Thursday, January 6, 2011

News Bits and Pieces

 Is everyone settling into the new year? Youngest daughter went back to school a couple of days ago, oldest daughter is home for just a few days more and then she’s back at college. And the house will be quiet- which is good and bad. I have a hard time getting work done when everyone’s home, but that’s because they are just so darned entertaining!!! We have laughed and laughed and laughed over the last few weeks, and although the studio has been less than productive, I wouldn’t trade that time for the world….

It’s time to settle into some fun projects now that the holiday hustle and bustle is done. And guess what- Sewing Room Social fat quarter bundles are now available in our online shop! Click here to find them. If you make any projects with my fabric or any of my patterns, please send me a photo- I’d love to put a “Show and Tell” page on my site! 

Also, if you live in Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, or Delaware, look for the latest issue of The Country Register, featuring artwork from the Sewing Room Social line on the cover. In case you are not familiar with The Country Register, it is a free newspaper published every other month, full of interesting articles, recipes, free patterns, and ads for great little shops you will want to visit. You can get your free copy at many quilt shops, country stores and gift shops.  (The Country Register is published in just about every U.S. state, so make sure to check it out.)  I have been working with Merle Taylor at The Country Registers of Indiana, Maryland, and NJ/Delaware for many years- such a nice man. He was kind enough to include an article about me and the Sewing Room Social line in his papers. You can read the article here (page 23) , and visit his website here (you can also read online editions for the states Florida, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey/Delaware, Pennsylvania/West Virginia, and Virginia. 

I have been busy (OK not really busy, see the first paragraph of this post) working on my book. Time to buckle down!!! I also have to do the artwork for my next fabric line, the ideas are percolating, I’ve just gotta get them down on paper. Some of what I have been working on:
Have a great day, and do something creative to feed your soul!


  1. Wow Jacquelynne, that's great! I'll have to be on the lookout for the country register!

  2. I love the Country Register! Can't wait to see your stuff in it! Congrats on getting in!

  3. I enjoyed your article and beautiful covers in the Country Register. I write "A Cup of Tea with Lydia" for their papers.

    Congratulations on your first book coming out. I'm sure it will be wonderful and inspire creativi-TEA.

    My first book came out Oct. 2010. Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting (for grandparents at any stage of the journey) affirms grandparents and offers tools to help them become the best grandparents they can be, with God's help. Learn more here:

    Right now I have patterns to make a fancy American Girl doll dress so my granddaughter and her look-alike Lanie can wear similar dresses when my ganddaugther does the doll dance in the Nutcracker ballet. It's time to dust off my sewing machine and apply my home economics background.

    Blessings in the New Year!

    Lydia Harris
