Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And the Winners Are......

The winner from the random drawing here on my blog was: Kathy from Troublesome Creek Quilts! Congratulations, Kathy- your prize will be sent out to you shortly.

And the applique project with the most votes at Quilting Gallery was: Jean from Nebraska with her quilt entry, Sunday Drive! Your prize is also on the way, Jean- congratulations! All of the entries were truly wonderful, and to be honest- I didn't vote because I couldn't decide on just one. I tried to- but the pressure just got to me!

Last week, hubby surprised me and "kidnapped" me and took me out for the day. We had a nice lunch, then went to a local museum/garden, and then did a little shopping. It was a very nice day! And so nice to see some Spring color. Hubby got some great shots.
Magnolias blossoming.

Flowering Quince buds- love this, have to get some for my garden.

Inspiration can be found anywhere- maybe someday this ironwork motif will find its way into a fabric pattern.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


  1. I am so excited to have won the applque contest on the Quilting Gallery site. Can't wait to receive your prize in the mail. I've seen glimpses of the fabric and it looks wonderful. Thanks so much, Jacquelynne

  2. Winning a giveaway is so exciting! I love your style, and I can't wait to see my prize.

    Thanks for the glimpses of spring. We are getting there - I "almost" have a daffodil blooming.

    Thanks so much for the prize.

  3. Congratulations to the winners! I thought it was fun just to enter, and then see all the lovelies! I felt like a winner, just because I was able to complete my first project in applique - thanks for your tutorial!
    Jacque in SC
