Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trip to Lancaster

My youngest daughter and I made a trip to Lancaster PA for a girls' day out. Our "excuse" for going was to find fabric to make curtains for Sam's dorm room. We were happy to find this, it's brown so it's neutral and will match Sam's and her room mate's stuff, but still kind of funky and contemporary. It's from the Pumpkins Gone Wild! Collection by Sandy Gervais for Moda. We emailed her the pictures and she loved it, so I will be making the curtains this week.
On the way up to Lancaster (about 1 1/4 hrs for us), we took some backroads, saw some beautiful scenery and got some nice photos. (The GPS and I have a real love/hate relationship, luckily yesterday we liked each other.)
Miniature pony allowed me to take some pictures....
Mama and 2 calves...
Wouldn't you love to live here...
So peaceful and quiet....

For some reason, I have always been in love with old rusty red pickup trucks (please don't tell my husband....)


  1. I was just in Lancaster Co as my husband's family lives there (and I would like to) and I can see by your pictures the colors are already changing! Did you get your fabric at Zooks? Zooks is in Intercourse and is my favorite fabric store!! If you didn't go there, go next time and go next door to Emmerguts for the best pretzels ever!

  2. Why yes, I did get it at Zook's- it's my very first stop whenever I go!!!! But I've never gotten the pretzels- maybe I'll stop by next time.

  3. Great photos. . .! Makes me dream & wish for fall. . . (the season that never happens here in southern AZ!) I also love old pick up trucks. They remind me of my grandpa & the farm. Sigh.
    xo, Bren

  4. What a fun trip! I love the fabric you found for curtains. Your daughter will have a great dorm room!
    We visited friends in NJ a few years ago and drove through Lancaster...what a beautiful area.
    I have the same love affair with old red trucks, lol! That a a great photo!

  5. Coming from Pa Amish Country I am looking at your pictures and becoming homesick. I love Lancaster and all the great shops and people that live there. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.
