Thursday, September 11, 2008

Giveaway Update

I had so much fun today, shopping for some goodies for the giveaway! As far as I'm concerned, it's never too early to start thinking about Christmas and the winter holidays- so here is a little something to get you started (if you haven't started thinking about it already.) The giveaway includes:

Gooseberry Patch Christmas Book
Gooseberry Patch Tote Bag
Book of Recipes for Gift Mixes
Package of 8 Santa Teddy Christmas Cards
Package of 8 Bunny Holiday Cards
Christmas CD
4 Fat Quarters
2 Packages of Christmas Buttons (so cute!)
Spool of Green Grosgrain Ribbon
Spool of Red Grosgrain Ribbon

The retail value of this giveaway is almost $60.00, so don't miss out! (So sorry if I sound like a TV infomercial- I'm just so excited about this....)
Here are the "rules"-

1) leave a comment on this post or click here to comment on the previous post and get 1 entry into the giveaway
2) sign up to be a Fellow Artsy Folk (right side bar) to get 1 entry
3) mention it on your blog and link back here to get 1 entry (email me or comment here to let me know that you have done so)

....So, you can enter up to 3 times, enter by midnight EDT Sept. 18.

Good Luck!


  1. I think your giveaway is over the top!!! Very generous.

    Thanks so much for trying to bribe us so well.
    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  2. What a lovely Giveaway! My daughter and I would have lots of fun so I hope I am the lucky winner!

  3. So I have learned something new today, how to be a follower. I clicked and so now I can follow your blog so you can add me to the drawing for a second chance. Then I decided to add a feature to my blog and called it "Blog pick of the week" and you are my pick for the next week. I linked to my blog and will also post about your giveaway when I post to my blog later tonight. So you can add my name a third time. :-) So, the curiousity cat in me says - what led you to my blog?

  4. Wow - wonderful stuff! Such a great variety! Gives us presents & helps us make presents for others! Great idea! Thank you for hosting the giveaway!

  5. I followed the link from Linda and oh what a find. Your giveaway is like Christmas. I could have lots of fun with all those goodies.
    I'm adding a link from my blog so I can have a second chance, thanks.

  6. Christas is getting so close. Thank you for the giveaway , so many items.

  7. This is the first bit of Christmas I've seen this year. It's a wonderful collection of goodies!
    Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  8. I signed up to follow you too.

  9. What a fabulous giveaway - is it also open to overseas bloggers??? I LOVE Christmas so I'd just LOVE to be in your giveaway, will post a link on my blog right now :o)!!!
    Joy :o)

  10. Just found your blog and love it. So I have added my self in your sidebar to follow it. And with the comment here it gives me two lottery tickets :) Great giveaway!!!

  11. Hi Jacquelynne, can you enter me in the Christmas Giveaway. Such fun.I will add a link to my blog for a double chance. Regards Lyn

  12. Please enter me in the drawing! I will add your blog to my google reader.

  13. What a great giveaway! I have joined your group of fellow artsy followers. I will post about the giveaway as soon as I return from church.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  14. Just discovered your blog and website. Looks like you had great fun shopping and getting ready for a giveaway. Everything I have seen is so fun and whimsical. Keep on adding to the cheer. Add me to the giveaway. I will add you to my list of favorites. Miss Nancy

  15. Wow, what a wonderfully fun giveaway! Please enter me. :) I'll go post about it on my blog too~ (although that will dilute my chances. ;) LOL) Have a happy day!

  16. what a generous gift

    please add my name to the drawing

    Robin in VA

  17. What a wonderful give away. You are a truly generous person.

  18. I was just directed here and boy am I glad!!! Your blog is quite interesting and I definitely could use your goodies. Thanks for your generosity! My fingers and toes are crossed.

  19. What a great giveaway! Please count me in.

  20. Lots of great prizes in your giveaway. Please add my name to the list.

  21. Please throw my name it the hat, I posted about your generous give away on my blog also.

  22. Wow!!! Please count me in! Your blog is adorable!

    I'm posting about your giveaway right now...

  23. please add me to your give away - lovely blog

  24. Oh my!! Please enter me in your giveaway, how wonderful of you. Jane

  25. Oh my! How can I pass up this opportunity? Sign me up times 3! I commented, I am following and I added you to my sidebar! Love your site!


  26. I just found you and I'm hooked! I just became a henchman... er... a fellow artsy folk! Can't wait to come back and see what's next:)

  27. Wow this looks really cool, I wish there were more bloggers living in New Zealand but I'm sure with blogs like yours who wouldn't want to join the craze. I know I did and now I'm hooked :)

  28. Oh my, what an amazing giveaway! Please do include me, I'd love to win! Thanks!

  29. What a wonderful giveaway..please enter me..Thank you:)

  30. Great giveaway! I especially like the gift mixes book. Since Christmas is coming sooner than later, this would come in handy. Thanks!

  31. WOW!! What a fantastic giveaway. I love Gooseberry Patch. Please enter me. Thanks.


  32. Love your giveaway!! It was so thoughtful of you to have a giveaway like this and I'm sure I will enjoy it!!(Ha! Ha!)I will link it over to my page. Thanks again.

  33. WOW!!! I love gooseberry patch stuff!!!!! WOOT! I would LOVE the chance to win!!!! Thanks so much! :)

  34. What a generous giveaway! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! I will post the link back here on my blog either later today or tonight also. (I'll come back and let you know though).

    Thanks a bunch! Feel free to pick my name! :) Just looking at your Christmas stuff got me excited! I LOVE Christmas !


  35. Wow! I love you blog...what a cute page! Your so very sweet to have such a wonderful giveaway! Christmas is my favorite holiday and would love to start getting fun little stuff now! Yea!
    I also added myself to your Fellow Artsy Folks for my extra chance! Thanks so much and have a lovely day!


  36. I love Cristmas too and I also think that's never to early to get in the spirit of it. It's a lovely giveaway with lovely goodies! Please count me in.:)

  37. I love Christmas! Count me in!

  38. Hi I came by way of AnnaSam at It's harvest time's blog. I'm glad I did! I love your blog. I love that you are a Christian!
    Please enter me in your lovely giveaway and if you get time-I would love it if you visted my blog!

  39. Wow what a fantastic giveaway. I couldn't believe it when I saw the unpacking of Xmas goodies in the shops. Where has the year gone. Pls pop me in the draw it would be awesome to win.

  40. Seeing your wonderful gift I am desperately sorry that I do no thave a blog to double my changes.

    It is really great and generous.
    The winner is a lucky one

  41. Just new on your blog, love the pictures, you make such nice stuff!!
    Thank you for the giveaway, hope to be a winner!!
    From Holand, Linda

  42. Hi, new to your blog, but I love it.
    I love Gooseberry products, aren't they wonderful? I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I will add you to my blog later today. Thanks!

  43. What a fabulous giveaway! You are tooo kind! I just found your blog ~ and it is great! Please enter me in the giveaway.

  44. What a great Christmas Giveaway ~ I'd love to be entered !

  45. Hi. You realy have a great giveawy and a lovely blog. Hugs ;-)

  46. Please enter me! Your generous giveaway makes my little one look even littler... but please come enter mine anyway!
    Blessings, Kimberly

  47. Yes I agree, very generous giveaway! Please enter me!

    Enjoy your day,

  48. What a great giveaway!!! I came to your blog via Tammy at Country Girl at Home. You're very creative and talented! I've added you to my favorites, so I'll be back to visit often!

    Hugz...and I'd very much like to win!


  49. WOW what Christmas goodies, would give me a great head-start. thanks for the inspiration! Angie

  50. How sweet--putting us in the Christmas spirit. It is time to start thinking about it for those who haven't. I really heart Gooseberry Patch and scrapbooking is also a passion for me.
    Please==hook me up!

  51. I am now a follower--and who wouldn't want to be?

  52. I will link you on my giveaways list on my sidebar!!!!

  53. You have such a lovely giveaway! Please enter me into your drawing.. Keeping my fingers crossed that I am your lucky winner...

    Thank you and have a great day!

    ~Lynn/Okc ( can be reached at...just in case I win! ;)

  54. How very genereous--would love to be entered in your give-away. julie

  55. What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be a part of it!:) Thanks so much! Lori

  56. I love Christmas - my favorite time of year!!!! I would love to win this giveaway!!!

  57. Your blog is lovely. You have some of my favorite scriptures. Super. And a very generous giveaway.

  58. Sorry I forgot; I will place this on my blog and I joined your artsy following; is that right? Merrie

  59. What a very generous giveaway! Would love to win!!

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Very late to the party, but ever so glad I found your blog - just added you to my favourites list :)
    Janelle xx

  62. What a wonderful blog you have! Sure hope I win your give-away! :)

  63. Just wanted to let you know that I announced and linked your giveaway on yesterday's post! Thanks so much!


  64. What an awesome giveaway! Could get a head start on Christmas. Please enter me in your drawing.

  65. Great giveaway! I'm really glad I ran across your blog and not only for the chance to win this great stuff although that would be great!!:) I also posted your giveaway on my blog and now I am a follower of yours also!

  66. Very Great giveaway. Enter me please!!

  67. Wow, what a great giveaway!! Please count me in, I would love to win your prizes.

    I love your blog as well and have added it to my 'feed' for a daily fix!


  68. Now that is a great giveaway!!!
    Please enter me!

  69. I've been tracking days until the Christmas season begins for over a month. I'm busy getting ready for my first craft fair on Oct 4th. Then, it will all be about my family, my blog, my shop, and all my holiday prep!

    God bless!
    Come and meet me!

  70. What a fantastic giveaway! I have joined your group and I added a link in my sidebar on my blog - picture and all! - Just had to mention, I love your kitty pictures!

  71. How wonderful, I'd like to enter your drawing, and I'm glad I just found your blog!

  72. What a fabulous giveaway - is it also open to overseas bloggers???
    Sorry I have no blog.
    Thank you very much for the lovely blog
    Béatrice from France

  73. I love your blog. I have not taken the leap yet to start one of my own but I love reading great blogs! I would love to have my name entered for your generous give away. God bless you for such a kind heart. Happy Fall!

    Blessings, Linda

  74. What a great giveaway. Please enter my name. I have your giveaway posted on my generous folks blog. Thank you for a great giveaway.

    Gonna become a follower as well. Great blog.

  75. Hey Jacquelynne, Thanks for the Happy Birthday actually my bday is this sunday coming up Im hoping my hubby is going to take me to this really big craft bazaar that they are having about 2 hours from my house. So if he does then I will defiantly have a VERY GOOD birthday!!

  76. What a wonderful giveaway. I agree, its never to early to plan for Christmas. Please include me in your giveaway. By the way you have a wonderful blog and I'm going to add you to my favs. Have a blessed day.


  77. Hi...Just wanted to let you know that I did add your giveaway to my blog...


  78. What cute stuff!?
    That's so wonderful of you.
    I would love to be entered.

  79. I'm not a quilter, but I am a scrapbooker/knitter/crocheter. I don't know if I qualify to be one of your "artsy folk", but I will add your link to my blog. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog as well for Book Bloggers Appreciation Week! This is how I found you, by linking back. I've really enjoyed checking out your blog! (would you email me to tell me how you get different pages out of Blogspot?) Thanks for hosting such a wonderful Giveaway!

  80. I am posting here and joined the Artsy thing!! Does that count as two??? How fun! Now I need to start on a wedding present!! Toodles! Miss P

  81. Thank you for providing a great giveaway. Yep Christmas is less than 100 days by now I think. I hope everyone is busy at least thinking about Christmas and what to get everyone. I think that is the hardest part there are so many lovely things to make or buy.Have a happy day.
    Bev C

  82. WHat a bunch of goodies-please include me in this wonderful drawing...I will be back later to explore your blog some more! Tress

  83. What a great give-a-way! You picked some wonderful items!! Thanks for being so nice!

  84. Wow! Now this is a great giveaway. I would love to win this. I'm with you and agree you can never think about Christmas to early.

    I'm going right now to post your giveaway on my blog.


  85. Wow, that is some give away girl! You are so right, it is never too early to think about Christmas!

  86. WOW...this is a wonderful giveaway...I will sign up for my one entry...but will be back ....
    yesipray at gmail dot com

  87. You have a great and lovely blog. and what a great giveaway, love all the items I will post on my blog.


  88. Congrats on finishing the quilt, that always feels good, huh? It looks great. I won't even say how many I need to finish. I have a bad habit of starting too many projects! Thanks for offering the giveaway. Have a good week-end!

  89. Wonderful blog. Wonderful give-away!

  90. Great giveaway! I followed the link from Suzanne at Peartree Primatives.


  91. Wow, it's the first time I have been to your post and I love your profile, its so good to see Christian women out there doing good, and being an example. your giveaway is very generous. I hope it goes to someone who needs a little lift in their life, and would bring some joy into their life. I wouldn't mind winning it either LOL Nice to meet you.
