Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Good Egg Giveaway

Sandi over at A Legacy of Stitches is REALLY a "good egg"! She has organized a HUGE giveaway opportunity for you!
Hop on over to this special blog called Hoppin' Good Eggs she has set up and you will find links to all of the giveaway participants. There are 30 participants- THAT'S 30 GIVEAWAYS FOR YOU TO ENTER!!!!!!!

I will be giving away this collection of 10 gorgeous fat-eighths from the Floral Collection by Lecien. So romantic and antique-ish, they are perfect for any spring project you can dream up.

The winner will also receive a pin with a spring basket design, hand-painted with water colors by yours truly.

To enter, leave a comment here and tell me the name of someone who has inspired or encouraged you. Maybe it was a parent or teacher, or a fellow blogger, or even someone whom you've never met but whose courage or values have inspired you. I will ship internationally, so everyone is welcome to enter. PLEASE make sure I can contact you through a blogger account, or leave your email address in the comment! Comments must be posted by midnight Eastern time on March 28.

Let me tell you about a few "good eggs" that I know......
Sandi, who is sponsoring this giveaway blog hop, featured me as her very first blogger of the week, way back when. If you will go to Sandi's blog, you will find her generosity astounding. She always has free patterns and goodies to give away, she organizes retreats, and she volunteers at women's prisons. She is one busy lady! But very very kind and she has a big heart.

Brenda, at Acorn Quilt and Gift Company, has also been very generous to me with her time, advice, and wisdom. When I first started out in the quilt designing business, Brenda took me under her wing and gave me tons and tons of invaluable advice. I love her kind heart. I look forward to seeing her in Minneapolis in May for International Quilt Market!

Finally, Robin, at The Robin's Nest, a wonderful friend. We met through our blogs (I can't remember who found who's first or how, but somehow we managed to find each other!) and though we live on opposite sides of the country (she in Washington, me in New Jersey) we have managed to become "soul sistas".  You will love her fun craft ideas and fabulous photography.

OK that's it for this post. Good luck on the giveaway, and make sure to check out all of the great blogs I have mentioned here.


  1. My greatest inspiration in life has always been my grandmother. I moved in with her in the middle of the night in 7th grade, while my parents were in chaos, and didn't leave until I was all grown up. She inspired all my creative endeavors with love and encouragemenht, always. She still does, but from heaven now.

  2. The person that has inspired me the most is my Mom. She has always been able to do the most with so little. She is the one who first taught me to sew and is now the one who I love to show anything that I'm working on. In her eyes, it is always beautiful, no matter what it is. Can't ask for anything better than that.

  3. Lovely fabrics and pin! My husband is always encouraging me to do whatever it is that I am holding back on at the moment. I never would have started my own website had it not been for his encouragement and support. He always knows what will make me happy and really keeps me going! What a blessing!

    And of course Sandi...she's something else!

    I hope you'll stop by and enter my Good Egg giveaway too!


  4. Sandi is one of my biggest inspirations in the crafting world. She got me "hooked" on wool applique and I love it! I was fortunate to have wonderful elementary school teachers and they inspired me to such an extent that I became an elementary school teacher for part of my career. (Retired now.) I love those fabrics you are offering in this giveaway.

  5. My one Great Inspirer is a good friend of mine. I met her last year, and we bonded alot through shared experiences. Late in the year she was diagnosed with a mental disorder, and she's been fighting it ever since. But no one can tell she's fighting... her inner strength awes me. Even now I don't understand how... ...

  6. My main quilting inspiration has been Cindy Blackberg, my first teacher. The main thing of value that I learned was about color and fabric pattern and that has inspired me greatly. She pushed me forward in too many ways to mention here. She showed me that you can get what you want if you work hard towards the goal.

  7. One of the greatest inspirations is my own sister. She is a single parent of three teen boys and she works hard for everything never taking a single hand out. She is proud and getting ready to do another ironman! I seriously don't know how she does it working full time and all to boot!
    So...when I think I can't do it all I just need to think of sis!

  8. The person who inspired me to get started in the quilting world is my friend Pam. She loaned me a bunch of her old quilting magazines and it opened a whole new world to me. We've also taught some workshops together and she always has lots of good ideas to share.

  9. I love your gifts. I'm in the giveaway too so be sure to pop over to my blog to enter.
    My mom is my greatest inspiration, and also my husband who is also my greatest cheerleader. And of course my grandchildren inspire me always.

  10. My very first inspiration in my life came from a nun, Sister Marie. She was my 8th grade teacher and I loved her. was a very naieve girl thinking the world was a bowl full of cherries, she became my confidont (sp?) when I was really having terrible times at home so I toast "Sister Marie" as my first inspiration. In my crafting I would have to say Sandi for all the knowledge she has and a lady who probably does not even know this but we know her as "Rebecca". I hope you have a wonderful Easter. I am also on the good egg path so please feel free to enter on my blog.

  11. Hello! I'm hopping by - it's so nice to meet you - your blog is inspiring :)
    Two little angels that I've met in the blogging world are Mary from Quilt Hollow and Jackie from Canton Village Quilters. They both offered their quilting services free of charge when we were doing a comfort quilt for a friend in need last year. Their work was beautiful and they couldn't have been more accommodating! I have met so many sweet souls here in blog land - on my difficult days they have brought me joy!

    Your fabric is beautiful - thank you for the chance to win :)

  12. My parents inspired me to work hard, my Mom taught me to sew and my grandmothers taught me crafting. I am very blessed! I love your pin and fabric choices! Have a happy day!

  13. Oooh, love the fabrics AND the pin! I'm most inspired and encouraged by our Wednesday DayStitchers quilting group, which coincidentally Sandi started up years ago! Quilting friends (and crafting friends) are the best! Thanks for the give-away.

  14. I can remember my Year five teacher Mrs Gibson was my favourite teacher. We girls used to do embroidery while the boys were outside playing sport. I just loved those days.
    Happy days.

  15. My greatest inspiration was my Dad. He was hard-working, honest and the kindest person I know. I see a lot of him in my son, which is wonderful. My inspirations for sewing come from my bee-they are all so talented.

  16. Hi, up until she passed away last September, my dear old mum was my greatest inspiration and biggest fan and always offered support and encouragement. She would've loved your giveaway. Please come on over and enter mine. Happy Easter and good luck everyone. Hugs Naomi

  17. Funny that you should ask that question! I just did a post on my blog on Monday about Susan Elliot, a truely talented and lovely woman who creates the most wonderful art. You can read about it here if you are interested: Your giveaway is lovely. So romantic and springy. Exactly my style! Happy spring to you!

  18. My greatest inspiration was my grandmother. Throughout a very rough childhood, she was my anchor who taught me to crochet and quilt. Wonderful giveaway, come and enter mine.

  19. I am inspired by Bonnie Hunter who is so giving and generous and inspiring in her love for quilting and traditional designs. I want to be like her when I grow up!
    In my real life, my Mom has been very inspiring, working full time while raising 4 children and caring for elderly relatives, and staying positive and fun through it all!

  20. Someone who inspired me. Well there are lots, but a girl named Amy was a huge inspiration to me. When I was diagnosed with cancer, in my darkest hours, she was my hospital roommate. She was so positive and uplifting, gave me the courage to beat the cancer.

  21. I would have to say the one person who has always supported and inspired me is my Momma. She has overcame such adversity in her life. She lost everything she owned in Hurricane Katrina, but she took it with such grace. Thanks for the opportunity to win such great fabric!

    Happy Quilting!

  22. Lovely giveaway! Mum started me off early with embroidery - and from there it was knitting, crochet, sewing ... I also had a young colleague, Mona, who dared me to try new things. I learnt a lot from her.

  23. My mom is no longer alive, but is with me always in spirit. She had great faith and taught me how to love the Lord and trust His plan. She was a sewer and quilter. She made all our clothes as children, my 2 prom dresses and my wedding dress. I am so excited to discover your blog and free stitchery designs. Even if I don't win the beautiful fabric, I am a winner because I found you. Happy Easter!

  24. I have had the opportunity to be inspired by many people in my life. The first was my grandmother, she was a wonderful women, raised by her grandmother as she was a child of divorce in the late 1890's. She ignored all the talk, became a very generous, caring, educated, independent women. She taught me to quilt when I was a small child, as she worked with my great Aunts to get quilts ready for church, charity & other family members. My second inspiration came from my parents who taught seven children we could do anything if we set our minds to the job, worked hard and asked for help when it was necessary. As a person with dsylexia I learned to adapt often! And I would say my third inspiration came from a man I never met, Justice Loius Brandeis and the University named for him. AT a time when very few schools would allow adults into classes Brandies did, I learned a great deal there both academically, but more so personally. I love the fact they teach their students people first! To always think in terms of what we can give back to whatever community we live in! It is so important to remember this!

  25. My quilting has been most effected by Fons and Porter. Love their magazine and tv show.

  26. What a lovely post, Jacquelynne! I will be visiting Spring Market so perhaps we can meet in person! I would love to win that fabric but, as the hop hostess, my name can't be added to the drawing. I can tell you that the most inspiring teacher I had was Mrs. Parr, my music teacher. I did a post about her a week or so ago. She was so encouraging and such a beautiful lady. There were lots of women in my life that encouraged from my grandma to my mom to my quilting friens nearby and all the wonderful bloggers that I've met in the last two years. I appreciate and am blessed to know or have known each one of them!

  27. The great inspiration in life has always been and is still is my mother, from sewing, knitting, crochet, needlework, especially cross stitch, and at hope to enter soon also in the worl of quilting. Have a nice afternoon. villa-loredana.

  28. My children are my biggest inspiartion! I love to see the world thru their eyes! Everything is new and life is good! As It is with God!


  29. My greatest inspirations in both sewing & life in genreal have been my 2 grandmothers. One from a very small rural farm setting and the other from a large city setting. Guess you could say I had the best of both worlds:) Both were Christians and both were very family orienated, but both at times were forced, due to economical situations, to work outside of the home, but only for short spurts. Both lived to be in their mid 90s. So I was very blessed to have spent many years learning from them. I can only hope that I offer the same expereinces and memories to my grandchildren :)

  30. Martha Pullen has inspired me both on a personal and business level.
    She puts her faith first and foremost even in her business. She has a way of talking to people like they are the only person in the room, even when there are 20 people waiting to talk to her next.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely gift.

  31. I have a friend that has gotten me back in to knitting and lots of other friends and blogger's that keep my spirits up. They are all needed in my life.

    Love your giveaway.

  32. As I am sure it is with a lot of people, my mother was a great inspiration to me. She never finished high school but went on to become the President of the Board of a mental health organization here in Phila which does a lot of good work. So she has inspired me that you can do anything you put your mind to.

  33. I was always going to find the right guy & get married after high school but a nun I worked with in my after school job as a nurse's aid called my mother & told her I had to go to nursing school!!!!! I did and i've been a nurse for 40 years!!! I'll never forget her.

  34. My greatest inspiration is my mom. She always knew what she wanted to do in life, and even though it took her longer than she wanted to achieve all that she dreamed of, she is certainly on her way. I admire her for all of her hard work, perseverance, and wisdom that's guided me through all my years of life. She is an talented artist, smart businesswoman, caring friend, amazing mother and a Noble Wife...
    Though I guess since I'm related to the person running this contest, I'm out of the running.

    Oh well :)

    Eldest Daughter

  35. My sister inspires me, a beautiful, giving lady who I have always looked up too. She makes me want to become a better person.
    Your fats are lovely.

  36. Ceicle my teacher has helped me so much tells me Im like a sponge learning so much, and I have enjoyed this hobby.. and the new people Im meeting the yahoo group the friendship never tires answering my questions and again been so helpful

    sherrall the newbie


  37. My mother is an inspiration to me. She does a great job balancing serving her church, family, and others.

  38. To not-so-anonymous eldest daughter:
    My heart is melting. You make me so proud and I admire YOU. You don't need a contest- everything I have is yours, anyway.
    Love, Mom

  39. I was inspired by my Aunt Flo, who helped raise me, she never stopped or even slowed down and always kept a great sense of humor.

  40. My Mother is the person who has endlessly and continuously encouraged and inspired me. She will be ninety years old next month and she is still an amazing woman. She has always practiced that if you can't say something good about another person, you should not say anything.

  41. There have been many who inspire me. I guess my mom and grandmothers have inspired me to develop talents.
    Hope you have a great day.

  42. Both of my grandmothers were an inspiration. They made do with so little to raise their families in comfort and safety.

  43. My friend Carol who is a very giving person. She inspires me to always try to be good and giving.

  44. My greatest inspiration has been Cindy from JustCindy. She is so multitalented and comes up with the best projects. Thank you for the chance to win.

  45. Several quilters whose blogs I follow keep me inspired. Quilters are a wonderful group of people. Your giveaway is very nice. Please include me. Thank you. Happy Easter.


  46. My artistic inspiration has always been from my mom. She is very artistic and creative person and she always encouraged me to be creative as well.

  47. my mother was my biggest influence because she praised all efforts and exposed me to so many different types of crafts. she also subscribed to making something out of nothing and it has influenced my creativity.i also enjoy being exposed to new and different types of crafts and the learn as you go tutorials that are common on the internet.

  48. My Mom is my sweet find joy in all things. I am HOPPIN to win this cute bundle...thanks for the chance. XXX

  49. Beautiful fabric! I think my sister is my greatest inspiration - she is an amazing Christian and the most tenacious prayer warrior I've ever known. She prayed for my brother every single day of her life for 50 years and 6 months ago at the age of 62 he was baptized! blessings, marlene

  50. My greatest source of inspiration was my cousin Peg. As a child, I always wanted to do what she was doing. I've learned needlework, cross-stitch, and crocheting from her. Wish I could convert her to quilting:) Thanks for participating in the bunny hop! Fun!

  51. My sister Earlynne. She has helped me with my quilting, and sewing. She is my best friend.

    Sandy K

  52. My parents have inspired me the most... My mother....a woman of very few words.....through necessity my mother could make the most out of very little...My father his values and wisdom..thankyou for the chance to enter your Good Egg Giveaway...Warm Regards Lyn

  53. for some reason I can not get my comment to take, one more try

    my good eggs

    My Mother for she taught me to sew. She made the most beautiful quilts and gave most of her work away.

    Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs, she is a wonderful quilt designer and has a great blog where she has a free BOM

  54. There are so many inspiring bloggers out there in the craft & quilt world, I wouldn't know where to start. But all this would not mean anything to me if it hadn't been for my grandma, mum and sister who all liked & participated in any number of crafts, very often for charity events. I never felt that creative, but can now appreciate 'my' own style and just can't be without some knitting or sewing for long.

  55. Oh those fabrics are just too beautiful! My Nana has been gone for almost 30 years but she is with me every day of my life. Like a little elf sitting on my shoulder giving me encouragement and love.

  56. Great giveaway! Please count me in! I am encouraged by comments on my blog and my family.

  57. My dad has always inspired me to be the person that I am. He has been a hard worker his whole life and always honest about everything.

  58. What a fabulous giveaway, the fabric is beautiful. My
    dh inspires me everyday.

  59. My great-grandma's name was Mabel, but I called her Nana! She taught me how to embroider starting with cross stitch on gingham aprons. She encouraged my creativity and filled my heart with love.

  60. I am inspired by all the bloggers out there who are not afraid to give it all a go..... they amaze me with the wonderful creations that come up with and share with us all...

    Cath's Blog

    Cath Ü

  61. I have to say my mother has been a great inspiration to me...

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  62. My friend and former colleague, Sandi, inspires me. She is always up for an adventure and doesn't let anything stand in the way of reaching her dreams. We have so much fun together, despite our 20+ year age difference.

  63. What a generous giveaway!
    I already have ideas for that fabric. My greatest inspiration is my Mom of course, she gave a me my love of crafts and has just recently inspired me to quilt!

  64. My mother was my greatest inspiration she was always there for me end I miss her everyday she went home to be with Jesus 5 years ago April 15th.

  65. My mom taught me so much about crafting, cooking and life but I'd have to say the Holy Spirit is my greatest inspiration. When I come up with an idea I feel inspired and encouraged within~Whether anybody else around me thinks what I am designing is good or not-I always feel happy within myself for trying.
    Does this make sense soul sista? My husband comes in second in the encouragement department(most the time!)
    You are not only a great inspiration to me, you help me "try to" stay on track with my crafting! Thanks so much for that and for mentioning me in this post-So so sweet!
    Wow!You've gotten alot of comments!!!!

    P.S. Eldest daughter melted my heart!!!

  66. My Aunt Alice was a great inspiration in my life. Thanks for the wonderful give away!

  67. My Mom was a self taught quilter and oh so talented' She tried to get me involved but I was raising 5 kids and just couldnt find the time. Kids are all grown and DH and I moved here to DE where I metPat--A Little bit of this and a Little bit of Pat. She was a new quilter but so talented and inspiring. She got me interested and continues to help when I need it. I also will be ever grateful to her for teaching me how to blog, I have met and made so many friends along this wonderful journey

  68. One of my quilt buddies has been a great inspiration to me. And has made many quilts and gives me encouragement with the projects that I make. She is a dear friend.

  69. I am inspired by all the women I come in contact with on these blogging pages. I come away with something from each person. It's amazing. And the new friends are just a delightful benefit. Thank you to all.

  70. My mother inspires me, she had a very rough child hood and has managed to over come that adversary, move on and raise five children, she took care of both of my grandmothers when they got sick, kept them out of hospitals, nursing homes and kept them where thy wanted to be. She took care of my Father who suffered from AlS, she took care of tow sisters who died of cancer, and is presently suffering from Macular Degeneration which is causing her to lose he eye sight. She has faced all these trials with grace and continues to keep a good attitude and help people when she can. I only hope that some day i will be as strong and giving as her.

  71. My greatest inspiration was my mom as she passed on her love of sewing and quilting!! She taught me how to sew and embroider at a very young age and always put up with my mess! She has been gone for over 32 years and I still miss her!
    Thanks for throwing my name into your Easter Give Away!!

  72. I'm inspired by my fellow quilter Dahn who challenges me to do non-traditional quilting and by Ruth who owns the local quilt store and is so enthusiastic about what people are making.

  73. Several blog friends have inspired me and I go to their blogs first thing each day. A great giveaway and I sure "hop" I win it!

  74. my grandmother whostayed with me after death of Mother, she's always watching out for me! But also "NIENIE" because this young women could've just pulled the blankets over her head----- She's amazing

  75. Hi, greatest inspiration, difficult alot of fine people have inspired me so far. I would narrow it down to my mother and my best friend both sadly are gone now, 2 wonderful ladies. The 3rd would be a dear art teacher, who I think is still alive. All 3 had great faith in me and encouraged me to do my best and see beauty around me. It has been a challenge--sometimes!
    Thank you so much for having a give away, your gifties look gorgeous! Sharonj.

  76. I love these Lecien fabbies! Your pin is lovely & I would wear it proudly.
    My friend, Pam, has always been my biggest inspiration. We've known each other nearly 60 years now. She's gone through so many trails and always comes out smiling with a word of encouragment for all. She's been my rock so many times. What a blessing!

    omashee at msn dot com

  77. What lovely fabrics and a beautiful pin you have have quite a talent. Thank you for the giveaway fun. I have had a lot of inspirations in my life, but my mother has been a teacher for 37 years, and she was my inspiration for going into the profession, too.

  78. My greatest inspirations have been my grandmothers. One was a great quilter and one a great cook.

  79. As I go older I see how much my mom has inspired me. Growing up my dad was usually working and my mom was the one that had to do the farm chores with our help of course along with taking care of the housework and us kids. She was always willing to show us how to do things whether it be farm chores or housework. She was always willing to play games with us too even though I'm sure she would have liked to just sit down and relax once in a while. She was a great mom to have.

  80. My inspiration was my grandmother. She taught me to sew on her treadle machine. I am lucky enough to still have it. She worked hard taking care of my grandfather for nine years after he had a stroke. She was a remarkable lady.

  81. There are two quilt bloggers that I find so inspiring: Bumble Beans ( and Exuberant Color ( Both of these women are pushing me beyond my quilt comfort zones with their unique views of color and designs!

  82. I have been blessed with many wonderful people in my life that have inspired me - my mother and grandmother have always made me want to be the best I can be.
    Thanks for hosting a lovely spring giveaway. Your winner will create something beautiful with your fabrics.
    Warmest regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  83. Jacquelynne, when you said to comment about someone who has inspired you my first thought was of Sandi and how generous she is with her heart. She also mentioned to me what a wonderful person you are!! Thanks for playing along and offering such gorgeous fabrics as a prize.

  84. Happy Easter, Jacquelynne! I am fortunate that there have been many inspirational people in my life, but the most inspirational would have to be my Mum. Sadly. she passed away last October (cancer) but how she dealt with it was an inspiration to all who knew her. She never doubted that God was taking care of her, never blamed him, and her faith only grew. She lived what she believed.

  85. My sister has been such a joy to have in my life, I have 3 sisters actually and the older we get the more we seem to recognize the inspiration we receive from each other. What would I do without my sisters. thanks for the giveaway. Would just love the beautiful fabrics that you have offered.

  86. My grandmother was my greatest inspiration. What a beautiful person she was...I miss her very much. Your giveaway is beautiful, thanks for the chance to win. Happy Easter & Happy Spring to you!

  87. I dont have "one" person, but a generation..The pioneers, the men and ladies that did things the way they should do them...God, Family, Earth, Home, Neighbors...good life.
    Thank you for participating..

  88. My greatest inspiration in my life was my mother, she was a lady and and so kind and the best Mother there was. Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway.

  89. Lovely fabrics!
    Blogland is a real inspiration to me. You have lovely patterns!
    And Jutta was the one encouraging me to start my own blog too and still is a great encouragement.

  90. I became paralyzed with MS 3 years ago, before that I was a pre-k teacher. I was devastated when I couldn't even move my hand to run my wheelchair. My strength came from my husband who convinced me that God hadn't turned on me, he just wanted me to go in another direction. Now, I am able to use a walker on good days, otherwise I am in my wheelchair but I have become a crochet teacher, a quilt teacher, make caps and scarfs for our Sioux Reservation here in South Dakota. So even though this was a rough road I wouldn't have changed the outcome for anything. Sorry this is so long, but it is honestly the truth and I felt I needed to tell it. Please put me in your drawing and I have signed up to follow you.

    Take care and Good Luck everybody!


  91. I would say that one of the greasted inspirations to me was my best friends mother, she died early but she is the one that has inspired me to quilt...

  92. My Mom was a huge inspiration in my life she kept my sister and I busy during school holidays teaching us to knit,sew,crochet,bake,cook, and to follow our passion in life.At school the nun's taught us quilting teacher Bev, the most amazing lady taught me so much, Im forever grateful to these wonderful women and to all the women in blogland who inspire me daily.

  93. Iam fairly new to Blogland and I have been inspired by so many but I guess if I had to name just one it would be Sheila who got my started in this fasinating world of cyber space

  94. I would have to say it was my dear mother and grandmother who inspired me. my mother tought me to sew & crochet, my grandmother got me interested in quilting, as I remember her sewing quilts many years ago for Christmas gifts for the family.Very cherished memories for me.

  95. My mom was a great inspiration to me. She got me into quilting and we used to go on the best road trips together. She is gone now and I miss her so much.
    Your spring fabric is so pretty, and that pin is just amazing.
    Thanks for being in the blog hop.

  96. My first inspiration is always my mother. She is tough, feisty and smart and is an inspiration. Maybe its rubbed off because my granddaughter has nicknamed me "Feisty Bear". thanks for the giveaway.

  97. My Mum and Grammie-the major inspirations in my life-who taught me I would never be bored as long I was creating with my hands.

  98. My mother-in-law is the person in my life who encourages me the most. She is an incredible person. She always tells me she knows I can do it - no matter what "it" is. :) Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  99. The person whom I admired and who inspired me is my maternal grandmother. She was kind, caring
    and non judgemental (very difficult in our country to find!)

  100. The person that inspires me is my eldest daughter. She is a wife, mother, and budding Christian. She has inspired me through this time of trouble that I am going through, and she is beginning the process of an African adoption, which I admire her greatly for. She is turning into a daughter of ones dreams.

  101. someONE who inspired me ... there isn't just ONE - my mom (HOMEmaking), my daughter Sarah (courage), my DAD (patriotism), my cousin Nancy (quilting), my husband (encouragement)

  102. How fun, I already follow some of the Bunny Hop Eggs, like you, for instance.
    Who inspires me?
    My grandchildren. I am always thinking of how to help them remember me, since we all live away from each other.
    My husband. He is the sweetest person I have ever known.
    My family. They are such good cheerleaders
    Fellow bloggers. There are so many. You should see my google reader. If I read all of the subscriptions I have there, I would never get a chance to leave the computer. But I have learned so much.
    My faith. I love that I can go worship each week and feel the Spirit, repent and thank my Heavenly Father and His Son for the sacrifice they gave us.
    Happy Easter

  103. My mom was my inspiration. She always could make something out of nothing.

  104. A DF is my greatest source of inspiration. She is always challenging me with new ideas and encouraging me to push on and reach my goals.

    Your fabrics are lovely. Oh how I'd love to create a beauty with them! Thank you for holding this giveaway.


  105. There are so many people who have inspired me in life. It would be hard to choose just one. My grandmother and mother inspired me in my early years of sewing. Several of my coworkers inspired me greatly in my nursing career as well as many, many of my patients. In blogging I am inspired dairly by so many creative and helpful people who drive me to levels that I would never accomplish on my own initiative.

  106. Hi and greetings from Western Australia. I love your banner; the Lord is good. Someone who inspired me was my mum who always made me believe I could do anything I wanted to. Thanks for making this possible. Sam (Sandra)

  107. My Mom amd my Gramma were my inspirations in my life. Sadly both are gone but they live on every day in their values and teachings, both loved to craft and indulge in needle work, paint and draw.
    Thank you for the chance to win.


  108. Hopping on the Bunny trail,such lovely fabrics. Of course it was my mum :-) Please come and join my give away draw too, if you have already thanks, I will be replying to all comments when I have the time.

  109. My sister is an inspiration to me. She has a very open and generous heart and always see good in everyone, even when it seems impossible. She makes me try that much harder to be a better person.

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Easter!

  110. I agree with you about Sandi. She is indeed a LADY, generous, caring, and talented. I think the person who influenced me most was my 9th grade Algebra teacher. She taught me that if I applied myslf I could accomplish just about anything if I stuck with it and really worked hard. I used that knowledge to get my Early Education certificate when I was 50 years old.

  111. My mom! She was my teacher through my school years and has also taught through her example as a godly wife and mother. :)jes

  112. Your giveaway reminds me of my wife, always bright and cheery. She is also my inspiration, she is the most giving person I know. She works with a charity group making quilts for nursing homes, cancer patients and ill children. She has spent so many hours volunteering and organiziting events for children. She started many great programs in our area for needed and abused children, she just never seems to stop, she is always giving of herself.

  113. My greatest inspiration in my life has been my Grandmother. She loved me without question...inspired me with her strength and values and is also the inspiration for all of the crafting I have ever done. She was a special lady and I dearly miss her.

    You have a great giveaway and I am already a great blog also.


  114. my mom....especially now that I am one. but I wish it had been my Nana. I always liked her and at her funeral I learned so much more about her that I wish I had known, maybe not as a child but as an adult, as a mother, and I wish I had her gift of love and friendship. I think of her often now and try to live my life like she (and of course thus my mom) did. fearless and giving!

  115. My husband inspires me to be more like Jesus because he strives to live a life that brings glory and honor to our Lord. I love the verses on your blog and look forward to checking out more of your posts soon. Thanks! I'd love to win your givewaway.

  116. The person who has inspired me the most is my cousin Nora. She has been thru so much and is always smiling and giving courage and support to me and others.

  117. My greatest inspiration is my brilliant 21 year old daughter. She has Tourette's Syndrome. Even though her tics and the co-morbidities of her disorder cause havoc in her life, she is determined to become a child psychologist. She inspires me everyday.

  118. My greatest inspiration is my brilliant 21 year old daughter. She has Tourette's Syndrome. Even though her tics and the co-morbidities of her disorder cause havoc in her life, she is determined to become a child psychologist. She inspires me everyday.

  119. I am so loving this blog hop and finding all these new to me blogs to follow. Love your give away and blog.

  120. Those fabrics are gorgeous, thank you for the give away!

    My friend Laura is an inspiration to me, always encouraging me to take on challenges that I might otherwise walk away from...


  121. My Mother is my greatest inspiration. She is 82-years-old and still cooking, cleaning, gardening and quilting, by hand! She and my dad raised 6 kids on a farm in a house without running water and I am amazed at how she never let "life" get her down. She took us to church and my mother is always happy and upbeat. Yes, my inspiration. I am so glad I still have her. She is my best friend.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway-beautiful fabric!!! and the chance to brag on my mother.

  122. How lovely. I could use those fat quarters for a quilt I plan on making my soon to be daughterinlaw! Please enter me, and if you post a link to my giveaway, you will be entered in a separate giveaway drawing just for the bloggers sponsoring giveaways for Good Eggs! Let me know if you link!

  123. Hello! My sister has been my greatest inspiration. She is the most talented person I know and is a wonderful interior designer. Growing up, it was always my sister who was in art clasess and showed talent. I didn't have any talents anywhere, or so I had been told. But, my sister helped me to realize that I do have talent!! I found my talent when I discovered quilting! My quilts are not as beautiful as what my sister does, but she always makes me feel like what I do is special, too! Thanks for the chance to enter the Good Egg Hop! If I should win, I will certainly share with my sister! Happy Easter to you and your family! Shannon :)

  124. Great give away! Fantastic pin and fabric.
    My Grandmomma inspired me to be creative, through the legacy she left behind.
    Thanks for the chance!!♥

  125. Beautiful fabrics and a lovely pin. Happy Easter. I look forward to reading your blog.

  126. My MIL Barb will sew anything, seriously! I have always appreciated her talent, and her ability to finish projects. Always an encourager, even if it is the kick in the seat kind :-} she is inspiration.

  127. I love the beautiful fabrics you have chosen. I have a good quilting friend that I found just a few years ago. She inspires me to live better, a more Christ like life and she inspires me to make more quilts and to get more done in a day and a week. She makes me want to live a better, fuller life.

  128. My mom always inspired me, but she wasn't any better at finishing projects than I am! Wish she was still with us because maybe we'd both get our quilts done!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  129. love your blog and learning so much about Sandi.. your giveaway is so very pretty I love the soft colors.. my inspriration has come from my grandma.. she was always there champing me on encouraging me to try all sorts of hand work and sewing , cooking and baking.. she continues to guide me from above. I know she would be happy to see how I have turned out.

  130. My sister Barbara inspired my creative side. She always said "do it!"

  131. My momma. She always told me I could do anything I wanted, I just needed to try. I lost her last spring just before Easter. I miss her so much.

  132. Those florals are absolutely gorgeous, Jacquelynne! Thanks for offering them. Thanks for counting me in.

  133. My family has inspired me, they always encourage me to be the best that I can be, and my mom has always taught us that we can do whatever we want, we just have to work at it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  134. My Granddad, he was a master tailor and used to look after me when I was just 3yrs old. His notion of childcare was to promise me that if I was good I would be allowed to sew buttons on brown paper bags!!! It was his way to keep me away from an open fire and flat irons which were heating up!! But he was so kind and gentle and gave me a love of fabric and hand work, and the most important gift of even running stich without thinking!!!

  135. I'm a die-hard Lecien fan and I don't have those florals. Would love to win. And my teacher Miss Read taught me to sew blanket stitches on an applique when I was 7. She sent me into this delightful world of sewing and I am forever grateful.

  136. OH.. these lovely, lovely fat quarters!!! incredible gifties!

    My friends Frummie, Elaine, Cyn and Elly inspire me and make my soul sing, with their friendships! My life has been enriched over 100 times, since I've gotten to know them better.

    Tks for adding my name to your contest!

    Rosa Robichaud

  137. My grandmother was one of many that has influenced my life. She was an amazing woman.

  138. I would have to say that my children inspire me. They will try anything and befriend anyone. Sure they have their fights but everything is forgiven so quickly!

    What a lovely giveaway... and thanks for the reminder... many others are going through my head right now that inspire me! I am thankful ;)

  139. Oh what fun! Such a great prize! Count me in, and thankyou! Besides the Lord, my greatest inspiration would have to come from my favourite speaker, Pr. Doug Batchelor.You would love his talks! You can download and listen to some at Amazing Facts. Just google it and you'll get the website!

  140. I just love the sweet fabrics in your give away! My grandmother was the greatest inspiration in my life. She lived a long and wonderful life here on earth and is now in heaven!

  141. Definitely my mom. She has always been the greatest inspiration to me.

  142. My best friend Val has been a wonderful encouragement. When I moved to a new town, she took me under her wing and made me feel not so alone.

  143. My greatest inspiration in quilting is Fons and Porter. I learned to quilt from their Guide to Quilting book and use their other books and magazines to look up answers to many questions! I always know I will understand their patterns!

  144. My 3rd grade teacher who encouraged me to read chapter books and not be intimidated by no pictures. She was a great disciplinarian...always had a quiet class for studying, and she would lend me books from her personal library all the time. My mother also encouraged me by saying "if you can follow directions, you can do anything!" I've used that time and time again when trying new techniques and crafts...I'm self taught in so many areas just because I wouldn't let "I don't know how" get the upper hand. freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  145. Wow, it's hard to name just one inspirational woman, my mother, grandmother Wainscott, a Sunday School teacher from Jr High named Evelyn, and a good friend Martha. They were and are Godly women.

    Yours is my last Hoppin' blog to visit and I'm so glad to be here and find such peace and comfort. I'm signed up to follow you and hope to have a long relationship. I'm a newbie blogger and newbie quilter. In fact, I'm working on my very first quilt for our oldest granddaughter's graduation from high school. It's a rag quilt with embroidery squares of her life. It's been such fun.

    Your fabric is beautiful and so fresh like a spring flower.

    Have a God Filled Day

  146. I've met a few really good friends through blogging, they have become as close as friends close to home. The give me inspiration and mostly friendship. Thanks for having a fun giveaway.

  147. Love the gorgeous fabrics. I don't have anyone person to name for inspiration. That comes from family, friends & crafters from all over. Jeanette

  148. My mom was my inspiration .She believed in the golden rule Do on to others as you would want them to do on to you .Always aim for 100% in what you do.That way you always tried your best.Even today i still try to give my best. Mary Ellen

  149. My mom taught me how to sew when I was very young and I have been sewing ever since. Thanks for the chance to win. These fabrics are gorgeous!

  150. I love those fabrics. Beautiful giveaway.

  151. I have been blessed with many wonderful people who inspire me.
    They start with my parents and contiue with sisters, brothers,daughter grandaughter and friends. I am one lucky girl, thanks for the chance to win, I am going back to follow your blog.

  152. The person who inspired me (as far as quilting goes) was my very first quilt teacher. From the very first class I was hooked and haven't looked back. I love it.

  153. Wonderful giveaway and hop. My husband has inspired me the most over the 40 years we've been together. He helps me be strong, gives me courage and encourages me to pursue my dreams.

  154. Someone will be very lucky to win...I hope that someone is me.


  155. My aunt Gail gifted me with a grey flannel monkey made with a pink satin belly and stuffed with her old hose when I was a sick little girl in the hospital for months. The monkey was utter delight and I have tried to follow in her footsteps.

    OOooo...those fabrics are so lovely. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Lucy (in IN)

    dufendachs (at) juno (dot) com

  156. Can I say that my two beautiful children who are now young adults, inspire and encourage me.
    They're making their own ways in life, taking on whatever is thrown at them and making me proud every day.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. My inspiration is my daughter... she isn't afraid of anything! I'd love to win your prize!

    I'm having a giveaway too:
    Everyday Bliss Giveaway Details Here

  159. I love your giveaway!!! I'm a fabric lover *_* .
    The person that has inspired me the most is my dad. He came from a very poor and small town and he decided to study to get out of his poverty. He left home at age 12 , worked to paid his studies and went to college in the city . Everytime I get depressed for not acomplish my goals, I remember what he did..

  160. Wonderful give away! I am constantly inspired by the talent on the different blogs I follow and come across.

  161. My greatest inspiration in life has been my mom.Please enter me, and come on over to my blog and enter my giveaway...hugs from a fellow bunny hopper.
    Simona aka Rockgranny from Krpe&zakrpe (Croatia)

  162. I what a lovely giveaway! I love the colors!

    I am admiring my mom! She had a tough life, but she is always optimistic and smiling! She does the right things! I wish she lived closer, she lives in Bulgaria.

    Happy Spring!

  163. My grandmother inspired me a lot. She was from the (old country), and taught me quiltmaking when I was a little girl. My parents also taught me good values. I have such fond memories of all of them.
    Your blog is super, Jacquelynne. First that hedge hog is something else. Daisy is just the cutest. She reminds me of my little girl, Muffin, who is a miniature snouzer. Daisy would get lost in the snow. LOL You blocks, quilts, etc. are really nice, Jacquelynne. Nice family and nice blog. Desserts looked real good! LOL Thank you for sharing. Happy Quilting! My blog: Have a Happy Easter!

  164. Thank you very much for your generous giva away. Please sign me in.
    The persons who inspired me are my frieds. We are friends sonce 30 years.

    My mail addy is in my profil at my blog.

    Greeting Guilitta from Germany

  165. What lovely fabric! I think that the blog world inspires me the most.

  166. What a beautiful giveaway you are having. Mr. Barnes my 10 grade teacher inspired me. He said never give up on anything you believe in.


  167. Please enter me! Someone who has inspired me is Salley Mavor. She has a book called Wee Felt Folk.

  168. One of the people who inspired me was my 9th grade algebra teacher. She treated me so kindly and always encouraged me. She always looked for the best in me and I fell in love with her and algebra. I wanted her to be the grandmother to my kids...she was so kind.

    Feel free to stop by my blog too....I'm not doing the bunny hop....I'm doing 30 days of giveaways. From March 15 - April 15 and all posts are open until the come hopping over :)


  169. My Mom, a wonderful seamstress - and a kind person - I miss her, but she still continues to guide me and inspire me. Your fabrics just make you want to cradle them and go awwwwww. Thank you for the opportunity and for your blog.

  170. My grandma's my greatest inspitation. She's 101 years old and she's in great condition, she had 14 kids, 8 alive. She was married for 72 years, and she was always in love for my sweet grandpa. She taught me to quilt, crochet and embroider

  171. I am inspired by the women I have discovered blogging. I have found alot of quilting inspiration from women I will never know - the ones whose quilts are now antiques featured in books and named "Anonymous". Label your quilts is a quick lesson to learn! Thanks for the beautiful spring giveaway.

  172. My quilting inspiration comes from a group of friends - Lynn who reminds me that I have no excuses, Martha who willingly shares her knowledge and skills, and Robin who inspires me to try new techniques.
    I am fortunate to have these ladies in my life.

  173. Please enter me in your good-egg giveaway! Those fabrics are soooooooo beautiful! Also, if you have not all ready visit my blog and enter my good egg giveaway! Vanessa

  174. I love your blog - I love your giveaway - but most of all, I LOVE those baby skunks!!! :-)

    My mom has always been an inspiration to me - she is an amazing woman - I hope I have her drive when I am her age!

    Please visit me at Create With Joy when you have a moment - I'm offering a giveaway as well and would love to welcome you into my family of Kindred Spirits!


  175. woops, forgot about my inspiration, please forgive me, I am running my embroidery machine at the same time as I am writing this. Mt inspiration comes from many sources. God is my most favorite place to go for inspiration, with I am praying,creativity seems to just flow through Him to me. My mother is second on the list, she could make something appear from nothing, and she never gave up. Cool whip and 10x sugar mixed together makes a great emergency frosting! Then was our next door neighbor. I "took" ceramic lessons from her for years growing up. I think if it were not for her I would not be enjoying my crafting today. She so inspired me to create. My Grandfather was a tailor in the old country, so I guess, I inherited a lot from him also. He tour apart mens trousers and made pants for his five sons, so I guess I get my thriftiness from him also!LOL

  176. My greatest inspiration has always been my father, who died when I was 19. He taught me that girls could do anything that boys could do, if they wanted to, and that they could still be girls while doing it. I believe that he is looking down from heaven to watch his two grown granddaughters and his great-granddaughter.

  177. My grandmother was an inspiration to me! She is the one who introduced me to quilting and gifted me my first sewing machine. She was never with out a needle or crochet hook in her hand, she was always working on a project. I am so fortunate to have some of her quilts. thanks for entering me in your very generous giveaway!

  178. I get inspired by seemingly ordinary things done by ordinary people - one small thing at a time and usually the importance of those "small" things is not immediately noticeable. It is only afterwards that the realisation comes that it is small bricks that build a meaningful life.
    Your giveaway is so charmingly romantic. Thank you!

  179. I love this blog. Even if I don't win the actual items, I have already won by finding so many new blogs and creative people! It's been fun!

    My sister is constantly my inspiration, my encourager, my helper. She's always there for me and if I ever try anything new, she is there to lend a helping hand!

  180. My inspriation is my father. He taught me that I could do anything I wanted and just be stubburn and stick with it. This comes in real handy when you have one of those quilts that I am having a hard time sticking with. :-)

    Please enter me in your drawing.

  181. There are so many people who have inspired me, my first was when i was 13 a teacher who saved me from total embarrassment by giving me something to do at break times, i was very lonely and had no friends, she let me look after the gerbils.

  182. My mother in love has been an incredible inspiration to me. She is a lady beyond measure and has taught me what it is to be friendly and hospitable in any situation. I am most blessed to have had her influence and to be married to her son.

  183. A lovely giveaway! Thanks! My mother and grandmother would have to be the most crafty inspiration for me. My grandmother was always crocheting and Mum has always been doing some type of needle-work for as long as I can remember.

  184. My greatest inspiration was my maternal grandmother, Clella. She inspired me to learn how to crochet and quilt. I would love to be a winner of your giveaway.
    Gay Ham

  185. Lovely gifts. Please enter my name and may you have a wonderful Easter with family and friends.

  186. My inspiration was my Aunt Rachel she was a strong minded woman.Trish

  187. Kay Oft of Mountaintop Quilting has been a great inspiration to me. She always has encouraging words and great ideas.

  188. My greatest inspiration is my mom, she's a strong and always work hard. She taught me to sew, crochet, knit and cook her delicious recipes

  189. I love the fabrics!
    Bear regards,

    Beertje Zopnn

  190. Love the wonderful wool flower pins! My inspiration for quilting has been several women from my quilt guild. They are so supportive, have great ideas, and are hilarious!
