Monday, September 3, 2012

The Newsletter Is Coming....

Hey folks! The September Newsletter will be going out this week!  We have been very hard at work for this one! Here's what's in store:

 Apple Pie Cupcake Recipe

Free Stitchery Pattern

Instructions for 2 (count 'em- 2) fast and fun Back-To-School craft projects

 Celebrating the color Gold for September

The Newsletter is Free! If you are not already a subscriber, you can sign up in the upper right bar of this blog page. We would love to have to you as part of our little community....


  1. Can't wait to receive mine, always love your stitcheries and that cupcake looks delicious. I love apples and it is almost time for the orchards, so fresh apples soon.


  2. Looks like it is going to be a great newsletter.

  3. I love to see the newsletter come! (And I definitely want to see that cupcake recipe!)
