Friday, February 26, 2010

The Cutest Thing EVER EVER.......

OK prepare yourselves.... this is without a doubt.....
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Told ya so...........

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cutting Up

This is what I have been "cutting into" lately- wool (working on making some new pins), and this fabric line called "Oz" by Sanae for Moda Fabrics.
I am also working on some painting, and YIKES- my block of the month arrived in the mail a week ago and I haven't touched it yet- this may be the month that I fall behind! All in all, I have no less than 5 projects going right now.... have a quilt top ready to go to the quilter.... I am going to try to get another quilt done this weekend so I can take that one to the quilter, too (don't know how far I'll really get on that, but it's good to have big goals!)

I've added a couple of kits to the website-
Pattern and fabrics for "Tickled Pink" quilt- regularly $45.00, now $39.00 (only 1 in stock.) SOLD

I also have 2 kits in stock to make wool pins- each kit makes 2 pins, and includes the pattern, wool, fabric, buttons, pin backs and thread.

Hopefully, I will have 1 or 2 new patterns to show you by next week. Is it really Wednesday already- time to get back to work!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Last week I went up to New York City for a business meeting. Some of the sights.......
As you can see, a really busy place, but what you can't tell from the photos is how loud it is.

While walking back to the train station I saw this sign, and since I had plenty of time before my train, I just had to stop in.....
World's Largest Store- who could resist???
There are 9 floors of shopping- I had to see what was on every floor. I rode this "dinosaur" to the 9th floor.
I also made time to stop at a local bakery and pick up some dessert (Tiramisu and chocolate cake) to take home to the family, but I forgot to photograph it before we ate it... believe me when I tell you it was yummy.
Have a great Monday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Smile, It's Friday

Some cuteness to get your weekend off to a great start! These are short- watch and laugh...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Makin' Do in the Kitchen- "Almost" Homemade Applesauce

Here is something I like to make when I have ripe fruit I want to use up, like pears, plums or bananas. It also works great with frozen fruit like blueberries, raspberries, peaches, or cranberries, if you just want to jazz up plain old applesauce. And it is a lot easier than baking when that fresh fruit is ready to go bad any second.... (And you don't need a lot of fruit, because we will be adding jar applesauce later on.)

Start with some apples, if you have them. Add some pears or plums if you have them. Here I just had a Gala apple and a Granny Smith apple, so I chopped them up and threw them in the pot (I leave the skins on. Extra fiber, and extra easy.)
I added some frozen cranberries, and just a little water. Start to cook them down. If you are using very soft berries, like blueberries or raspberries, cook the apples a little first before you add the berries. If you are using bananas, wait till the very end to add them..

Add as much sugar as you want. You can also use brown sugar, honey, or Splenda, or any combination of those. Cranberries will obviously will need a little more sugar than other fruits. Cinnamon and nutmeg are good, and ginger is delicious. Cook until the fruit is soft.

Now add some applesauce from a jar. I like to use plain unsweetened applesauce, so I can control the sweetness.

Now continue to cook until everything is cooked down. I like to leave the applesauce chunky. If you want smaller chunks, use a potato masher, or if you want it super smooth use a blender or food processor.
Don't you just love the color of this? Gorgeous!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Digging Out (again.....)

We got another huge snow storm Tuesday night and all day Wednesday. This time the snow was not light and fluffy like Saturday's storm, but it was slushy and heavy, almost impossible to shovel. I don't know how much we got this time, probably about 18" (frankly, I am tired of keeping count). Thank goodness our neighbor came and spent an hour with his tractor plowing us out again (daughter made him a lovely chocolate cake from scratch as a thank you.) If he hadn't come by, I think we'd be snowed in until April.

Hubby took some great photos (I took photos too, but mine stink next to his.)

I put out lots of bird seed. The birds had a feeding frenzy all during the storm, sometimes they were very aggressive and unpolite towards each other! Kitty staked out her spot by the window early and spent the whole day there, watching the scene. Some mourning doves decided to roost right on the window sill, can't you just imagine what Kitty is thinking (Come here, little friends, I want to eat you.....)

Of course, Daisy took her job "patrolling" the yard very seriously- she is such a hard little worker!

Oh Spring, Spring- where are you?
We anxiously await your arrival......

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daughter!

My youngest daughter turned 15 today! And as luck would have it, she got to stay home from school for a second snow day since this past weekend's storm. Now, tonight we are supposed to get another foot of snow.... so I am thinking she won't have school tomorrow either!!!! And since she goes to school in the middle of the city, the streets probably won't be cleared for Thursday either..... AND she was already scheduled for a 4 day weekend this coming weekend (off Friday and Monday), so when all is said and done, she may be home from school for over a week.... had I known this, I would have planned a trip to Florida for all of us this week, looks like we wouldn't have missed much (except shovelling out our long drive way...)

We were supposed to go out tonight for her birthday, but with the storm forecasted for tonight, we thought it best to go out last night, just in case. We picked up older daughter from her college dorm and went to the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite!!! - oh and birthday girl's favorite, too).

To make things a little more interesting, two guys just a couple of tables over from us were arrested during dinner! But it happened so quietly that we didn't even notice until they were lead out the back door in handcuffs right past our table! So of course, we spent the rest of dinner trying to figure out what they had done to get arrested..... I told the waitress that I hoped they had left her a good tip before they were taken away!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weekend Plans

Well- we are hunkered down for another huge snow storm. It started last night, and it's still coming down and the wind is a-whippin'. Even so, I have some serious plans for the weekend.....
I went to the library the other day and got piles of movies, and went to the store and stocked up on snacks (looks like we may not make it out to the Super Bowl party that we got invited to.....). There is stitching to be done, and many cups of tea to be drunk......

We live in the pink area- the one labelled 18" - 24" ....
Daughter decided she didn't want to be without television, so she ventured out to clear off the dish

(Isn't she cute???? My little "Laura Ingalls")
Also, we noticed last night that the batteries for the Wii remote were almost dead, so hubby braved the elements and went out in the storm to the corner store for more AA's (at least we have our priorities in order....)

Stay warm where ever you are and have a great weekend.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day!
And also, Happy Birthday to my Dad!

(These photos were taken in our yard- did you know groundhogs can climb trees??)
To go to the post where the photos and fairly humorous explanation originally appeared, click here.