Friday, August 5, 2011

Book Blog Tour Day 5

 It's the last day of the tour-phew! Thanks for sticking with me! I have really enjoyed reading all of your comments. Leave a comment on this post by midnight Saturday Sunday EDT (you get 2 extra days this time!) for your chance to win a copy of my book! And remember that I will list ALL of the winners of my giveaways here on my blog on Monday, so be sure to check in to see if you're a winner.

This has been a dream come true- I have known for a long time that I wanted to do a book, and it took me a while to put it all together in my head, to figure out just what I wanted it to be. I knew I wanted to paint my own illustrations for diagrams and to "decorate" the book, and I knew I wanted to add some recipes, because the kitchen is an important part to my creative life.  I loved putting this book together. As I mentioned, it started in my head about 4 years ago, and it has been a lesson in patience and persistence for me. What I liked most is that it has let me combine so many things that I love doing into one project- sewing, cooking, painting. It was really fun (and sometimes challenging ) to come up with a good balance of projects and recipes, and then paint all of the diagrams and illustrations to go with them.
Someone asked in a comment the other day what part I enjoy most, and I would have to say, all of it... When I'm tired of sewing I do a little painting, and vice versa. As far as the food, my family is always ready and willing to taste and test.... the only thing I don't like about it is actually sitting down to write the pattern, and then the endless proofing when it is time to edit. But the fun of creating new projects and recipes far outweighs that part.

The first project that I worked on, before I ever had the nerve to even THINK about submitting a proposal to a publisher, was the Pineapple Welcome Wall Hanging. I made this sample probably 3 or 4 years ago, knowing in the back of my mind that "someday" it would be in my book:

Another project that I did early on was the Citrus Peel Quilt- I really like the refreshing colors in it. It does not match a single room in my house.... so maybe some redecorating is in order?

And the recipe? Orange Chocolate Chip Scones.

I am happy to announce that today is Sandi Andersen's day for the blog tour!

Her blog is called A Legacy of Stitches. Sandi is the only person on my blog tour that I have never met face to face- but I consider her a dear friend. We "met" while blogging, and have sent many, many emails back and forth, as well as packages stuffed with fabric, little gifts, etc. Last week I got a package from Sandi...

....and I just LOVED what was inside- it's honestly one of the nicest things anyone has ever given me. She made me this cute little pin cushion from my Sewing Room Social fabric, I will always cherish it (and I cried a little when I opened it- which is really rare for me):
 Want to learn to make this pincushion? Click here to go to the tutorial on Sandi's blog.

Sandi is another one of those "Energizer Bunny" type of people! She is always sewing something, blogging something, hosting or attending a retreat, doing volunteer work.... I don't think she ever sits still. She often designs projects for her favorite quilt shop, Firefly Quilt Shop in nearby Mankato, Minnesota. I sent her a big box of Sewing Room Social fabric, and Wow! has she been busy... some of the projects she has made:

 a sewing kit

 a tote bag (love this one!)

  a wallet

Sandi is the perfect person to help me finish up my blog tour, because the theme of her blog has a connection to my book theme.  Her quilting blog was inspired by the women who shared their creativity .......her mother, Mary, Grandma Goldie, Aunt Marie and so many more ladies in her hometown of Lehigh, Iowa.

Several years ago, she began sharing the vintage quilts her parents bought at estate auctions and some family quilts along with her own designs, in a program she calls "A Legacy of Stitches". If you check out her blog, you'll find a poem that shares her thoughts on those quilts and quilters who inspired her. Every Monday, Sandi has a post called "What's On the Line" where she shares an antique or vintage quilt from her vast collection. It's the perfect platform for her natural story telling ability, when she shares her memories related to the quilt and some of its background.

(Sandi and I have talked before about trying to get these outdoor photos while the Minnesota wind was blowing- I think we came up with the term "aerobic quilting" ha ha.)

Click here to join Sandi on her blog today for another chance to win a copy of my book and some A LOT other goodies that Sandi is generously sharing with the winner.

Monday: Brenda Riddle of Acorn Quilt and Gift Company
              Jill Finley of Jillily Studio
Tuesday: Pat Sloan of, well, everything!
Wednesday: Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches
Thursday: Michele Foster of The Quilting Gallery
Friday: Sandi Andersen of A Legacy of Stitches

Thanks to everyone who came along for the tour! 
Have a great weekend!


  1. I enjoyed your book tour verymuch thanks for the wonderful look into your all looks wonderful I would have a hard time deciding what I liked best...thanks again.

  2. I would LOVE to win a copy of your new book....

    God bless


  3. Thanks for the tour and look into your book! Congrats!

  4. Loved the book tour! I always enjoy Sandi.

  5. Enjoyed your blog all week and would love to win a copy of the book. If I don't it will definitely be on my book wish list.

  6. Thanks for the lovely tour. It was very interesting and fun. I really love your drawings in the book, such a sweet addition!

  7. Charming book, delightful blog. I'm so glad I found you!

  8. Thanks for the tour, have enjoyed reading other blogs. Linda

  9. Thanks for such a lovely tour week, Jackie. It's been a pleasure visiting you everyday and getting to see the story behind you new book.

  10. the last day of the blog hop already! Thanks for organising the 'hop', I really enjoyed it.
    Happy quilting!

  11. The thing I like most about blog tours is seeing in depth the new book or tool that is being featured plus I love being exposed to new quilting blogs. Thanks for a wonderful tour.

  12. The tour has been wonderful! Congratulations on the book. Happy quilting.

  13. This book makes me itch to pick up a needle - lovely samples. I'm so glad you were able to realize a dream!

  14. I've enjoyed the book tour so much, Jackie! I'm keeping my fingers crossed with hopes of winning a copy of your book.

  15. I love Sandi's blog. I think she was one of the first that I started following. What a fun blog hop it has been. Can't wait to see your book. It really looks awesome!

  16. I've really enjoyed your blog tour. I love to check out new blogs. I am a regular follower of Sandi. Your new book looks wonderful.

  17. I can't wait..I'll have to buy your book. But, if I should happen to win a copy it will be double the fun. I'll share the extra with a friend. Thank you for the tour.

  18. It has been a wonderful book tour! Thanks so much for setting this up - it has been fun! And you can see, I have my blogger set up to let me do comments now....much easier!

  19. I have 'followed' Sandi for awhile now and I'm so glad you included her in your 'tour'. Blogland is such a great place to 'meet' new people and find new things. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

  20. I have enjoyed the tour and wow! Sandi does some very nice things. Love her quilts on the line. So pretty. Off to visit her blog.

  21. This has been a lot of fun. Thanks for the book tour and for the chance to win your book.

  22. I have had fun on your book tour. It was great meeting new quilters and finding new blogs to follow. I can't wait to get my copy of your book.

  23. I have had fun on your book tour. It was great meeting new quilters and finding new blogs to follow. I can't wait to get my copy of your book.

  24. I have enjoyed your book tour so much and have discovered an open slot in my book case. Could it be Karma that I might win one of your signed books? Gee I hope so. Isn't Sandi one beautiful woman with talent I am envious of. And yes, she is a great storyteller. Should go on tour, don't you think?

  25. Jacquelynne, really enjoyed your book tour! It was fun seeing all your lovely work. Thanks and hope I win a copy :D

  26. Enjoyed the book tour very much and look forward to your book! Whether I win a copy, or purchase one, I will be adding it to my library!

  27. Thanks for sharing your blog book tour. I have enjoyed meeting new bloggers - Sandi isn't too far from my relatives in New Ulm, MN - COOL!

    Thanks also for the chance to win your new book:)

  28. Enjoyed your book tour very much! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win your fabulous book!! Nurse Payne

  29. Thank you for this blog tour - it has been a wonderful journey that I enjoyed very much.

  30. What sweet gifts! I have really enjoyed the week! Thank you!

  31. I've enjoyed your blog tour this week. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Thank you for sharing about Sandi. I feel your love for her through your commentary. Friendship is such a gift, isn't it?! I'm realizing how i have been blessed through your blog over the last many months. You are such an encourager!

    I'd love to win your book, too.

  33. This has been a fun blog hop! Thanks for featuring such great bloggers!
    And thanks for all the chances to win!
    Sandy A

  34. Thanks for the book blog tour. It was interesting and fun. Now I need to hop over to Legacy. I truly hope can win a copy to read as will be sedentary - doc put me in a back brace for a while. :( So, if cannot quilt, can read about sewing.
    Best wishes for continued success.

  35. Congratulations on your book and book tour!! It's been fun. Now you can sit back and enjoy and relax( probably not for long though...)Thanks for the chance to win and also to meet more creative ladies. They're all on my Reader now, if they weren't already!

  36. Thanks for sharing 'your dream' with all of us...'Fruitful Hands' is a wonderful accomplishment and is on my list to buy...I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win a copy...I've enjoyed the book tour and all your guest bloggers...thanks a million for the sneak peeks of your book!!!

  37. Thanks for the chance to win! It looks like a lovely book!

  38. I would love to win your beautiful book! Thank you so much for sharing this week with us!

  39. You have a marvelous friend to bless you with wonderful gifts from the heart. I dearly love that level of friendship! ~Kd

  40. Sandi is just awesome! I belong to a couple of her Yahoo! groups. She is so generous and loving.

  41. Hi .. I'm still kind of new to reading blogs and twitter so I'm glad to have found you. I'm liking what I'm reading. lol Your book looks Beautiful and can't wait to get my hands on it! Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win.

  42. I've really enjoyed your book tour this week. I'm amazed at what a multi-talented lady you are-- a sewer, a good cook, and a lovely artist! I think you could qualify as an energizer bunny too! Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  43. I've enjoyed finding some new blogs on this tour. You have produced a lovely book; I predict fantastic success!

  44. Wow quite the tour. Hope you had as much fun as I did reading all about it. Would love to win.


  45. Lovely book and what a fun blog. I am so happy that through one of my fav bloggers I discovered you blog. Now I want the book;-).

  46. Lovely book and what a fun blog. I am so happy that through one of my fav bloggers I discovered you blog. Now I want the book;-).

  47. I have enjoyed the tour and would love to win a copy of your book. Thank you.

  48. I've just visited Sandi - what a talented lady!

  49. I've just discovered your blog with this "book blog tour" and I love it. I would love even more to win your book! My own house is just the color of blue on the cover and it would be such fun to make a quilt with a blue house.
    Thanks, Nancy

  50. I've enjoyed following this blog tour. You received some lovely gifts from Sandi. I love the pin cushion.

  51. This was a great tour, thanks so much! I really love the pineapple wall hanging too, that's my favorite. Glad you included recipes with your patterns, can't wait to check it out!

  52. Love this book ! Fruitful Hands are the lifeblood of men and women! Taking care of all Gods preciousness........Family

  53. Enjoyed the blog tour, sad it comes to an end..., love the goodies Sandi sent you, enjoy and thank you for sharing!

  54. I'm home and it is so much easier to check e-mails here than on a computer at a hospital! What a sweet post. :-) Tears of joy are very nice. Hopefully, one day we'll meet in person. Good things come to those who wait so I know that will happen one day. :-)
