Monday, September 17, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

We have a big announcement of a personal nature here. As you may know, our oldest daughter Samantha got married in June. No, we are not expecting a grandchild yet, but we do have a new grand-kitten named Gatsby:

Isn't he cute??

Anyway, that's not the big news I wanted to share. Our new son-in-law Jeff has been hired as the new Youth Pastor at our church! We are so happy and proud of Jeff and Sam. Without getting into all of the details, I will tell you that Jeff has been looking for a job for several months, and there were lots of false leads and disappointments. Just when it seemed that nothing was going to materialize, the current Youth Pastor of our church was offered a job that he felt that he had to take. This happened quite out of the blue- on my birthday (what a great birthday gift!) my husband called to tell me that he had just spoken with our Senior Pastor who told him that the Youth Pastor would be leaving very soon and they wanted to offer Jeff the job. There are lots of other details to the story, but suffice it to say that the way everything worked out, we know that God had truly orchestrated this..... We are so grateful that everything worked out, we know that Jeff and Sam are going to be excellent Youth Pastors!

Jeff was introduced to the church at yesterday's service and he gave a wonderful sermon, then we had cake ('cause if there's one thing that church people and quilters have in common- it's that we do food really really well, and with little provocation!!)

Congratulations Jeff and Sam :)


  1. What lovely news, and how proud you must be to have such a dear young man! Congrats!

  2. That is wonderful news and he truly works in wonderful ways. So many people have had to move with the job situations, so it will be nice that they can stay close by and be part of the community.


  3. Congratulations to your family. The lord works in mysterious ways that we don't always understand, but rest assured He has a plan, and we have to be ready and waiting for him.

  4. The first time I heard about this I thought it was really great AND I still do! What a wonderful blessing.

    P.S. Ronnie is going to have another baby on or around May 5th. She and her husband are very thrilled.

  5. Congradulations to the whole family. Yes God does work in mysterious ways & is in control of our lives. God felt it was the right time for Jeff. I am sure if God chose him he will make a wonderful Youth Pastor. Blessings Janice Maiolatesi

  6. What a swell post! Congrats to your hole family!

  7. Why are we amazed when God's plan comes together? His timetable is perfect! I will be praying for your for Jeff and Sam as they enter into His service!
