Thursday, September 10, 2009

We Like This Suitcase.... a lot

When we saw this suitcase at the flea market, it was sitting open, full to the top with old music sheets.....
What caught my eye was the "Choir Herald," dated 1915, on top of the pile. In addition to old books and hymnals, I also collect old sheet music. And since I am in the midst of working on music for our church Christmas program, I thought the choir piece might be fun to add to my collection. Maybe I could get a jump on the Easter program????
Daughter and I picked up the Choir Herald, and 3 or 4 more pieces of music that looked interesting, and we looked for the person running that booth. We looked, and waited, and looked again, but still, no one there. So I took the pieces that we had chosen and replaced them in the middle of the pile, hoping no one else would find them before we came back.

We walked around some more, and then returned to the booth. Still didn't see anyone working there. Finally, someone else shopping in the booth called over the guy working in the next booth- turns out, both booths were his and he was very busy. When I finally got a chance to speak with him, I asked him how much the music was. Usually I pay a couple of dollars for each sheet. He looked at the suitcase and said, "Just close it up and take it for $15.00" Excuse me, you want me to take the suitcase and all of the music inside for just $15.00?? Well, OK then.....
So we were pretty happy with that purchase. It was really fun to go through the case when we got it home. I may frame some of the pieces, because they are so interesting.
It was definitely a good day!


  1. WOW! What a great find! You are so lucky!

  2. Wow!, Wow!, WoW!...that is definitely a three, or more "wow" find! Love the suitcase, the great music...and the cute suitcase carrier!

  3. Wow what an incredible buy! Love the old sheet music and the suitcase was an added bonus!

  4. You have a great market, very lucky! I love to buy old things especialy with good prices!:)
