Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Happenings

We spent the weekend down at the beach house, working on the next room to be remodeled. It is a large bedroom, we had to scrap one layer of paint and 2 layers of ancient wallpaper (at least 50 years old!) It took the 4 of us a whole weekend to get the walls cleaned up (this is the family bonding that we do on our kids' Spring Break- they really appreciate that....). Hubby and eldest daughter then painted on the primer, so we are now ready to paint. I just have to decide on a color- blue or green?

While we were scraping, younger daughter thought that the area that she was working on looked like South America. I'm not sure what happened next, but I think that eldest daughter then challenged her to create something more, how shall we say, intriguing? Next thing we knew, we had this on the wall:
Holy appearance? No. Unique artistry on the part of a 15 year old girl? Yes, I think so.

Younger daughter and I drove home Sunday night so she could go to school on Monday, while hubby and eldest daughter stayed behind. We got home to find out that we had run out of oil- no heat, no hot water. I tried to restart the furnace, but it groaned and smoked, so I hit the kill switch. Thank goodness for electric blankets. Then tonight, right before dinner, we heard a strange noise coming from the basement- apparently the freezer is dying a slow miserable death. I moved everything upstairs and crammed it into the kitchen freezer, then pulled the plug and put it out of its misery. I guess we will be shopping for a new one this week (which is nothing compared to trying to get the old one out of the basement- maybe we will just leave it there- a nice "gift" for the new owners 20 or 30 years from now).

How was your weekend?


  1. Very creative girls you have there.
    I love the color green in homes but then again if it's by the ocean, blue is nice too! It's a win/win either color you choose.
    Sounds like you had a whole lot of fun when you got back home-Egad!

    P.S. It's supposed to snow tonight here-This makes me laugh!

  2. I hope you got more oil quickly~ brrr! You could take the door off of the old freezer and add a few shelves for storage LOL :-) Wouldn't the future owners love that? ;-)

  3. Your daughter was very creative making that image. It doesn't look easy to do but it looks very effective.
    Sorry you had a cold night there! Hope it's more springlike for you this week. It is here although it's still very cold. The sunshine is very welcome, we have missed it.

  4. Wow, your daughter's scraped image is pretty nice, I would call it art!

  5. When designing the color schemes for my rooms I love using Behr ColorSmart. Go here;view=26;channel=INSPIRATION and click on the "Start ColorSmart" button. Seriously a color visualizing dream :)

  6. That is too funny.....and very creative! So sorry about your furnace and freezer...we had snow this week and I'm so ready for warmer weather, I'm sure your furnace is too!
