Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Quilt- Basket of Posies

You may remember way way back when, I was working on this project. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. Well, it is finally done. It seems like I have been working on it forever.... It is hand applique, which means that it is not a super quick project, but I think the results are well worth it- it is one of my favorite projects ever.

The pattern is available here on my website.

"God gave us memories that we may have roses in December."--J. M. Barrie


  1. I couldn't imagine making something like that. Is it very difficult because it is beautiful? Do you put beginner, intermediate, difficult on your patterns because I definately would be in the beginner stage.My dream is to one day to something like that,

  2. Your quilt turned out really nice. I love hand applique...actually I love any kind of "hand" work. It's beautiful

  3. Oh! I LOVE this! I like how the center of the flowers aren't "centered" and the color combinations are perfect! Just beautiful!.....I really need to take a class!

  4. ADORABLE! I can see why it's your favorite. It has heirloom written all over it. Enjoy!

  5. I love the brown you used & the way you used it!. . . It sets off your colors perfectly! . . . (& I can't wait to see your designs in person!)
    xo, Bren

  6. Love the new pattern ~ excellant color choices. Applique is one of my favorits and yes time consuming but so worth it!!! Kim

  7. That is so pretty! Oh I would have to hang that on a wall somewhere.
