Monday, July 23, 2012

Roller Derby! Yeah, You Heard Me!

Have you seen the movie Whip It? I like the transformation in Ellen Page's character, Bliss Cavendar, as she goes from quiet teen trying to live up to her mother's dreams and expectations, to a confident young woman who finally finds the thing that she is "totally in love with." I like the camaraderie of the girls on her team (The Hurl Scouts) in the movie. I like that they are tough and strong and take a fall and get up and go again. I really like some of their Derby monikers- like Babe Ruthless (Page's character), Maggie Mayhem, Smashley Simpson, and Eva Destruction. And I love their motto:

Some of my long time readers will remember that I came up with my own Roller Derby moniker, and a friend PhotoShop'd me to see how I would look in the gear. Click here to read that story.

All of this brings me to what I am writing about today.... Did you know that Roller Derby is not just in the movies??

A couple of weekends ago, I was reading the paper on a Saturday morning, and there it was- The Philly Roller Girls were having a bout that night. I talked my husband into taking us..... Oh yes, we went (lest you think I live a boring, uninteresting life!!!)

 (Photo courtesy of

(Photo courtesy of

First, the Independence Dolls (Philly Roller Girls) took on the Honkey Tonk Heartbreakers (Texas Roller Girls), and won the bout 144-109. Then, the Broad Street Butchers beat the Philthy Britches (both Philly Roller Girls) 152-111. (And please note, that's BRITCHES, with an R.)

These girls are athletes and show true sports(wo)manship. I found myself, once again, wanting to join their ranks. But alas, I think I am probably 15 or 20 years too late (I could, in all honesty, easily break a hip).... I can still cheer them on, though. Actually, here is an example of cheerleading, Roller Derby Style:

It's not quite as strenuous, but still looks pretty fun.... Do you think it's a look I could pull off??

Want to find a league in your area? Click here.
For Roller Derby Training Tips, click here and here.

As I said, the girls are supportive of each other, including the girls on the other teams. The next bout is August 11 at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia. Who wants to come??
(Seriously, who wants to come? I think it would be a fun group thing.)


  1. Ha ha... I remember watching that movie a year or two ago. I loved the story and it made the scoring system finally make sense to me.
    When we were teens my Sister and I watched it on TV and tried to guess how they scored. (no, you don't want to know what we came up with!)

  2. (Waving) Me! I want to come! It sounds like a fun girls' night out! :)

  3. I love this post. Why? Because I am a derby gal. :) I am one of the NSO's (Non-skating officials) for the State College Area Rollers (SCAR) Happy Valley Dolls in State College, PA. I have a derby name -- Stacked and Whacked. ;)

    And, to add to the fun, I know a few of the Philly gals. They were up here (their "C" team) to skate against SCAR on Saturday 7/21. Nina Knockout was awesome. :)

    One of my favorite Philly girls is V-Diva (#1818). She skates on Team USA Roller Derby. :) And, one of "my" local gals designs the posters for Team USA. [Dani K -- skates as Dani Savage.]

    Keep on rockin'! :) Those women are athletes! :)

  4. I remember having fun watching roller derby with my dad on Saturday afternoons as a kid. It always looked fun to me and I was a good roller skater back then. Not so much now. My daughter went to watch a competition not too long ago and thought it was fun. I was surprised when she went as I didn't know it was still around. I would love to go but live too far away to go in Philadelphia.

  5. Roller Derby is so much fun!! Definitely worth seeing!
