Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Too Cute!

What do you do when life seems a little hum-drum and you feel like you have nothing interesting to write a blog post about- You put up a photo that is so beyond cute that your readers will forgive you!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you- baby porcupines!!!

Daughter found this somewhere but I don't know where, sorry I don't have a link for it. But aren't they cute, and will you please forgive me for not putting up an original and extremely creative post?


  1. Are they REAL???? They are terribly cute!!!

  2. I think those are actually hedgehog babies. Lots of similarities. Either way they are definitely full of 'awwww' factor. :D

  3. awww...they ARE cute! Thank you for posting!

  4. i personally like hedgehogs better, but i do say these are freaking adorable!
