Friday, May 29, 2009

First Formal

Quick, quick post. Younger daughter went to her first formal last night. She graduates from 8th grade in a week and a did that happen??? sniff sniff

Hope you enjoy the pictures from our "photoshoot"... It looks rather like a Seventeen magazine layout, don't you think??
Have a good weekend!


  1. Very lovely! They do grow up too fast!

  2. Oh she is so gorgeous and innocent. I have a grandaughter that is leaving 8th grade too. Today is the last day of school here.

  3. Beautiful your daughter!
    Time goes by, do you remember? Yesterday it was you...:)

  4. She is so cute! A moment you will cherish forever.

  5. She is lovely. I remember like yesterday when mine were this age. It's a special time.

  6. Beautiful girl....Just blog hopping today and enjoyed reading your blog...I am posting on our Disney trip so hope you will stop by. Also, the June giveaway starts today...all comments left in June will be in the drawing for the "June Card Box"! You will have to go down a few posts to read about the monthly giveaway. Happy Sunday!

  7. How pretty she looks! And the photo shoot setting is gorgeous. My youngest just finished 8th grade last week too! How DID that happen?

  8. Seriously, she looks like she SHOULD be in a magazine! Just beautiful!
