Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Reason I have Been Missing From The Blog-iverse

Yes, I know I have been (in)conspicuously absent from blog world. No, I have not disappeared. But I have been up to my neck in shipping boxes, bubble wrap, and tape, trying to get ready for Fall Quilt Market in Houston, which is rapidly approaching. Everything shipped this morning, so we can reclaim the family room (for now.) Please say a little prayer for me that everything gets there in one piece and on time!


  1. I hope everything arrive safe and in time. Enjoy te market! :)

  2. Glad to see you back. I know how you feel. I ebay so I have boxes and bubble wrap everywhere too and now I am selling some quilts for my little 95 year old Granny so I have to ship them. But that is fun because it blesses her.

  3. It must be a good feeling to have everything on its way. Good luck and have a wondeful time.
