Friday, April 26, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day will be upon us, very soon.... (I can't believe it's almost May- I just got used to it being April. I'm afraid that I'm going to turn around and it will be Labor Day and I will have missed the whole summer!)
Anyway.... Have you seen the wool pins on my website? Making these wool pins is actually how my whole business got started... I haven't mentioned them here on my blog in quite a while, but we just added some new pins to our online-store and I thought I'd let you know in case you are kind of new here....

I make all of the pins by hand- cut out the wool by hand, make the yo-yo's and message buttons for the center, embroider the veins on the leaves, sew them together by hand.... I have even hand-dyed much of the wool myself...

Here is what's really cool about these pins- all of the profits are donated to charity! The money goes to purchasing sheep for poor families all around the world! Families can become self-sustaining by selling wool and milk from the sheep at market. As the sheep have lambs, the lambs can also be sold. As the flock gets larger, some families are able to employ other people from their village- thereby not just helping their own family, but the whole community....

(You can read a little more about my story here and here.)

So far, we have been able to donate almost 100 sheep! We have also been able to use some of our profits to purchase sewing machines for girls and widows in the country of Benin, in Africa. I am in touch with some missionaries there who run a school for girls who have run away from abusive marriages or abusive family situations, or to avoid arranged-marriages to much older men. They also help widows who can not support themselves. The girls and women are taught sewing, business skills, and life skills. The girls receive a sewing machine when they graduate from the program, so that they can start a sewing business. The widows are able to receive micro-loans to start businesses.

If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a day. 
If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for his whole life.

Will you please consider purchasing a wool pin or two from our website- they make wonderful Mother's Day gifts. The packaging card has a story about how the money is donated to charity. Each pin is one of a kind- so if you see one you like, buy it quickly because there will not be another like it :)

Please order no later than May 3 for delivery by Mother's Day.

Thanks for your support and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you reminded me of those pins...I love them!

  2. Did the women in Africa make these pins with their new knowledge??? Is it possible to purchase their work??? Kathi

    1. Hi Kathi- No, I make the pins myself. The school that I am in contact with does not sell their creations outside of their country. However, there is an organization called that you might be interested in. The women make beads by hand and you can purchase the jewelry through the website.

  3. This skill is completely original. Such uncomplicated things are distinguished by bright and interesting details that can be an ornament to anything professional class.

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