Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quilt Market Photos

International Quilt Market was great! I met up with lots of old friends and made some new ones, too. Thank goodness my husband was with me at Market- he is the one who remembers to take photos- if left to me there would be no photos at all!!

The first day, I did 2 School House presentations. The first was for my book Fruitful Hands. It was my first School House ever, and though I was a little nervous, I think it went pretty well. I actually had fun! The second one was for Henry Glass Fabrics with 4 other fabric designers. It was kind of a whirlwind- all 5 of us trying to show our new lines in a 30 minute session! Here are some photos:
 (Me and my Henry Glass design director, Harriet.)

Henry Glass designers Dana Brooks, Me, MaryEllen vonHolt, Kari Ramsey, Jill Finley

After School House on Friday afternoon, we ran back to the booth to finish setting up for Saturday morning. Then we went out to dinner with some pals from Henry Glass. A busy, busy, fun day. Then we collapsed into bed- exhausted! And there was still a little work left to do on Saturday morning before the show opened at 9:30, but we managed to get it done.

Photos of my booth:

 We picked up a few bags of apples when we got to Houston- the perfect prop for my Apple Blossom Acres fabric line.

Look at these yummy Aurifil threads that I displayed in my booth. Did I mention that I was one of the booths on the Aurifil Booth Hop? It was really fun- I am so glad that I was asked to be part of it! It's just like a Shop Hop- participants get a passport and have to get it stamped at each booth, then at the end they were entered to win lots of prizes. The grand prize was a suitcase full of Aurifil thread! Oh I was wishing that I could enter! Speaking of Aurifil, here is a picture of me and Alex Veronelli from Aurifil:

AND, more Aurifil news later this week.............

I have lots and lots more photos (thanks to Hubby!). Check back for more of the Quilt Market Recap.


  1. Congratulations, your booth and pictures look beautiful!! I love the quilt in the background with the little pumpkins....adorable!! So very sweet that your husband went with you and was your very own photographer...awesome.

  2. I am a new follower~ found you on FB through Aurifil threads. I love that you are a believer and create such beautiful things in many areas of art. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!

  3. Your booth and displays look gorgeous! Love seeing the pix of the School House...one of these days I'll get to one of these events (maybe our quilters' site will take off and I'll see you at Market!). I'm currently drooling over your new lines and dreaming up projects! LOL

  4. Congratulations!! How exciting for you!!!
