Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas to Me!

I got my biopsy report today:
Fragments of bladder mucosa with hypertrophy of smooth muscle.
There is no evidence of malignancy.

Thank God, Thank God. I have something called a leiomyoma, probably on my uterus. I am trying to make an appointment with a gynecologist/surgeon. The first available I could get was January 25, and I'd probably have to wait until March for surgery. (But then again, I've really had enough of doctors lately, and I could use a break..........) So, it's not over yet, but now I can enjoy Christmas knowing that I do not have cancer. Again, Thank God, Praise God, Hallelujah!!!

I just wanted to say, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has given me such kind words and encouragement. It has meant more to me than I can ever say.......
And a very blessed season to you all. The Savior is here. God keeps His promises......


  1. PRAISE THE LORD! Wahoo for you! I am so glad there is no cancer, and that you can enjoy your wonderful holiday!

  2. Have a blessed Christmas and a peace-filled New Year. You have been truly blessed.

  3. Oh Hurray Hurray! I am so very glad to hear the news!
    Come to my blog and celebrate by entering in a giveaway. I plan to make the box extra special along with the item I am showing.

  4. I'am so happy for you...Yahoo..In 2003 I had a 2 pound tumor (non Miligant) on my uterus..they removed it (uterus and tumor) and I told them to take my cervix..Still have the ovaries. I am so happy for you...it is such a relief I know. God gave you that peace while you were waiting and you waited in peace and the news was outstanding..What a wonderful Christmas and New Year and everything else for you... *.*.*.* (thats jumping up and down)(hugs) Lisa

  5. I am so happy for you. Merry Christmas.

  6. Praise God! WE thak you Father for this good news.
    Have a Blessed Christmas

  7. What good news! Have a very happy Christmas!

  8. I'm so happy for you. What a wonderful Christmas present! Praise the Lord!

  9. Wonderful!!!! God Bless you friend!! Celebrate, rejoice, give thanks!!

  10. Wonderful news. Praise the Lord! Wishing you a Merry Christmas :-)

  11. The best news possible!!! Yay!
    I am so happy for you and your family!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!!

    Becky K.

  12. What wonderful news! Praise be to God! Enjoy a wonderful, blessed Christmas!

  13. So happy to hear you got such good news and didn't have to wait until after the long Christmas weekend! I've been praying for you. God is certainly good!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family,


  14. Bless you and Merry Christmas

  15. Great news! I am so glad for you. May you and your family have a joyful Christmas and a wonderful new year.

  16. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallleeeeeluuuujah!!!! Sang in my highest opera voice. :)

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus!!!!

    Merry Christmas Jackie!

  17. Praise the Lord...I'm soooo happy for you. Enjoy Christmas with your family!


  18. Just in time for Christmas!! I thought about you and prayed the past few days!! Praise the Lord, I'm so glad it is good news!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  19. So glad to hear this news. Have a blessed holiday.

  20. That is so great!!! What a relief! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  21. Wonderful, wonderful news!!
    Merry Christmas!

  22. So glad to read your happy news!(I'll be praying for your year ahead with the impending surgery.)
    Hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas together!

  23. Yuuupi!Congratulations!
    I only came to see you today and I didn't know anything.Praise the Lord!
    Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy everything.:)

  24. I am praising the Lord for your report! I am so thankful that it's not cancer. What a wonderful Christmas present. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful holiday with your family.

  25. Thank the Lord. I am just now catching up on some blog reading and found this. All I can say is Thank you Lord.
