain or use any quilt block that you like. These will come together very quickly for gifts, make them for any season (or for all the seasons- I'm already planning on doing a Christmas version.)My daughter has the day off from school today, so she has been so kind as to break out all of the fall decorations that I have been meaning to put up for about a month now. I'm even going to get her to do some baking for me today (lucky for me, this is her favorite hobby.)
And I actually did cut into that gorgeous wool that arrived the other day.... Here is the project that I started:
I have so many hand-sewing projects started, I keep saying I won't start anymore, but I do love working with wool, it's so relaxing- no edges to turn under or prep like appliquing with cottons. It's always nice to have an assortment of projects to choose to work on in the evening- when I sit down to sew, I can decide whether to do cotton applique, wool applique, embroidery, needle punch embroidery. I know this probably sounds like rationalization for having so many projects started, but I think the variety actually helps me to complete more projects, since I don't get bored.
So how many projects do you have started, and what are YOUR rationalizations/excuses?


  1. I love the apron. I don't have any excuses. I just cannot seem to get to my projects. I think it is sidetracked or procrastination, but you have inspired me. Do you embroider by hand or on a machine? I am wanting to learn to do it by hand, since my machine will not do any of that. It is just the basic sewing machine. You really do great work!

  2. What a super-cool apron...looks great!

  3. I just love everything you do! I don't think I could even pick a favorite!!!! I LOVE it ALL!

  4. I can't tell you how many projects I have going because I can't count that high. :-) I my family they all know "mom doesn't do numbers". That's why I like working with wool because you just cut out shapes and if a piece isn't right, you can cut another one. I am really interested to see what your wool project will be. The apron is really cute. I would love to make it but I don't think I could get it done by Halloween this year - but perhaps next year. :-) Thanks, Jacquelynn.
