Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog Hop Day 3 (My Turn!!!)

Are you still with me? Are you LOVING the projects on this parade? I know I am...

Today, it is MY turn to share with you, and I am so happy to be paired up with Jill Finley from Jillily Studio. Make sure you stop by her blog and see her great project, and pick up your special holiday word so you can enter the SUPER DUPER Grand Prize Giveaway. I am also having a great giveaway of my own, but you'll have to read to the end of my post (aren't I sneaky...)
Jill Finley
Jillily Studio

For those of you who are new to my blog, my name is Jacquelynne Steves, and I am a quilter, watercolorist, and recovering perfectionist (more about that last part later....)

I have been painting with watercolors for about 13 years, and quilting for 10 years. Designing fabric is the perfect way for me to combine those two things that I love to do! My first fabric line with Henry Glass Fabrics just hit the stores about 6 weeks ago, it's called Sewing Room Social. Find it at your local quilt shop, or online at Cindy's Quilt Shop (type Sewing Room Social in the search box). A little peek:

My next line, called Joy, Love, Peace, Noel, will be in stores in May 2011:
I am also working (furiously!) on a book for Kansas City Star, due out July 2011. I am really excited about this, because I am doing a lot of watercolor illustrations for the book.  I am working on the main quilt this week, I have some embroidery still to do but I hope to get it done soon:
Also, I stay pretty busy making handmade wool pins, which I sell at craft shows and on my website. The profits for the pins are donated to buy sheep for poor families, so they can start a business and support their families. Fun, right???? We are now up to 65 sheep donated- that's 65 families helped!

Oh, and before I forget- My special holiday word (which you will need to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway) is:
Santa Claus
Ho Ho Ho!

My free project is a Wonky Whimsical Christmas Tree Pin Cushion. Click HERE for the project sheet that you can download and print out.
 I went through several prototypes in making this project. I had an idea in my head of how I wanted it to look, and I made a whole forest full of trees. I tried pastels:
I tried decorating the trees with ribbon:
I tried wool:
And then there was this one:

Now, maybe you are thinking- that's not so bad, it looks like a Hershey's Kiss. What's wrong with a nice fat Christmas tree? Well, nothing... except that this one happened to be roughly the size of my head (PS I do not have a small head... I have a hard time finding hats that fit... but that's a story for another day). Back to the drawing board...

My final version didn't come out anything like the way I had first envisioned it in my head. It came out wonky, tilt-y, and uneven. But I love it! It reminds me of a Dr. Seuss tree, with a bunch of Who's from Whoville singing around it. I think it is better than I had originally imagined, even though it is nothing like I had originally planned it.

Isn't that the way life goes sometimes? We imagine things, plan for them, envision exactly how everything is going to go, and then they just don't turn out the way we expected.

At this time of year, some of us are particularly in perfectionism overdrive. Our heads are swimming with ideas for the handmade gifts we want to give and the perfect parties we plan to throw and the ideal gifts that we are going to buy (on sale of course!). And then maybe around December 22, we realize that probably our perfect plans aren't going to come to fruition and we feel defeated. But just remember, sometimes the wonky imperfect things in our lives are way better than the perfect ones. I for one have come to a point in my life where I am quite happy to invite friends over for pizza and not feel obligated to make a full meal. This year, I have decided to make only 2 kinds of cookies, instead of the 8 or 10 different kinds that I have made every year for the last 20 years. We will make something easy and simple, like Chocolate Chip or Raspberry Bars. The other kind that we will most definitely be making is our favorite decorated Sugar Cookie recipe:

 They are labor intensive, but everyone gets to be an artist! Last year, the kids had some friends over for a cookie decorating party, and everyone took home a couple dozen beautifully decorated and really delicious cookies.

This year, I am throwing perfectionism out the window and planning on having a Christmas that is wonky, tilt-y and uneven. But for me, spending time with my family and friends, celebrating the birth of the Savior, it will be perfect.

TO ENTER my giveaway, leave a comment about whether you are a perfectionist (aka Martha Stewart), a recovering perfectionist (like me), or someone who started letting everything slide a long time ago (remember Peg Bundy from the show Married with Children?? sometimes I wish I could be like her.)
ALSO, if you sign up as a Follower of my blog, you will get another chance to win (let me know if you are already a Follower- that still counts!)
ALSO, if you link to my blog from your blog, you will get another chance to win.
(In case you are bad at math like I am, that means you get up to 3 chances to win.) Just let me know in your comment if you have also signed on to be a Follower (or already were one) and if you linked from your blog.

You must comment by midnight EST tomorrow December 4. Please make sure I can contact you, either through your Blogger account or make sure I have your email address.

I will choose TWO winners at random.
Oh, are you wondering what the prize is? The first winner will receive a pattern and fabric kit to make my "Spring Fling" quilt (retail value $56.00!!!)
The second winner will receive this adorable book for making little dresses, by Mary Abreu. This is near and dear to my heart- I used to love making clothes for my 2 girls when they were little. Now that they are 15 and 20, though, they will not have it! Many years ago, I even made little boutique dresses out of quilting cottons and sold them. That was way back in the early 90's, before it was all the rage, as it is now.
OK, that's it. Thanks for sticking with me through this long post.

Good Luck and Happy Hopping!!!


  1. I'm not a perfectionist or a recovering perfectionist or someone who started letting everything slide a long time ago. I don't fit. I just always do the best I can without killing myself or anyone else.

  2. Classify me as recovered perfectionist (can that be a new category?) although with some things (mainly math & sewing) I'm still a perfectionist. O.K. I give, I'm still a recovering perfectionist...a work in progress...but I'm forgiven! Hallelujah!

  3. Jacquelynne, I am a new follower of your blog! Yeah!

  4. Prize or no ... I'm thrilled to have found your blog!! I became a follower today and am so glad! Thank you for partaking in this awesome hop :)

  5. I'm a perfectionist who is aware I need to be in recovery :) Does that count for anything??? Maybe it means I'm on my way ... lol. No way will I ever reach Bundy status, but a little relaxation would totally help!!

  6. I am a perfectionist in some areas, especially my patchwork but then I will let other areas slide. So I have no idea what to call myself; maybe a sliding perfectionist.

  7. I am somehow more a recovered perfectionist. Still learning to let go and find out what really matters in my life!
    Thanks for sharing and the super cute pattern!

  8. Oh yes, and I am a follower of your blog! Love to read your posts!

  9. Love your little tree and it certainly could be in Whoville. It would be perfect to do in all its wonkiness to get my perfectionism in check :) I know I possess this quality and just tell myself it comes in handy when sewing seams and putting the quilt top together, although at times it makes me want to put the project away! Thanks for participating in the blog hop ... it is a lot of fun so far!

  10. Sometimes we just need to reocognise the perfection in things that are wonky :). I range between perfectionism and not giving a damn.
    Hugs, Sharon

  11. I enjoyed reading through your post. Your fabrics are just so lovely and the tree pincushion is adorable.
    The cookie decorating party looks like heaps of fun.
    I have to admit to definitely being a recovering perfectionist who still manages to fall off the wagon now and them. A hard lesson to learn!!

  12. I am a perfectionist, but my soon to be 2 year old daughter keeps me on my toes and persuades me to drop the habit. I plan on picking it back up when she's older.

  13. I'm a follower of this blog. And I'd love to win the book on making toddler dresses and etc. Perfect for us!

  14. We added a link to this blog from our family blog at

  15. I am a recovering perfectionist. It seems we have to reach a certain level of wisdom (learned in the school of hard knocks) before we internalize the fact that only God is perfect! Love the wonky tree, I thought of Cindy Lou Who the instant I looked at the photo. Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas to you.

  16. P.S. Following your blog too, and happy to find your Facebook page as well. The giant almost-a-hershey-kiss tree made me grin.

  17. i like to do things well...and have been called a perfectionist...

  18. Your tree is so cute! I think I would classify myself as a recovering perfectionist. I like things to be nice but as I have read on another blog, it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. I am a follower and would love to win either of your gifts!

  19. Oh wow, I adore your fabric lines...all the little critters and snowmen are delightful. About the perfectionist thing...well, years ago, I was. In everything I did from sewing my girls clothing, and mine, to keeping my house clean (and I mean totally spotless and in order at all times). Well, the girls are now both 40 and 41 and the youngest one moved in with us when her boys were 7 and 2, to stay for a few weeks during her divorce and moved out 13 years later (2 years ago) So...raising a second family changed my way of thinking about what a house is for, and a lot of what life is all about too. Needless to say, perfectionism flew right out the window as we raised the two grandsons. My home became a place to live in, no live for! When you have beds in every room but the bathroom and kitchen and wall to wall clutter, no matter how organized it is, you get over the 'neat freak' thing really fast. I learned to live in organized chaos, LOL. We have our house back now, they all moved out two years ago, but the perfectionist...nope, she's gone. Okay, moving on, I love the wonky Christmas Tree pin cushion, thank you so much, it is a great pattern! I really do love the 'Hershey's Kiss' cushion too...hey, I have enough pins to fill it up, don't you? LOL! Before I forget, I am now a follower of your blog. Thanks too for the delightful giveaway, and Good Luck to Everyone! Blessings and Hugs...

  20. I was raised with four brothers and learned to let some things slide a long time ago - helped when I had my three kids! Thank you for the lovely giveaway. Good luck with you book!

  21. I am a new follower of your blog!

  22. I am NOT a perfectionist in most things! Thanks for the chance!

  23. I am now classified! I'm trying to be a recovering perfectionist. Always plan to accomplish too much & too perfect & soon too late. Thank you for the Wonky Tree. I like it and need one for myself. I am so enjoying this Holiday Parade & so nice to meet you. thank you

  24. definitely not a perfectionist, life's too short. I do the best I can and let the chips fall where they may :)

  25. Jacquelynne,

    Love the wonky tree and post. I don't believe in perfection! Thanks.

  26. I'm not a perfectionist, except when things need to be just right!! I can usually let things slide. Thanks for the chance to win and the cute pattern!

  27. I'm both a perfectionist AND bad at math, lol! but I am trying my utmost best to let everything slide... just not succeeding very well!

  28. I'm a perfectionist that is swimming against the currents that are dragging me along the banks of imperfection. My latest quilt, I'm sorry to say, has points that don't match...but it was a BOM so I can't remake the blocks. And...the sadest part is that I'm okay with it. I'm a fallen perfectionist!
    Vanessa in Oklahoma

  29. i try very hard not to be a perfectionist because it robs one of joy. In quilting, sometimes, you have to accept that you did the best you could and that wasn't perfect. Thanks for the chance at the give away.

  30. I used to be a perfectionist but now my motto is now "it is what it is". I guess that says it all. Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. I am only a perfectionist in somethings like quilting for my customers, but not when doing it for myself as that is to be my relaxation! So, I don't think I fit into any of the three categories! I think I am one of your followers--I get emails from you! Love the tilty trees!

  32. I'm not a perfectionist - I just do my best and if that's not good enough, too bad! I am already a follower. Please enter me in the drawing.

  33. I aspire to be a recovering perfectionist. The quilt kit is lovely! First time to find your blog. Very nice!

  34. I'm still encamped in the perfectionist side. I think I need a few more years over here and then I'll throw it all to the wind! LOL!

  35. Beautiful fabric lines. I am in love with Joy, Love, Peace & Noel and will be awaiting the arrival in May. The colors are perfect for me & I adore snowmen.

    I would love to say I gave up a drive for perfection years ago but the truth is I am still working on changing. Therefore I am still a perfectionist with a desire for recovery! Happy quilting!

  36. Your wonky tree is the perfect Dr Suess tree! How neat. Thanks for the pattern and chance at winning. Your fabric lines are darling!

  37. I'm not even close to being a perfectionist. That's why I absolutely LOVE the wonky tree pincushion!

    Deb S.

  38. I think I am a combination of all three depending upon what the project is! It's a journey.

  39. I am perfectionist in the worst possible way, if I can't do something perfectly I can't even attempt it! I am trying to change my ways, but alas unless I can change perfectly it is not going to happen... *sigh* :)

  40. Very cute pincushion! Thank you for sharing the reason you celebrate - that message can get lost.

  41. I would say I'm right in the middle, I try to make everyone happly some of the time, not all of the time. Your wonky tree is the cutiest. Congrats on your new fabric line. I will watch to see if our stroes here in Canada will promote it. Thanks for participating in this fun hop.

  42. If you could see my house, you'd know I'm not a perfectionist, at least no anymore. I have learned to relax about most things and have found that nothing bad will happen because of it.

  43. Used to be a perfectionist. Hope you get your book done, since the due date posted is July 2010!!

  44. I am a follower! I am also a recovering perfectionist. I now let it slide if my corners don't match perfectly - it gives my quilts a little character. My daughters also are perfectionists, and I think it's good to teach them that they don't always have to be the best at everything.
    I agree that it's better to focus on the true meaning of Christmas than to stress over the little details of the season. Thanks for the great project!

  45. I am a new follower. Thanks for being part of this blog hop. Happy quilting.

  46. I am not a perfectionist. I think Peg Bundy is a bit nearer my level. Ha ha. I am NOT Mr. Neat and Tidy like so many of my friends think I would be. (They have never been to my house!)
    Before I started painting and quilting - aka "pre-creative brain adjustment" I did keep the house very neat and orderly. The left brain was in control. The right brain says, I need to create - not waste time tidying. Oh well -there are trade-offs in all of life.

  47. I'm a recovering perfectionist. It's taken me over 60 years to realize I can't have that Martha Stewart perfect Christmas - and I'm happy with that, and my family is happy not to have to deal with the crazy lady that used to live here at Christmas!
    I love your new fabric line - the mice are adorable. This tree suits me to a tee! Thank you so much for being part of this parade!

  48. I think I'm a recovering perfectionist. I'm not stressing about stuff anymore. Your tree pin cushion is the cutest thing ever. And I love the Hershey Kiss one too! Thanks for the chance on the your giveaway.

  49. Definitely a recovering perfectionist. Four kids fixed that in a big way...
    But in my weak moments, it lurks dark and ugly...
    Mary beth

  50. I too am a recovering perfectionist. It took a long time to get to this point. I finally decided that having a project finished lets me move on to a new one.

  51. I'm not a perfectionist nor have I even been one, nor do I let things slide for a long time. I just do what has to be done and leave time to have fun with friends and family. This is my first visit to your blog but won't be the last. Thanks for the wonky tree, looks like a fun gift for Christmas 2011. Would love to win either giveaway.

  52. I also am a recovering perfectionist, I realized I was never going to get anything done if I did not let some of the minor details go, it has been hard and my husband is constantly reminding "to go with the flow not against it" thanks for sharing your cute tree pattern.

  53. My friends would call me a perfectionist. :(. I am trying to just let it go but those seams....
    Very cute project I have a daughter who will love the trees.
    Much appreaciated. Karin E :)

  54. Perfectionist? Don't know the meaning of the word! I wish I had a little (notice I said little) of that in me! No, I am "relaxed". HeeHee...

  55. Thank you for your adorable pattern!
    I am a recovering perfectionist. Being a perfectionist was making my life miserable, and I still struggle with that tendency. As you must know, it isn't an easy thing to get over.

  56. I'm not a perfectionist, used to be but now I just relax and enjoy.

  57. I think I let perfectionism go a long time ago. Too much stress ;-) But I still like for things to look nice. Your pincushion is so cute. A Whosville pincushion. Who would have guessed!

  58. So exciting! I'm not a perfectionist at all. I figure hey if someone else doesn't like it, they don't have to look. LOL. I just do my best. I love your work however, I think it is FANTASTIC! I would love to be entered for a chance to win your fantastic prizes!

  59. And I am a faithful follower :-)

  60. Enjoying your blog and became a follower today.

  61. I linked your blog on my site under blogs I follow. Thanks!

  62. I should be in recovery! In our first years of marriage my husband told me that "Life is not 4-H"! I shot him a glance and gave him the look of "umm, yes it is"! If you have a chance, reread the 4-H creed and all of you will understand!

  63. I love your new fabric line-is it 2011 yet?
    Perfectionist? Nope, not me...with 6 children and 2 dogs that idea went out the window a long tome ago.

  64. Love, love your stuff. Glad I found you blog

  65. I would consider myself a recovering perfectionist. I really have a hard time letting go of details. It could be that I have done picture framing for 26 years and that requires a certain amount of it. I am getting better though. As we know only God is perfect.

  66. I am NOT a perfectionist and I love your wonky pin cushion tree. I am now a follower.

  67. Hi Jacquelynne! I just love your Sewing Room Social fabrics - gonna have to go grab me some of those! And I'll be looking forward to your new Christmas line, too!

    I, too, have always been a perfectionist. I'm trying really hard to let it causes me so much stress and in the long run, most people don't notice or mind the little imperfections in life anyway!

    Wonderful give away...thank you so much for the opportunity to win!

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas!



  68. I try to be a perfectionist, but sometimes you just can't be one.
    Thanks for the chance to enter to win the pattern and kit as well as the book. This definitely puts us into the holiday spirit. It's beginning to feel like Christmas.
    Thank you.

    Sandi Timmons
    Sonora, CA

  69. I'm a sometimes perfectionist but I'm finding it easier all the time to let go...well except when it comes to ripping out that seam and making the point perfect (can someone bring me the cure for that?)

  70. And I'm a follower now, thanks for the adroable project, wonder if I can make 4 this weekend...hmm

  71. I would say that I'm a recovering perfectionist. Sometimes I still need things perfect but have mostly learned to let go and just enjoy!

  72. I'm already a follower. Thanks for the wonky tree pattern!

  73. I think I am more a let it slide kind of person, especially since I retired. I love your wonky tree project - it's is so cute. I will be following you on your Blog and Facebook. Thanks for sharing this great project and Merry Christmas.

  74. I'm a Peg Bundy. My mother was a perfectionist, and I think that's why I went the other way.

    It was nice to visit your blog!

  75. I love wonky!!! Thanks so much for sharing. I am recovering but I have a long road ahead of me!

  76. I am someone trying to kick the perfectionist side of myself out the door. I'm being very good in some areas, but still slide back at times. So I'm a work in progress. The pattern is really cute!

  77. Sadly I am a perfectionist who is only at Step One in recovery! Thanks for the chance to win.

  78. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my sewing but NOT when it comes to cleaning house! What a cute little Christmas Tree Pincushion, it was fun to see all the prototypes that you made leading up to the finished product. Thanks for the fun blog hop. I just signed up to be a follower.

  79. I do the best job that I can...if it's perfect I'm thrilled and if it's not so perfect I'm happy!! I got it done!! Thanks so much for the lovely give away!

  80. Sometimes I wish to be a perfectionist like Martha Stewart...but then i won't have much time for my sewing, would I ?! So sometimes I am a little like Peg !

  81. Definitely a recovering perfectionist. Still struggle sometimes. I am now a follower! and I have linked my blog. This has been so much fun and I love finding new quilty blogs.

  82. I like to be a perfectionist but it never works out that way. If I wait a day or two after completion, I like my project MUCH BETTER! LOL

  83. Yea, I'd have to say I'm a recovering perfectionist (love that term) Your wonky tree pin cushion is precious. Thanks for the pattern and inspiration to let things be...just a bit. :)

  84. I am a recovering perfectionist. Sometimes, it used to stop me in my tracks and I couldn't go on. However, I persevered in spite of things not being perfect lately.

  85. I'm not a perfectionist, or a recovering perfectionist, but I do want things to look "a certain way"! I am not nearly as bad as I used to be about it though! Sometimes you just have to let it go!I do love your tree pincushion pattern! It would not have been nearly as cite if truly "perfect"! Really loving the hop and all the patterns! Thanks for being a part of it all!

  86. Oh, yes! I just signed up to follow your blog!!

  87. I am recovering perfectionist! I have decided there is only "one"Martha Stewart and I am not her..LOL But I still finding myself slipping on occasion. Thanks for the post and love the pattern for the tree pin cushion!!

  88. I am now a follower of your blog. :-D

  89. What a wonderful blog! Thanks so much for sharing your adorable pin cushion pattern!

  90. Well, I have some perfectionist "tendencies." I must continually try to have reasonable aspirations and not make too many unrealistic demands on myself and others. I'm a work in progress!

    Love the 'wonky' tree pin cushion... it's perfect!
    And thanks for hosting a day in the blog hop.


  91. I'm a happy follower!


  92. I just love your Wonky Whimsical Christmas Tree Pin Cushion and for the record I love the Hershey's Kiss fat tree to. I think it´s cute and with a little button decoration and a red bow on top it would be perfect. I am a recovering perfectionist and love it. I used to be on edge that everything had to be perfect for Christmas, the decorations, the gifts, the cookies, the clothes and the food. But after 4 kids and trying to be perfect for 25 years I realized that it doesn´t have to be like that. So now I just relax and enjoy the holidays and buy the cookies I want if I feel like it or bake some, eat turkey or pizza they are both good eats doesn´t matter, just enjoy the spirit of it all.
    Alda, Fl

  93. I am now a followers and have linked to your blog. Thanks so much!!

  94. Perfectionist? Never! I believe in living a comfortable, stressfree life. Kathie L in Allentown

  95. Not so much of a perfectionist anymore. Cute Christmas fabric coming soon! thanks for the opportunity to win.

  96. I'm not a perfectionist or a recovering perfectionist. I've learned it causes too much grief:S So glad to see your testimony through your blog:) God is good!

  97. It depends on the year, but this year I would consider myself a recovering perfectionist on the vurge of becoming Martha Stewart! If all goes well, I will be 100% ready for Christmas this weekend. And, I even made everyone on my list a homemade gift. Shopping done, Presents are made and wrapped, baking complete, and tree is up! Mind you, this is the first time in 21 years I have been this organized, BUT its only because we are going on a small vacation (our daughter is graduating from college on the 18th) and returning home on the 20th and I didn't want to have chaos upon my return. Thanks for your idea and the chance to win something special! (BTW: I am now a follower of your blog)

  98. I think I'd have to say I'm a recovering perfectionist who is sliding more toward Peg Bundy all the time! Love the wonky trees!I'm following your blog and appreciate the chance to win!

  99. Thanks for a chance at your give-aways.
    I've put the Designer Holiday Project Parade on my blog, too.


  100. Cute pincushion. Love the fabric line. Best wishes with lots of success.

  101. I guess I am a recovering perfectionist....kinda. Nothing was ever perfect to start with but I'm starting to believe that finished is better than perfect.

  102. Perfection went out the window years ago! I love the wonky trees, thank you for the pattern.

  103. Looking forward to being follower on your blog. Very cool pincushion project. I have my fabric all picked out!!

  104. Recovering perfectionist. I try to take my time and get it right but sometimes close enough is as good as it gets! Thanks for the chance to win!

  105. I love the stacked wonky trees! I would say that I'm somewhere between perfectionist and Peg Bundy. I feel the need for some things to be perfect and other things I can let slide. Happy holidays!

  106. What a lot of goodness on your blog post!! I adore your forest of fabric trees and love the wonkiness of the pattern. Thank you so much!!
    The name of my blog is Humble quilts- nope, not a perfectionist:)

  107. Hum, I am a perfectionist who gives up on being perfect and says -- "get it done!" so, maybe recovering.
    Thanks for your generosity on your giveaway. Either would be wonderful but the book looks great to a new grandma like me.

  108. I have given up perfection, esp. in quilting. I figure once it is done who is going to examine and grade the finished project beside me? I am just glad it is done!

  109. Oh my - you've hit me right on the head - I am a pathetic perfectionist! I think, and plan, and think some more and then when I finally get to the project - it's way overdue and I'm already interested in another one! Is there help??!! LOL! Congratulations on your new line - it's so pretty - I LOVE watercolors (another one of those things that I'd love to learn some day!!) Also, thanks for the chance to win such a great prize! At least I wouldn't have to think of what pattern to use with the fabric (you know that takes some time!!) I am already a follower and I will now link to your blog. I would like as many chances as I can get!! Have a great Christmas and think of me trying to figure out what cookies to make as you do your two varieties :) Maybe, just maybe the neighbors will get some goodies this year! LOL!

  110. I`m a perfectionist in some areas.I just always try to do the best without killing anyone.

  111. I guess I'm a recovering perfectionist - but my family would disagree! I like "things" to be right!? LOVE your Christmas fabric line coming out this Spring!

  112. I'm a follower! Hope I win! Thanks for your generosity! Merry Christmas!

  113. Well I guess I'm still a perfectionist - but my trick was lowering the bar of perfection. And yet I still have a problem! Guess I'm going to have to lower the bar even further.

  114. I guess I'd be called a perfectionist. I was once called "The Quilt Police". I guess that says it all!!!!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  115. Good Morning from a sliding perfectionist due to age. Love your pincushion. I am becoming a follower and have you in my favorites

  116. Not a perfectionist. I love the wonky tree pincushion and hope to make a few for friends. Thanks for a cute pattern. I love your blog. Your new fabric line is adorable and I will look for it. Thanks for the great giveaways. I used to sew for my girls, 20 and 26, now for friends children. Happy Holidays!

  117. I so enjoyed reading your blog, I am definately going to start following. I love your idea of a 'wonky tilt-y uneven' christmas. I am definately a perfectionist (more so this time of year) but I am slowing starting to let go of things. So I quess I am moving into the recovering perfectionist stage. My email is

  118. I'm a new follower......I'm a snowman collector and love your new Christmas line coming in 2011. Looking forward to following your blog.

  119. I think at heart I am a perfectionist and always frustrated by not living up to that!

    Also have background in watercolor.

  120. While I have loosened up a lot in the past few years, I guess I'd still have to place myself in the perfectionist category. I took my parents too seriously when they said "If you can't do a job right, then don't do it at all!" I have a lot of unfinished projects waiting to be perfected. :)

  121. Jacquelynne, It's been fun learning about you and I just love your fun, wonky tree project, it's delightful!!

    I think a lot of quilters are perfectionists, you sort of have to be in order for all those seams to line up correctly - hahaha, which is why I don't quilt! Yep, I design fabric for quilters, but the whole measuring thing...well, let's just say I married my husband for his math skills!! nice to virtually meet you, love your beautiful watercolor style!

  122. I would consider myself a perfectionist, but I'd rather be Peg Bundy. My boss would say I don't drink enough! The pattern is adorable. Thanks for that and the opportunity to enter your drawings:)

  123. I am a recovering perfectionist like you. I am trying to do what I can for Christmas this year, making gifts is part of the fun for me. I am also trying to set limits so that I don't miss the daily blessings. Merry Christmas!

  124. Your blog is one of the first I started following. I love to visit when I can.

  125. I'm a recovering (well, I'm trying) perfectionist and a new follower of your blog. I like your wonky tree - thanks for sharing.

  126. OH MY! I would say a definate peg bundy, let is slide. But the hub would say a perfectionist. LOL I really loved that you shared the creative process. I could really relate. And the sheep program! What a great idea. Is there a link for the program so others may help buy sheep?

    OH so inspired almost forgot about the drawing. I'm a follower now.

  127. Oh, seems I may have a problem, as this is a very difficult question for me to answer!...I guess I am a recovering perfectionist, but now that I am in the second half century of my life, I'm even a little more than a r.p. I can easily let things go, and don't stress about it so much. So,thanks for letting me get that off my chest. And, thanks too, for the chance to win the wonderful quilt kit or the book. My kiddos are grown, but I would find someone the make dresses for if I should win! :) And, I am now planning on making wonky tree pincushions for a couple of friends for Christmas -- maybe not this Christmas, but some Christmas! See, R.P.!

  128. Oh, forgot, I also am linking your blog to my blog! Thanks again

  129. I am a recovering perfectionist with some Peg Bundy tendencies . . . Really enjoyed the trees you made, especially the Hershey Kiss Tree!

  130. I checked to make sure but your blog is listed in the "Blogs I Like to Visit" column on my blog. Oh, I love the project you are sharing with us.

  131. i love the tree!!! It is so much like Dr Suess. Makes my heart warm.

    I am also following you and you are on my website at

  132. I will never be a perfectionist because I am so darned unorganized! I wouldn't know where to start being a perfectionist. Maybe if I had the $$ that Martha has, I could hire people to help me be a perfectionist! HA! Thanks so much for the adorable wonky tree pincusion! Absolutely love it! Glad to have found you, will start following your blog. (am not a blogger, just a blog reader) Merry Christmas and HUGS... and stitches

  133. I think that I am somewhere in the middle. I am probably a lot like Peg Bundy with the occasional Martha bug thrown in.

  134. I'm about half a perfectionist. My mind says perfect but I have a mantra which is "perfection stops production." This is really true when you think about it therefore when I get hungup an something being perfect I say my mantra which allows my perfection gene to relax a bit. Perfection is also self critical and we are not perfect. Enough said. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank You.


  135. I love your project and your prizes! Thank you! I think I would have to call myself a recovering perfectionist. I would like to be a perfectionist, but I find it all just starts to slide because there's too much stuff going on in my life!

  136. I love your tree. Thank you. I guess you call me a recovering perfectioniest with some things. I love this blog hop. Have a Happy Holiday.

  137. Prize or no prize, I'm following your blog. This is too fun.

  138. I'm not a "perfectionist" anymore either. With my quilting I try to be at least a little close but if the pattern doesn't go as planned it's good to adapt and go with it! Too many Unfulfilled Expectaions at Christmastime for most people. I'm a follower now also. I blogged a list of all the Henry Glass designers yesterday. I would love to win any one of your prizes. Thanks for the chances.

  139. I am a some time perfectionist. It totally depends on the project. Some times I just have to rip out the seams! Thanks for the cute wonky pattern! I also became a follower!

  140. I am a recovering perfectionist. I love your fabrics and would love to win the quilt kit.

  141. Oh, I also becaome a follower through Google Reader today!

  142. It is a Dr. Seuss tree, I love it. Cute blog too. Have a great Holiday!

  143. I am not a perfectionist (at least I don't think I am) I don't give up easy though.

  144. I can't say I'm a perfectionist, but I'm close! Some things matter more than others

  145. I'm a so-so perfectionist. It depends on what I'm working on.
    I am a newby on your blog, but I will return.

  146. I fear I am a Martha; in fact, I want to BE Martha. What a great gig she has. *S*

    I already follow you in my Google Reader.

    I love the wonky trees, btw.

  147. I am so not recovered. Have given up the idea of even trying to recover :0) It is so bad in fact that my daughter was named most likely to replace Martha Stewart! So that being said, it's a Good Thing! I'm excited to find your blog and the darling pincushion pattern. Thanks!

  148. I guess I am a recovering perfectionist. I want things to be perfect, but that is not going to happen, life is too short.


  149. What an adorable little pin cushion, thanks so much for the pattern. I guess that I am a perfectionist, to the extent that I won't accept less than what I know I'm capable of. Make sense? I can't just slack off when I know that I can do much better. Thanks for the chance to win terrific prizes. I follow your blog through my Windows Live program.

  150. Thank you for participating - this is so much fun! Your project is adorable. I just do what I can, how's that? Happy Holidays.

  151. I'm a recovering perfectionist! This is probably not by choice, but as I get older I get smarter....and slower.

  152. I'm a recovering perfectionist. I've started so many projects for Christmas my head is swimming. However, after reading your post, I will let it all go and finish what I can and if it's not quite right, who cares! Your illos are lovely and so is your tilt-y pin cushion tree. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  153. I am a recovering perfectionist, but it is an ongoing process and I'm not there yet. Your pincushion is adorable -- I love wonky!

  154. I am a new follower of your blog and have added you to my "favorites" list. I love your creative spirit and look forward to seeing your new Christmas line of fabric next Christmas

  155. I can relate to the recovering perfectionist category! I am the oldest of eleven girls (YES I SAID 11 GIRLS) and being the oldest I was always very black and white - it is or it isnt. No inbetween. (the inbetween came later!) Everything had to be just so - and if I didnt think you could make it be just so, I would do it myself. Thank you for the giveaway! I have a 20mo old that I have started sewing for - she likes "blue jeans witha dress, mamma!" (that was yesterdays request) silly girl!

  156. I think I forgot to mention that I follow your blog! =)

  157. Recovering perfectionist. Somedays I'm really good and other days not so much. Christmas can be a real challenge for me when it comes to this. I love your new fabrics...heading over to Cindy's after visiting here.

  158. #1 - I LOVE the Wonky Tree Pin Cushion!!
    #2 - I am a (hopefully, LOL) recovering perfectionist......and a follower of your blog!
    Thank you for such a cute pattern - and an amazing giveaway!

  159. I gave up perfectionism years ago. It's too stressful. I can only do what I can do and if it doesn't all get done, too bad. Thank you for the wonky tree. I need to make my daughter a pincushion and she'd love this.

  160. I love the wonky tree --- and, yes, I gave up perfectionism a long time ago. My favorite quote "if you can't see it on a galloping horse"... I accept things done correctly, but life is too short to be perfect.

  161. Such fun items. Thank you for participating in the blog hop. I am a perfectionist at times and not so at other times. I tend to hurry to get things done which doesn't help out the perfectionist at all.

  162. In some areas, like quilting and crafting, I am a perfectionist. In other areas (like laundry) I am not! Your pincushion tree is so cute it would be fun to make an entire Dr Seuss "Grinch Who Stole Christmas" landscape.

  163. I am a recovering perfectionist. I am slowing learning that no one is perfect so its not worth stressing about.

  164. Just in case you were wondering what I had to say... xoxoxo

  165. I think I am a recovering perfectionist. I would still like everything to be perfect but know it isn't always possible. Thanks for the wonky Christmas tree pin cushion pattern. Hopefully I can work this project in before Christmas.

  166. Another recovering perfectionist here. It still bugs me when things aren't perfect, but I'm learning to let go. I subscribed to your blog through google reader.

  167. Life doesn't leave time for perfectionism...

  168. I'm a recovering perfectionist. I'm getting much better at relaxing and enjoying the time I get to spend with family and friends. thank you for sharing!

  169. Oh I gave up being a perfectionist a while ago. My blog name is pointlessquilter so that should give some clue of what I'm like. :)
    Anyway, I became a follower today. I look forward to reading your blog some more.

    Thanks for being part of this wonderful blog hop. I have really been enjoying it.

  170. I love your pincushion! I enjoyed seeing the prototypes!!!!
    Years ago I strived to be a perfectionist but quickly realised it wasn't going to happen!!

  171. I am a perfectionist and working on the recovery aspect sometimes, if required and only if need be.

  172. I have joined up to follow your blog and look forward to future posts!1

  173. I am far from a perfectionist. I think that is good because I would never get anything finished otherwise. Thanks for the give-a-way. Tina

  174. I'm not at all a perfectionist. I give credit to my mother who just likes to get everything done as easily and quickly as possible, while still enjoying it. I'm glad I've picked up that trait! It makes things a lot easier when seams don't match :)

    I like the tree pincushion - thanks for sharing!

  175. And I'm a new follower :) I look forward to keeping up with your fun!



  178. I'm a perfectionist with projects, but not with housework. If that makes sense. Something's got to give! ;o)

  179. I'm a new follower of your blog! :o)

  180. I blogged about your giveaway! ;o)

  181. Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. I, too, am a perfectionist in some things, such as my sewing, but then let a lot of other things, such as housecleaning, slide. So what does that make me?

  182. Recovering perfectionist!! It runs in our family :}

  183. Loved your long post...very entertaining! ;o) I am a recovering only took me 50+ years, but I am a lot happier this way! Thank you for sharing your cute pincushion pattern.
    I am also a follower of your blog.

  184. I am definitely not a perfectionist, I can live with a little mistake, just not too many of them, life is too short to get bent out of shape about something trivial. Chances are no one else will notice.

  185. I'm somewhere in the middle. It all depends on what I'm doing and who it's for.

  186. I'm a recovering perfectionist -- grandchildren will do that to you!! I love whimsical trees. Thanks

  187. I'm a recovering perfectionist. Love you pin cushion and thanks for the pattern. Will have to try it for my sewing room.

  188. I am an ageing perfectionist. Which means I cannot do all I did in the past but I still try.
    There is most likely not enough time left for me to recover but that too I will keep trying.
