Saturday, August 30, 2008

Country Register Cover- yay!

I made this little guy while messing around in the studio this week, I've also been trying to finish up the million projects I have going right now. I am still trying to focus and stop allowing myself to be so distracted, but still having trouble... Still trying to get used to not having my oldest here with me every day; the fact that her phone calls from college get fewer and fewer tell me that she is settling in and adjusting- I just wonder when I will be able to do the same here at home!

So here is a little bit of good news- one of my designs is featured on the current issue of the New Jersey/Delaware Country Register! I have worked with the publisher, Merle Taylor, in the past, such a nice man. So anyway, there is a little write up in there about me, and the design on the cover is my "Happy Harvest" wall hanging and pillow pattern, which is available on my website. The Country Register features charming local shops, recipes, and articles, so if you happen to be in a gift or quilt shop in NJ or Delaware, make sure you pick up a copy! (The Country Register is also available across the U.S.)

Let's also remember to pray for the folks down south, Hurricane Gustav is roaring in, and so many have still not even recovered from Katrina, 3 whole years ago. I think I mentioned before that my husband and I were living in St. Croix when Hugo came through, and it was a terrifying experience (I still can't sleep on very windy nights.) It's so easy to get caught up in our own lives and not consider what others might be going through, but prayer is mighty and powerful and something we all can do.