Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Hop Warm Up

I am suggesting that you start doing a little stretching, 'cause there's gonna be a whole of HOPPING going on! Starting Wednesday:

  • Stop here to see who the designers are for the day.
  • Link over to their blogs, enjoy FREE projects!
  • Download the free projects and print them out.
  • Download the free super cute project book cover (thanks, Jill Finley!) and print it out.
  • Collect the secret word (17 total) from each designer.
  • Many of the designers will be sponsoring a giveaway, so make sure to enter those.
  • At the end of the hop on December 7, assemble the free cover and all of the projects you have printed out into a FREE book, stuffed with 17 fabulous holiday projects.
  • HOP OVER to the Henry Glass blog and enter to win an ENORMOUS SUPER FABULOUS GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY! You will need to comment with all 17 of the secret words (just the secret words, not the designers' names) by 8 pm EST December 9. The winner will receive a gift from Henry Glass, PLUS a gift from EACH of the 17 participating designers! I know- can you believe it???
 I think that's everything. If anything was confusing, let me know and I will try to clarify. This is going to be a lot of fun, I know I am going to really enjoy seeing all of the projects that everyone has come up with. And I really wish I could enter the Grand Prize Giveaway... 

Here is a link to the Project Book Cover- Print it out and make a cute book with all of the projects you've collected during the blog hop.

See you here on Wednesday!!!!


  1. woo-hoo, I'm getting my running shoes on to be ready to hop, hop, hop :-)

  2. I am looking forward to this fun blog hop. Sooo exciting!

  3. This sounds like I might have to get out my running shoes and get in shape to do some serious exercise. Oh, wait, my fingers will be doing the walking across the keyboard. Forget the running shoes. LOL!

  4. Whoot Whoot! Sooo cool Jackie!
    Can't wait to see what yours looks like. I will be E mailing you soon-We've been a bit overwhelmed at the nest! One more quick thing, yes on re-posting on my blog (absolutely!)

