Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Very Busy/ Triple Corn Spoon Bread

Woke up at 3 am yesterday morning and realized that I hadn't taken the turkey out of the freezer yet. Panic set in, but not enough that I felt like getting out of bed to go down to the basement freezer. Note to self: take out turkey first thing in the morning. Tried to fall back to sleep. Managed to squeeze in another hour of sleep between 5 am and 6 am. Woke up, got dressed, drove to bus stop, came home, started working. Later in day spoke with hubby re: waking up at 3 am.... Crap! the turkey's still in the freezer. Slammed down phone. Took out turkey. Hope it will defrost. 17 pounds is a lot of frozen bird.

Quick recipe we like at Thanksgiving. (Very busy. Don't have time to type complete sentences.)

Triple Corn Spoon Bread

1 c. sour cream
3 T. melted butter
1 lg. egg
1/2 c. chopped onion
1  15 oz can whole kernal corn, undrained
1  14 3/4 oz can creamed corn
1  8 1/2 oz box corn muffin mix

Preheat oven to 350. Combine sour cream, butter, and egg in large bowl, stir well. Stir in onions, corn and muffin mix. Pour into 8" baking dish sprayed with Pam. Bake 1 hour till set and lightly brown. 8 servings


  1. I know the feeling, did that last year. Ended up having to defrost the bird in a bath of cold water. My daughter will love that recipe, I'm sure she will try it.

  2. I make a recipe similar to that. I put in a small can of green chilies, rather than the onions that my son in law won't eat! It's yummy.

  3. Thanks for the recipe! I will try it. I'm all about fast and easy!! Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  4. Hey there friend,

    You are too cute for words!
    I love this post~Even if the sentences aren't complete-We understand. :)

    Thank you so much for the magazine... Did you hear me yipping and yelling when I came to the page with your square on it? I think my husband thinks I have lost it! (Nahh)
    I'm just so happy for you and proud to say I know you!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving,


  5. You sound just like me. My best thinking is in the middle of the night while having a hot flash! The recipe sounds great! I will have to try this one! Happy Thanksgiving.
