Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Visit Me at The Jolly Jabber!

Have you stopped by The Jolly Jabber lately? It's the blog for Fat Quarter Shop- I always find it fun and inspirational to visit The Jolly Jabber to read and learn about my favorite designers. Today I am featured in their Designer Tidbits! So exciting!

Today I am talking with them about my Fruitful Hands fabric line. They did a really nice write up about me and my fabric line. Make sure you click over and leave a comment! Thanks to everyone at Fat Quarter Shop and The Jolly Jabber :)

In other news, last night I spent the evening with the Penn Oaks Quilt Guild in Frazer, PA. What a fun group of ladies (and one gent- don't want to leave him out!) I did a talk and everyone was so interested and asked tons of questions- which is always good because then you know that people are actually awake and listening to what you have to say, ha ha!

I also did a trunk show- and being a typical girl- I totally over-packed! 'Cause you just never know what you are going to need and so it's best to bring everything, right?? Thank goodness my hubby came along to help with the heavy lifting and to help with check out so that I could be free to chat with the lovely guild members.

Thanks to everyone at the Penn Oaks Quilt Guild- you were all so friendly and welcoming!


  1. Oh my gosh, look at ALL those beautiful piles of fabric. LOL I think I would have stayed home and played with it all. LOL Glad you had a good time.

  2. Oh, I hear you on the "totally overpacked". I do it every time I do a program or got to retreat. Oh, well, at least I usually don't forget anything. LOL! Looks like it was a fun evening!

  3. Oh boy...I was a quilt instructor for many years back...back in the day. I feel that I'm getting pulled back in and this blog post is another sign ;) Thank you for sharing!

  4. Oh, I do love bundled fabric! This looks like it was so much fun. Glad you had some help too.
