Monday, June 4, 2012

In The Studio This Week...

......Lots going on! But actually most of it is not in my studio....

We are working on last minute details for Daughter's wedding this weekend. Picked up everyone's dresses (including the gown), last appointment with florist, seating arrangements, favors, etc. I will show you the favors (so cute! and pretty easy) when we get good photos of them at the wedding.

I am hoping that we can get everything done and then my 2 daughters and I can "sneak" away for a mother/daughters' day tomorrow.... I don't know if it will happen, we'll have to see what we get done today. Youngest daughter actually placed out of all of her finals (smart girl- she takes after her dad) so she finished school last week. So nice that she has this whole week off to enjoy with her older sister....

Last week we also starting moving soon-to-be-married Daughter into her new apartment. Many trips up and down the stairs and an entire bottle of Advil later, she is almost moved in. It's going to be a great apartment once she and her new husband finish getting it all set up. This is the living room:
The building was built in the 1920's and has many of the original doors and fixtures and hardwood floors, so it is quite charming. Lots of character!

Believe it or not, I actually did get a little work done in the studio last week. I managed to do some sketches and work on a palette for my next collection of art. Aren't the colors pretty? Any guesses what the sketch might be??

Next time I pop in, my oldest daughter will be married, I will be a mother-in-law to a wonderful young man. I feel the need to sing "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof.....


  1. Oh how fun and exciting! Congrats to all of you!

  2. Sounds like a fun and busy week for you! I like your new color palette but can't guess what the picture is of except maybe some kind of flower maybe a dahlia.

  3. Wow! It's all happening SO fast! I hope you enjoy every moment!

  4. It will be over before you know it.
    It is an exciting time.
    I do like those colors and your drawing looks like the wings of a bird or an angel.

  5. Pretty colors! Here's best wishes for an exciting and fun and blessed time! Enjoy! We'll be here when you return! :)
