Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today is the Day!

Today is the day. After months of concentrated effort, on a project that originally I began about 3 or 4 years ago, today I will be sending the last of my materials to my book editor. Phew! Yay! Yippee! WooHoo! (And every other exclamation I can think of.) I sent the bulk of it in about 2 weeks ago, including a lot of artwork originals. It was scheduled for arrival on a Saturday and didn’t arrive until Thursday (note to U.S. Postal Service: Thanks for all of the added stress.) But it did eventually arrive safely. I had a few things to finish up, and they will be mailed out today, and then I am, for the most part, done.

Usually after I finish up a big project, I like to take the rest of the day to straighten up the studio, think about what I will work on next. But I already have a few projects waiting for me. I need to paint some stuff for my next fabric line (already sketched out, palette chosen), and a few days ago I drew out a few new punch needle patterns. I started working on a sample last night. I have really been wanting to do more punch needle patterns, but I just haven’t had time to make up the samples. This will be my first new punch needle pattern in a few years (except for the one that I included in my book.) I asked my husband if I could show him how to do it so he could make some samples for me- but he was not keen on the idea! And I told him- people pay me good money to take my class and learn how to do it- and I am offering to show you for free! But he’s still not buying it. Sigh.

Friday was a beautiful day, sunny and 75 degrees. I decided, kind of last minute, to go to the AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Oh, that gets the creativity going! I always go to those things thinking “I won’t buy anything, because really, the studio is bursting at the seams and what more could I need”. Ha! I spent my fair share- I got a cool new ruler and some wool and a few fat quarters and a book, and a few more assorted goodies. I also took some photos of some fabulous quilts, which I will share with you next time.

I’m off to the Post Office! Have a creative day!


  1. I'm so happy to hear that you are making more punch needle patterns! I love PN! I started doing it about five years ago and it has become my therapy. Congratulations on finishing up your book. What an incredible achievement!

  2. Congratulations! I know this takes a LOT of work...but it will be worth it when you see the finished product!

  3. I wondered if you might be here for the Quilt Show. We always notice when it is time for that particular show because so many people come.

  4. Sorry you can't convince me to try punchneedle - maybe you need to find a way for men to do this using powertools.....

    Love, Hubby

  5. Chris's comment made me laugh because that would be the case with my husband....if it needs power, he's there to try to make it bigger, faster, better. LOL! I often wish I had an assistant who could help me just a few hours a week. I am seriously considering that, possibly a junior high student, maybe one of the kids in the confirmation class that would like to make some extra spending money. Congrats on getting all the book materials "out the door". I know this is a lot of work but you will be so excited when you see the finished product!
