Monday, December 13, 2010

A Tree-mendous Day

 One of our family traditions is to go to a local tree farm, where they give you a hayride out to the field, you pick your tree, they cut it down for you, and throw it on the tractor to take back up to the front. Then while you wait for the tree to get bundled by one of those cool machines, they have free coffee and hot chocolate and cookies. (Let's be honest- we can get the tree anywhere. We're really just there for the cookies....)
 Oldest daughter's boyfriend came along this year:

It was really, really cold. One year, we had snow, which was really pretty. This year, though, just cold. And very windy.

(Jacquelynne Steves or Unibomber?? You decide.)

 I think oldest daughter is giving him her opinion on how the tree should be decorated... she is a little bossy... I wonder where she gets that from....

It amazes me how much water a tree will take in for the first several days after it's been cut. I find myself under the tree twice a day refilling it. An Olympic event, really. (OK OK so it's really more like the Senior Olympics... but none of us are getting any younger, are we?)

PS The grand prize winner of the Henry Glass Designers Blog Hop is....... Erica C. from  Sweet Grass, MT! (that sounds like a really nice place to live!) Congratulations, Erica- your prize is on the way.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great day! God bless!
