Sunday, February 21, 2010


Last week I went up to New York City for a business meeting. Some of the sights.......
As you can see, a really busy place, but what you can't tell from the photos is how loud it is.

While walking back to the train station I saw this sign, and since I had plenty of time before my train, I just had to stop in.....
World's Largest Store- who could resist???
There are 9 floors of shopping- I had to see what was on every floor. I rode this "dinosaur" to the 9th floor.
I also made time to stop at a local bakery and pick up some dessert (Tiramisu and chocolate cake) to take home to the family, but I forgot to photograph it before we ate it... believe me when I tell you it was yummy.
Have a great Monday.


  1. I cannot believe you ate the dessert before I got home and then kept silent about it so I wouldn't know... you owe me tiramisu.

    Eldest Daughter.

  2. I've been to Macy's. What a store. Christmas time is the best to visit. Thanks for the little tour.

  3. I'm glad you had a nice time and got to check out Macy's.

    I haven't been to NYC since I was in Kindergarten. Now that has been a while!

    Becky K.

  4. I can't believe you ate that dessert before your eldest daughter got home-Bahahahaha! She is so cute with her comment!

    I have never been to NYC-I'm so excited that you were there on business! How cool is that?

    Tim and I were just talking about all the places we want to see-We are writing a list.

    Have a great week-I'll be here all week if you get a free moment call me~


  5. We visited NYC a few years ago (tourists w/ our cameras and all!) It WAS noisy! But there were so many interesting things/people to see!
    Didn't visit Macy's though.....will have to do it next time!

  6. I loved seeing your pictures from NYC. My daughter is desperate to go there and is trying to convince me that I would like it there too! I am more of a 'country mouse' than a 'town mouse'. A day in London is enough for me. Glad you enjoyed the dessert but you definately need to go back and buy more to share with your poor daughter. LOL.

  7. That escalator looks like the one in our Macy's here in Spokane--it's a dinosaur, too! I guess the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" means something at Macy's.
