Friday, October 21, 2011

Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Giveaway- Did you guess correctly??

The answer is.....
No! I don't think anyone guessed correctly! (and sorry that cover photo was so small- I don't have the actual magazine yet and that photo was all I had.)
A lot of people chose applique blocks, because I do a lot of applique. Maybe I should have given a hint that my block doesn't look like something I typically do.... But I really, really like this block, maybe because it is kind of different from my usual style..... the name of my block is "Neapolitan." Can you guess now??

Stop back on November 8- I will be giving away a free copy (or 2) of the magazine, and showing nifty ways to use this block.
Since no one chose correctly, I chose randomly from all the entries and the winner was..... James-Linda.
She will receive a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol. 1 (The Original- I also had a block in that issue), plus a copy of Country Threads, which also contains one of my designs.

OK- so moving along..... The November Newsletter will go out next week (no, you didn't miss the October issue- I totally missed the entire month. Somehow it just flew right by.)  This issue will feature 2 delicious recipes (Ham and Corn Chowder and Apple Upside Cake), plus free place cards for you to print out and use on your Thanksgiving table, a free stitchery pattern (see sneak peek below,) plus a Quilt Market Preview. If you're not signed up yet, you can subscribe in the upper right bar of my blog.

 (I just realized that this is my 500th post. Guess I should throw a party or something???)



  2. Congratulations to the winner. I have to say that was on my list of ones that might be yours, but I decided it was not typical of what you do. Now that I can see it better it probably would not have been on my list lol. I like the name and the fabrics you chose.

  3. Oh I can't wait for the newsletter...they are always a bright spot. Love your block and what a great name for it. :)

  4. Congratulations Linda! Love your block! Congrat's on hitting 500. :-) Have a happy weekend!

  5. Aw congrats James-Linda! Volume 1 - I am totally jealous!! I haven't been able to track a copy down.

  6. wow,I was way off. I did think you did an applique block. Your block is cute though.
    Congrats to the winner.

  7. What a perfect name for your block! Love it!

  8. Love your block, and congratulations to the winner --- can't wait to see your newsletter and open it up!

  9. Congrats on your 500th Post!! That's awesome!
