Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Award Winning Booths at Quilt Market

Some booths that won awards at Fall Quilt Market in Houston...
First Place- Single Booth- Minnick and Simpson

First Place- Double Booth- Heather Bailey

Second Place- Double Booth- Amy Butler

Best Merchandising- Sandi Henderson

And this one didn't get an award, but I think it should have- so here is my favorite booth, by Blackbird Designs. I just love everything they do design-wise, and they are very nice and friendly, too.
That's it for the Quilt Market photos. I guess I will have to come up with something else to blog about now- haha.


  1. Those booths are amazing! I can tell that this must have been a very interesting quilt show with serious quilters like yourself.

    Becky K.

  2. Thank you for sharing such great pictures! It looks like you had a wonderful time. I found your blog this morning and I have loved reading it!
