Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday today to hubby! I won't tell you how old he is, but it is more than 30! ha ha.
On the menu tonight is pasta with shrimp, roasted red peppers and goat cheese, and garlic bread. Younger daughter is sure to make a special dessert for her daddy when she gets home from school today. Tomorrow, older daughter will be home from college to begin Spring Break, so we will probably go out tomorrow night to celebrate.

Hubby takes a lot of the photos that I put on my blog, including the ones below. He has a photo blog if you'd like to take a look at some of his work. He is quite good!

In other news, the thaw continues. We got 10" of snow on Monday and the kids had off from school for 2 days- which means they have exceeded their limit and the days will have to be made up at some time, hopefully not too far into the summer.

At least it is sunny today- something I miss in the winter is not just the warm weather, but I really miss the LIGHT. I think this is the weekend that we set clocks ahead, which means one hour less sleep on Saturday night. Usually I look forward to Daylight Savings Time, but it has come early this year and I think I will miss the light in the morning- I have a really hard time getting up in the dark! Oh well, the days are getting longer which is a very good thing. And the birds have been chirping- it warms my heart to hear their song....

Keep thinking warm thoughts! Spring is on the way!


  1. The photos are wonderful - please tell hubby - 'great job'! The one thing I do like - about living in Arizona (well . . . one of the things. . . ) - is that we do not do the 'spring forward - fall back' thing with the clocks. We just stay the same while the rest of the country shifts around us. Makes for much softer transitions into the spring & fall seasons.
    By the way - I want to tell you how cute your magazine feature is! I love the little button flowers!
    xo, Bren

  2. Happy birthday to your hubby. Photos are great. I will check out his photo blog.

  3. Happy belated birthday to your hubby!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubbie! You always describe some really good thing that you are cooking. I am coming over for dinner someday!! LOL! Yes, spring is finally on it's way. We warmed to mid 40's today here in MN and the next three days we will be in the 50's. It will feel like a heat wave. Thanks for posting about that thread some time ago. I am going to order some as it is lovely!!
