Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back Again- whewwww!

We are back from Quilt Market and..... exhausted! The show finished up at 4:00 Sunday afternoon, and originally we had planned on packing up the booth on Sunday, then staying over and driving home on Monday.... but then we found out that my daughter's 8th grade class trip to Baltimore was on Monday. So we packed up and left immediately on Sunday, drove home 6 hours from Pittsburgh to NJ, then we were back at school at 7:30 am Monday for the trip to Baltimore, which was fun (went to Inner Harbor). Now I know what it means to be running on empty! Spent today unpacking, putting stuff away... I feel like I just cannot do another thing- it's bed for me tonight at about 8:30!

Here is a photo that my husband took from the walkway over the convention center- keep in mind that this is just half of the convention hall... my booth is in there somewhere... Some photos of my booth. And as you can see, I really don't believe in minimalism- more is more if you ask me! I don't think I could have crammed one more thing into my little booth... We used some fencing and garden bench to provide more places to hang quilts...I made some cutouts of Millie, Tillie and sheep from foamcore and painted them for decorations in my booth- they came out pretty cute... Now that the show is over, they are staying in my studio to keep me company while I work...Me and my daughter... I could not have done it without her and my husband by my side the whole weekend... Thanks guys, I am infinitely grateful for your love, help, encouragement, and support....Some wonderful people I met were Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs, Lynette Anderson, and Karen Kay Buckley. Be sure to check out their sites!
A little more unpacking to do for tonight and then into my pj's! Have a good evening!


  1. Welcome home - your booth looks great! Lots of beautiful things to see and inspire. You are right - More is more! :0)

  2. Oh my goodness Jackie, the booth looked amazing! I love all the cutout foamcore you did, they turned out adorable!

    You had a busy busy few days there girl... I hope you got some sleep!

    Thanks for the kind words on my blog... I think Noelle has my eyes too! She is a dream, I tell you~♥

  3. Welcome back! Your booth looks great! I love those foamcore cut outs you made of Milly, Tilly and the sheep...very clever and cute!
    Hope you enjoy a long and restful three day weekend, you deserve it!

  4. The booth is gorgeous, love all your things displayed!

  5. I Loved you booth!. . . the fence the quilts, the artwork & especially the cutouts! It was all wonderful!
    xo, Bren
