Friday, July 3, 2009

More Antique Quilts

Two more quilts from the exhibit we went to at Winterthur Museum about 2 years ago. Unfortunately, I do not have information about these regarding where or when they were made. I think it is interesting, though, the colors used- browns, pinks, Wedgewood (robin's egg) blue, some muted reds- do they seem familiar, like colors that have been popular in home decor over the last couple of years?This one is just stunning- reminds me of an intricate tile mosaic. I would never have the patience to tackle a project like this- but I sure do appreciate the lady(ies) who did, wonderful color choices and workmanship.
I particularly like the motifs in this one, and I like the colors. And of course, the hand quilting.
Have a good weekend- maybe you will spend a little of it creating a future heirloom??

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