Monday, September 12, 2011

Busy Monday

 Did everyone have a good weekend? Mine was busy busy. But before I forget, I wanted to mention that I am doing a book signing for Fruitful Hands this coming Saturday September 17 from 1-3 pm at Needles and Pins Quilt Shop in Swedesboro, NJ. If you are in the Southern NJ/Philadelphia/Delaware area, stop by- we are going to have fun!

This weekend, I attended the Women of Faith conference in Philadelphia. As always, the music was fabulous and the speakers were great. But my favorite part was listening to Dr. Henry Cloud speak. Wow! What intelligent and useful advice. He spoke about "The Law of Happiness"- turns out, most of the secrets to happiness that have been "discovered" by modern science and research can be found in the Bible. And he spoke about "Necessary Endings"- recognizing those things, either good or bad, that have run their course and we need to leave behind to make room in our lives for new things and new seasons. As soon as I got home, I ordered a few of his books. I will review them for you when I get them and read them.
My second favorite thing about the conference was a comedian called Tim Hawkins who did a show Friday night. I have honestly NEVER laughed so hard in my life. Afterward, my cheeks were twitching because the muscles had been overused! And it is all good clean humor- I think it is much more challenging to be funny if you don't have to rely on obvious crass jokes and curse words. You can look him up on YouTube or find his DVDs on Amazon.

I spent all of last week working with stacks of my Apple Blossom Acres fabric, trying to get ready for Quilt Market. The time is just flying by and panic is setting in just a bit. You can see just a little of a project in the background that I just finished up this morning. There is a lot more I need to get done. A LOT.

I am really glad I cleaned up my studio last week. It is so nice to be able to walk through it without tripping over piles of fabric and half finished projects..... it was getting to the point that I didn't want to be in there anymore, but now that I can find things, work is actually enjoyable again. And I definitely feel better mentally when everything around me is in order- when my environment is clear, my mind is much more clear.

So what am I doing right now, you might ask? Well, at this very moment, I am writing a blog post as a way of putting off writing patterns! I will do anything to get out of the writing part!! Oh well, it must get done. Happy Monday.


  1. Just remember, that part that you hate (writing patterns) is what we love to receive (patterns that we get to use). :) Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. You do sound busy! Things sound like they are going real well for you. Lets see what did I do this weekend? Kids came over for barbeque on Saturday, Tim and I bought golf clubs for each other on Sunday... Oh yes, and all the girls are going wedding dress shopping tomorrow for Karina! I think they might have found a place to get married too! Have a great week!
