Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fruitful Hands Book Giveaway- 3 ways to win!!!

I finally have some copies of Fruitful Hands in my very own hands....

The book features 14 projects, including quilts, wool applique, punch needle, embroidery, and painting. PLUS 12 recipes- yum!

Would you like to take a peek? Here is a page from the book:
make-do (meyk'doo) n. something that serves as a substitute, esp. of an inferior or prudent nature. Origin 1890-95. v. to manage with less than one would like by repairing or re-using old things instead of buying new ones.

A make-do is created from scraps and bits, and items that might otherwise be cast off. It is basically a stuffed item, in this case a pear, on some sort of base, often of a primitive or whimsical style. Use it as a pincushion or simply as an interesting conversation piece in your decor. I have included several words on the pattern page for you to choose from for your hanging tag or you could write your own message on the tag. My tag says "patience" - a daily reminder for me to work on t that characteristic of which I always seem to be in short supply!

Another page from the book:
The Heartfelt Home Wool Floor Mat. Wool is one of my favorite materials to worth with- no edges to turn under! I created this as a floor mat design because wool is quite durable. But if you can't bear to walk on it, feel free to use it as a table topper or wall hanging.

A couple of other projects from the book:
The Fayette County Fair Table Runner and Place Mat set. Photo above shows the place mat. The mix of plaid and floral with a liberal dose of red says country fair to me. This table set is an invitation to picnic right in your dining room whenever you'd like, no matter the weather (and no ants!)

Citrus Peel Quilt. This is a takeoff on the classic orange peel block. The colors are so refreshing and remind me of a citrus salad- oranges, lemons and limes. The block are appliqued so there is no need for curved piecing (I hear a sigh of relief from a few of you!)

A few of the recipes in the book:
BLT Macaroni and Cheese Cups

 Sunshine Chicken Soup

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Finally, a few bits of watercolor art that I painted to decorate the pages:

And click here for a few more pages from the book.

The book is available on the Kansas City Star (Pickledish) website, on my website, and on Amazon.

To enter to win your very own autographed copy of my book, leave a comment here and tell me- if you won a copy of the book, which is the first project or recipe you would make and why. You must comment by noon EDT on Wednesday July 13. And I must have your email address. Winner will be chosen at random.
Put a link on your blog to this post and get another chance to win. Email me here to let me know that you've done so and provide me the link for a Bonus chance to win!!

Bonus Bonus Giveaway Opportunity: Kansas City Star is also doing a giveaway on their Pickledish blog. Hop on over and enter for a chance to win there also! (I'm not sure when that giveaway ends, so make sure you hurry over...) They are also giving away other books as well.

Good luck!!!!!!


  1. I would LOVE a copy of the book. The first thing I would do is make those delicious looking chocolate peanut butter cupcakes. Yum, yum.
    I will send my email address to you through your profile.

  2. How cool is that. to be published!!! I'm so happy for you and it looks beautiful!! Your going to make us choose only one thing we would make up or cook!!!! The make do is cute and the cupcakes look like they are to die for!!! Congratulations and I hope you sell lot and lots of books!! Please put my name in the giveaway!!!!

  3. Your blog is one of my favorites...I LOVE your artwork and especially applique! I would love to make the pineapple wall hanging but I'm sure my family would much rather have the scrumptious looking chocolate peanut butter cupcakes!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  4. Thanks for a chance to win your lovely book...been waiting to see a bigger peek! I think my first project would be those cute picnic placemats although the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes look delicous!

  5. The book looks like fun. Thanks for the opportunity to win. The first thing I would make is the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes - what could be better.

  6. WOW! I love Make-do's, you inspire me to get creative, and recipes too...Oh My!

  7. I would so make the Heartfelt Home mat first - SO pretty and I have finally gotten over my scaredy cat feelings about wool! THEN, the BLT cakes would be next! I love that you have included recipes in your book. CONGRATULATIONS on your book!!

  8. If I won a copy I would pull out my wool and make the Home floormat/table topper. Love it!! Thanks for the chance!

  9. This is so lovely!!! I would have to first make the Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcakes! My favorite flavor in the world :-)

    After making the cupcakes, I would begin the House on the Hill or the place mats. And I would have the cupcakes to keep me going...


  10. Well, the sewing project were nice but the chocolate peanut butter cups sucked me right in! Thanks!

  11. Blogging about your giveaway here Thank you!

  12. I sure like the pineapple wall hanging and would probably tackle that first, unless it's cool enough to bake. Then I'd go for the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes! ;-)

  13. What a wonderful book! If you are open for international bloggers I will love to join. I feel like I just repeat what others have said, but those Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcakes are irresistible! So first I would make them, then sit down and enjoy and look at the projects in the book to see what next will be :)

  14. What a wonderful book! If you are open for international bloggers I will love to join. I feel like I just repeat what others have said, but those Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcakes are irresistible! So first I would make them, then sit down and enjoy and look at the projects in the book to see what next will be :)

  15. Well, I agree with everyone else that the cupcakes look awesome, but they are not on my diet, so I would like to make the tablerunner and placemats! Thanks for the chance to win...I think my fav thing that you showed would be your art work - really like that!
    Jacque in SC

  16. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway! I adore the citrus quilt and I would do that first! thanks!

  17. Mmmmm, chocolate and peanut butter! Just that recipe alone would be worth the price! I'd definitely have to make the cupcake recipe as soon as I had the book in my hands. YUM! I'm making a tote bag using some charms and a fat quarter of your Sewing Room Social fabric that I won from Sandi over at A Legacy of Stitches and I just love all the soft colors and the detail in the prints. I'd sure love to see all the good stuff in this lovely book!


  18. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book. I love the Heartfelt Wool Floor Mat but I could never use it as a mat! I woudn't want it to get dirty! I'd make it a wall hanging. That BLT macaroni and cheese cup looks yummy too.

  19. I would like to make chocolate peanut butter cupcakes,Looks delicious!!
    And the read all the project to choose ose to do.
    Thanks to the chance.

  20. Your watercolors are wonderful!

    The first thing I would make is the wool floor mat, while I am making the BLT Mac and Cheese cups - those look great!

  21. I would make the wool rug/table runner. I have a bin with wool in it just dieing for a project.

    My email is,
    garden_angel [at]centurytel. net

  22. I would make those little cupcakes... My prayer partner and I would munch while sharing The Word.
    Thanks for the chance to win

  23. Your book looks lovely! I would probably make the welcome home floor mat first and try utsome of your recipes! Thanks so much!

  24. The first thing I would make are the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes. MMMM! Then I would be stitching the floor mat. Love working with wool. Such a great book! Thanks for the chance to win it!
    Patti (

  25. The book looks awesome!!! I love everything I see....wool, recipes, fingers are crossed!!! :)

  26. Your book is just wonderful and the photographs of each item are just lovely! I would make that wool rug. I sooooo love working with wool!! And I would bake those cupcakes. I really want some chocolate right now and there is none in the house that I can eat! Wait.......there are pudding cups! Not quite as good as your cupcakes but it will do for now. :-)

  27. Your book look wonderful I would have to try and make those cupcakes. Peanut butter and chocolate can't get better than that.

  28. Would love to make the peanut butter chocolate cupcakes! My son would love me for it! Looks like a wonderful book! Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. You have a book! How cool! I would love a chance to win a copy!

    I'd want to make the Sunshine Chicken Soup first. I know it's summer, but nothing beats homemade chicken soup in my mind. MMMMmmm

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    snowpumpkin at gmail dot com

  30. Oh my - oh my - I MUST get this book - I fell in love as soon as I saw the cover, that would be the first thing and I would work my way right through! Oh what a BEAUTIFUL book!!!! It's giving me palpitations!

  31. They are all so cute or tastebud tempting that I am not sure where I would begin. I am so excited for your first book adventure. Best of luck to you. Thanks for sharing your new treasure with us.

  32. I would make the wool mat first as I've always wanted to work with wool....I've started a stash and I think I'm ready to give it a try. The Peanut Butter cupcakes look yummy and would have to try them. Thanks for the chance to win your book....luv the title 'Fruitful Hands'

  33. I don't know. I think it's a toss-up on making the wool rug/table mat to trying out the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. I would make those adorable place mats, what a cute gift they would make. Looks like you will have great success with all of your adorable patterns and recipes. I'm happy to have found your blog. Thanks for the chance to win your book. You can click on my name to find my email for the draw.

  35. Well, I'm a fan of your work and a follower of your blog, of course I would like to win your book even because it is'nt available in my county.
    The first project to make probably would be The Heartfelt Home Wool Floor Mat.
    The first recipe of the book is more difficult to choose because they are all too yummie!
    winner or not I wish the best success to your book! :)

  36. How wonderful! Would love to win and try many of the items! I recently retired (a young 40 :) ) and have time now to enjoy home and the good things. The peanut butter cupcakes and the citrus peel quilt would be right up top!

  37. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

  38. I love the utensil place mat. Those would liven up my kitchen table.

  39. Congrats on the book! Please enter me. It's exactly the sort of book I need. :)

  40. Your book looks awesome and I would love to win an autographed copy... wow! The first thing I would make would be the chicken soup...mmmmmm!

  41. I am in the same group as those making the peanut butter cupcake recipe immediately. And I would start on the floor mat while they were cooking. Thank you for the inspirational quote by MaryBeth Chapman. Lovely. Smiles,

  42. I would love a chance to win and I would definitely make the pineapple quilt, such a fun pattern.


  43. It looks like a fabulous book! I love the cover and what I saw inside is very inviting. I may buy it just for the recipes. When I get it, I'll get those Orange Chocolate Chip Scones baking while I gather up the supplies for the floor mat. But I doubt it will live on my floor. Black wool and Sheltie sheddings don't mix very well. That's another story for another day. Thanks for your generosity in offering this prize. Best wishes on it's success.

  44. I'd have to start by making those chocolate peanut butter cupcakes yum! And while they're in the oven baking I can decide from there which project to take on. The Pineapple Welcome hanging looks like a great start!! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  45. i would first make the pear pincushion, and then the wool mat, i love wool, and all this while baking and cooking some of those fabulous recipes. what an awesome book. thanks.

  46. I would bake the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes FIRST -- then, sit down and select a project : )

    Probably punchneedle or the pear ... hard to choose

  47. I'd make the citrus peel quilt and the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes!!

  48. The first thing I'd make would be the chocolate peanut butter cupcake, they look delicious and while they are baking read about the pineapple hanging. It just speaks hospitality to me. I like the watercolor pics. This is a nice giveaway, thank you.

  49. BLT macaroni and cheese cups look yummy...would want to try those for sure! Looks like my kind of book, would love to win it. Thanks for the chance.

  50. Oh I'd love to win your book. I'd have to start with the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes and then find something fun to embroider. Thanks for a chance to win.

    esterling1923 at gmail dot com

  51. I would so love a copy of this book. What a delightful afternoon it would make for - just going through it page-by-page!

  52. Would love to win your book, thanks for the chance. It would have to be Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes, my mouth is watering just thinking about them. Linda

  53. I think your new book looks delightful, a fun read as well as making the projects. I would make the Sunshine Chicken Soup--the avocado has me intrigued. Congratulations on your book!

  54. If I won your wonderful book, the first project I would make is the Pineapple Welcome wall hanging - so cute!

  55. Ooh, it all looks so wonderful. I'd love to win! I'd like to try that Sunshine Chicken Soup and those cupcakes would be perfect for my husband's birthday next month. Yum!

  56. The book looks wonderful. The chicken soup is first recipe I would make.

    I would do the embroidery pieces because I don't know how to quilt or sew.

    My life-long friend who quilts, loves doing the wool thing is the one I would give this "autographed" copy to even though I love having author signed books,

    Sandy from the South

  57. If I were to win your newest book, I would make the Pineapple Bread Pudding. My DH loves bread pudding and I'm always looking for new ways to serve it. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  58. BLT Mac & Cheese cups for adorable and my kids would love them! I'd be so happy to win your book! It looks amazing! Congrats on being published!

  59. Perhaps the Citrus Peel Quilt. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  60. The Citrus Peel quilt for sure! I've always loved the orange peel pattern but have never made one.
    Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful new book. Congratulations.

  61. I love the pineapple welcome wall hanging. I think that would be my first project. Pineapple bread pudding doesn't sound like I would like it but I bet it does taste delicious, just not what I am used to. The table of contents are intriguing. Looks like lots of fun projects and recipes.

  62. Your book looks delightful. I do so love new quilty books and yours just seems so different. Yummy recipes, beautiful artwork and fun projects. Excellent!


  63. I would so love to win your book!
    From the sneak peek pages it looks wonderful. Thanks so much for the opportunity

  64. I'd love to win your book! I've done two other patterns of yours and love them! The Cherry Tart recipe sounds wonderful! And the first design? I love the Citrus Peel design - and the colors you chose are gorgeous!

  65. My first project would be the wool floor mat - I love that! Of course, the BLT macaroni & cheese cups might be necessary for the strength to do the mat, right? :) blessings, marlene

  66. Congratulations! A published author! I know a celebrity! I'm so proud of you. Of course, I would love to win an autographed copy! I would try the BLT mac 'n cheese cups! Everything I love in my hand, right!? Love it!
    Good luck. Hope you sell a million copies!

  67. If I were to win the book those cupcakes would be calling my name. And after licking my fingers clean of the chocolatey goodness, I would try the citrus peel quilt.
    Congratulations on what looks like a great book.

  68. I like your pear pincushion. I would make that--because one can never have enough pincushions floating around. Otherwise, you end up like me with pins on the floor. :)

  69. I want one of your peanut butter cups right now, so if I won, I think that would be the first recipe I would make. I also like the wool felt applique, but that would be a new project for me. Thank you for the giveaway. It looks like a beautiful book.

  70. The book is absolutely lovely! You must be so excited!

  71. (Please include this is the comment above -- I want to make the chicken soup right away!)

  72. What a lovely book! Definitely I would want to make the citrus quilt first, it's fabulous--and maybe some of those cupcakes too ;) Thank you!


  73. Peanut butter cupcakes, for sure! Then while I am enjoying a cupcake (or two) I'll decide on which project to start on.....

    Extraordinary book - thanks sew much for the chance to win!!!

  74. Jacquelynne,
    Congratulations on your new book, it looks wonderful.

  75. I would love to get my hands on this book - what great ideas you have. My first project would be the Heartfelt Home Wool Floor Mat. So cute - for now i am going to try my hand at one of your hand embroidery designs! Thanks
    jonicarroll [at] yahoo [dot] com

  76. I love your designs and would love to win a copy of your beautiful book. The first project I would make would be the tablerunner and placemats.

  77. I would make the Heartfelt Home Wool Floor Mat. Because it is beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win.

  78. Hello!
    Oh what a beautiful book full of blessing...
    I love to mix quilting, sewing, cooking etc...this is how I have been teaching my daughters!
    So, what a bonus!
    Thanks for the chance at a great give-away!

  79. I would love to make the Citrus Peel quilt. It would however be my first quilt with curves.. a challenge but a joy!

  80. Your book seems fabulous.
    firstly I would make the chocolate cupcakes. I love chocolate. Then I'd love to make your gorgeous floor mat.
    Thank you for the chance.

  81. I'd make the Sunshine chicken soup! It looks delicious and I'm always looking for new things to fix for supper. Thanks for the giveaway!

  82. Congratulations on your book! If I win, I'd make the the Heartfelt Home wool floor mat, but I'd admire it from my hearth because nobody would be allowed to walk on it! :-)

  83. The first thing I'd make is something from wool, like the Heartfelt Home welcome mat because I've never done anything with wool and just this week I started felting some sweaters that I picked up from the thrift store for that very purpose. Congrats on your new book!

  84. I forgot to give you my email address in case I win!


  85. Wonderful giveaway! If I won the book, my first project would be the Heartfelt Home floor mat, BUT it would never touch my floor Not with boys and dogs. I'd love to hang it as a wall-hanging in our study. Thanks for the chance to win!

  86. If I win, the first thing I will have my mother make are the peanut butter chocolate cupcakes (she is the cook - I wash dishes). I was thinking of you today as cut out one of your free patterns in The Country Register for May/June... then spotted your blog giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter and CONGRATULATIONS! mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  87. I would like to make the pineapple wall hanging and the sunshine chicken soup..thanks for the chance to win

  88. Hi!
    What a nice give-away!
    My sis told me about your blog...
    I love your book, I would so love the recipes & my sister is a sew/quilter! How wonderful that would work out, we would share! :)
    Thanks for the chance :)
    Lisa (Meme)

  89. I would love to have a copy of this book...and the first recipe I would make is the chicken soup...I love chicken soup...thanks for a great giveaway...

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Jacquelynne ~ I would LOVE a copy of your book, and I would make my FAVORITE comfort food, mac & cheese ... but make it your style with the BLT ... that way my favorite will be healthy! (but don't tell Paula Deen!) lol

    July 12, 2011 8:23 PM

  92. I would make sunshine chicken soup for sure (if it's gluten free lol)


  93. I would love to have your book so that I could make the make-do's for all the sewers/quilters in my family for christmas. Congratulations on your book! My email is Thank you

  94. I love the cover of the book. I would make the 'House On A Hill' quilt. Thank you for the Pineapple Bread Pudding recipe.....I'll be making that after my next trip to the grocery store. Thank you for the chance to win your book.


  95. I love the cover of your book and that is what I would want to make if I won a copy of the book.

  96. This is a beautiful book and I would love to make anything but I really love the quilt on the cover or the pear pincushion or maybe the pineapple quilt.The cupcakes look delicious and a must make also. Thanks for the chance to win.

  97. Oh, it'd have to be those BLT Macaroni & Cheese cups first ! They look delicious! I really love the design on the Heartfelt Mat, the pictures are just terrific! Hope I can win!
    Congratulations on the book!

  98. I would love to make the wool floor mat with my wool stash. Thanks for a chance to win!

  99. Oh, the list of projects...sounds so much fun! I would start with a make-do project..I'm such a saver of random stuff that I just know will fit the bill for this type of project and I love the pineapple wallhanging too!! I just love your patterns Jacquelynne!


  101. Oh! I hope I made it in time. Your book sounds delightful! I would make that Sunshine Chicken Soup first and slurp it up while I picked my NEXT project. It looks delicious and the office I work in is over-air conditioned, so I'm cold and soup sounds perfect. LOL

  102. I would love a chance to win a copy of your book. I have tried to see more pages over at Pickledish... but there is a little glitch. I love your patterns... so I think your book will be fantastic! I love the Pear make do and would be a fun project.

  103. I would love to have a copy of your book. I know that I will just love the whole thing. I will have to order myself one soon and if I win I will share your book with a friend.

  104. I would love to have your book, but I just now got my email!!!

  105. Oh I too late for the giveaway? I just got the post a few minutes ago??? I would love to have a copy of your new book. Hugs...and Congratulations on the new book...

  106. I would love to try making a rug

  107. I cross my fingers and hope I will win this book. It looks like it is a wonderful book.

  108. Just found your site today - lucky me! Would love to do both the citrus peel quilt and the pineapple bread pudding. Obviously would be much more like to finish the bread pudding first. Love your site and will come back often.

  109. Ive been a follower for a while, yum I would love to try the pineapple bread pudding and of course the mac & cheese, then for desert I would try the wool piece.
    thanks for the chance to win.

  110. I would love to be able to try new recieps. Hummm bread pudding.

  111. If I were lucky enough to win this book, my first project would be the Heartfelt Home floor mat. I have a stash of felt that I've collected for years and this project would be just what I need to get me actually using that stash. Will send you my email through your profile. thanks, nlcalendar

  112. I would like to purchase your book.
