Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Meet Millie

My latest project, which I had wanted to finish about 2 weeks ago, but you know how that goes sometimes....

My new "friend" Millie....

and her garden....

I ended up doing a lot more embroidery on it than I had originally planned, so it has taken me a little while to get it done. Hopefully it will be done this week, and the pattern will be available soon. I have a plan for a "friend" for Millie, so as soon as I get her done, I can start working on "Tillie." I can't wait to meet Tillie, I think she is going to be very fun and sweet!


  1. Just stopped by to see what you were up to. I love Millie and her garden. You do such nice work. Can't wait to see Tillie.
    Happy Quilting.

  2. Millie is so cute! I like her!

  3. Oh I love Millie and her garden. You are amazing.

  4. I love love love her and really love all the embroidery...It really makes it adorable!
    I've been thinking about you and will get a note off to you tomorrow!

  5. The embroidery is great. Can't wait to see Tillie.

  6. Millie is great! Looking forward to meeting Tillie... love the fabric colors!!

  7. Millie is gorgeous! My grandmother was Millie so it's a special name to me. :-)

  8. Millie is adorable!...and definitely worth the extra time on the embroidery!
