Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday Stuff and This & That

Are you a quick sew-er or a slow sew-er?? I am a slooooowwwwww sew-er. No matter how I try to speed things up, it seems to take me forever to make a few blocks. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that my chair is uncomfortable so I'm always finding some excuse to get up and stretch..... and I like to press my blocks more than I like sewing them.... is that weird??? I just like the satisfaction of getting a seam nice and flat. I confess: I am a very aggressive presser!! And I'm addicted to my steam setting!! So anyway, I made these adorable little blocks the other day.
Love the colors, they remind me of sherbet. Yummy. Still working on the embroidery part of this design, that's gonna take me quite a while.

I love the beautiful photography that you see in magazines (hence, my addiction.) As if the magazines weren't enough, now I can just go the the Better Homes and Gardens website and see more.... It's a dangerous thing....
I want to do this to the spare bedroom:

And I think this would look great at the beach house (living room is the next room to get done):

And I am a sucker for repainted scruffy old cabinets AND pears, so, yeah:
Yep, I could just get lost on that website...

Daughter and hubby decided that my blog needed an updated look, so recently they have been busy working on a blog makeover. Yesterday, daughter showed me what she came up with, and it looks so great.... she spent a really long time on it, and she is so, so talented. It amazes me what she can do at the age of 16- and she is completely self taught. I am gushing, but really, my kids just knock me over with their creativity sometimes.... I think the "new and improved" blog will make its appearance at the end of this month.


  1. Oh those little blocks are just too cute! I love my steam setting too! How could I ever live without it? I'm going to purposely avoid clicking over to the BH&G website though...much too tempting with all their great ideas and such lovely pictures! That beach house is fabulous!


  2. I am a speedy gonzalez sewer. I sew with the peddle to the floor, when I go slow, my seams get all crooked and I cut off points too. Speed doesn't really matter, it matters if you like the speed you go at and if it accomplishes the result you want out of it.

  3. I have to sew slowly to be accurate, and even then it's iffy! LOL I'm like the old rental car commercial said: I try harder! (Ooh, did I just date myself? Quite the dinosaur!)
    Love your blocks; they are so cute! And I can't wait to see your blog facelift - although it's great like it is. My daughter is my guru, too, or geek, in her words. Her skills shine on my blog, and our web site for quilters. Have a lovely day!
    Jacque in SC

  4. Cute blocks. I am a slower sewer. I too get up often, but it is usually for a coffee, or an icecream from the freezer ( behind the ironing board).
    Someone I know has a modern desk chair at her sewing machine and loves it. ( the kind I have in front of the computer-on wheels, and swivels) I just like a cushion behind my back, it helps.

  5. I love your quilt blocks! They are so colorful and done perfectly.

    It is so neat to see our children develop their talents. You are allowed to

  6. Those quilt blocks are adorable! Can't wait to see the embroidery that will accompany them! :)
    When I sew (and I'm NOT a seamstress), I plan a LOT before I put material in the presser foot! And then I'm pretty fast....not accurate, just fast! :)

    I LOVE pears too...go figure,:) That painting is gorgeous!

    Anxiously awaiting your new blog design "reveal"!
