Thursday, April 11, 2013

April/May Newsletter Preview! New Fabric Line Preview!!

Hi there! I hope everyone is doing well. The weather here has been crazy- just 2 weeks ago, my daughter was home from school due to a late-season snow storm, and today it is going all the way to 85 degrees! And while we are basking in the sun and heat here on the East Coast of the U.S., I hear that some parts of the country are having record snow and ice right now!! But I do love the warm weather, I have all the windows open and I'm enjoying the heat. I am a little disappointed that tomorrow it is going to be seasonably cooler, with highs only in the 60's...

My daughter, husband, and I are working feverishly to get the next issue of the newsletter done... I am *hoping* it will go out next week. Here is just some of what you will find in this issue:

Plus, be the very first to see my newest fabric line which will debut at Spring International Quilt Market in May! (That's right- you can see it even before the shop owners will be able to order it at the  trade show....)

If you would like a FREE subscription to the newsletter, please sign up at the top right sidebar of this blog. To see previous issues of the newsletter, click here.

Are you already a subscriber to the newsletter? Tell us what is your favorite thing about it!

Many of you know, because I've mentioned it a few times, that I am redoing my blog and website. For the most part, the fun part (i.e. the colors, design, etc.) is done, and now it's time for the hard part- getting together all of the copy (text), photos, etc. It will take up a good amount of my time over the next week or so, so I will be "recycling" some older blog posts (hey, recycling is good for the environment, right??) So please stick with me as we get the new site up and running....


  1. Oh I am excited over your new fabric line. I just love what I won through lilypad quilting...and I will show you what I make; if I ever find time to start something The fabric is gorgeous; my friends are all jealous!! lol. They love it too. Thank you. I love the newsletter because I feel like I am ahead of everyone I like to kid....but seriously; it gives me a lift.

    1. Thanks, Marjorie! Your comment made my day- I LOVE it when you guys like my stuff :)
      Your kind comments give ME a lift!

  2. Love the sneak peek!!! Your fabrics are always so perfect :*) The thing I love best about your newsletter is that it has so many different ideas in one publication.... quilty things, crafty things, recipes (yum!).... it's always a feast for the eyes, as well as the crafty heart! I never fail to see at least one thing that says to me, "You know you've got to make me NOW!!!"

    1. Teresa,it is so much fun to put together (lots of work, but lots of fun). I always have way more ideas than I have time to make and photo and share.... I need some clones or some elves or something....

  3. PS - Regarding this crazy weather.... my daughter and her fiancee drive an 18-wheeler. Two nights ago they got stuck in Colorado because the roads were closed due to a blizzard! Here in Nashville yesterday it hit almost 80 and we are expecting severe thunderstorms. Go figure!

    1. I love the warm weather, no complaints here. So glad we didn't get the snow they're having out west....

  4. I love your butterfly tree Jacquelynne. It's gorgeous! Those biscuits look too pretty to eat! Thanks for the sneak peeks!

    1. And they taste good, too [the biscuits, that is- not the butterfly tree ;)]

  5. Looking forward to your newsletter....oh, how lovely that sneaky peek of your new line is! Sumptuous colors! Eek! Can I grab a seat in Dr. Who's machine and blast forward to May? Heehee!

    1. ha ha- My daughter loves Dr. Who- she would jump right in with you!

  6. I am looking forward to your new fabric line and the next newsletter. Your butterflies are beautiful.

  7. Your fabric line looks gorgeous! Always look forward to your newsletter! ;)
