Friday, October 3, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

Hey everybody, guess what- Erika at My Strawberry Patch nominated me for a Kreativ Blogger Award- how nice of her!

Now I am supposed to nominate some blogs that I like- which is so hard because there are so many truly beautiful and inspiring ones out there. Trying to keep up with all of them has become kind of like a second job for me, I know many of you feel the same way. I feel like I can't possibly visit all the ones that I like as often as I'd like.

One of the really great things that I have found through blogging is that there are so many creative people out there, kindred spirits, who I never would have known about if it weren't for blogging. I tend to be kind of a solitary person, I enjoy the peace and quiet of my studio and I try to avoiding just going even to the grocery store and post office as much as possible. I have even tried an artists' guild or two, but ultimately I am just a homebody, I guess. A big wide world of art and creativity has been opened to me- yippee!

So anyway, back to the award nominations.... I have found so many great blogs of late that this is really hard... But here are 5 (in no particular order) that I find myself frequenting quite often...

1. Suzanne at Painter of the Past

2. Lana at Honeysuckle Lane

3. Valerie at Life's Little Garden and Cooking with Val (I know that's 2 blogs but I'm just counting it as one :D)

4. Robin at The Robin's Nest

5. Sandi at A Legacy of Stitches

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Oh how sweet of you. I will get on this in the next few days. Thanks for the compliment that you look at my blogs. I love yours too.

  2. What a nice Blog.
    Full of Life I could say.

  3. You deserve the award! You have a very nice blog.

    I totally identify with the desire to stay at home.

  4. Congratulations on the award, and thanks so much for nominating mine!
    We sound like very kindred spirits...I am a homebody too and only venture out when necessary. My sweet husband doesn't mind grocery shopping!

  5. I am a homebody too, and I love the connection that blogging gives me. Most of my friends are not crafty, so here in the blogosphere is where I find most of my inspiration. Plus, blogging can be done at odd hours, which makes it pretty convenient!

  6. Congrats! How fun to be nominated!

  7. I am so late in thanking you for the Kreativ blog award, Jacquelynn. Forgive me. I got preoccupied with the whole giveaway thing from fall to my 100th post - whew, who knew blogging would be so much fun and yet so much to keep up with! I posted the award on my blog and am thinking who I will tap but won't do it til Monday. I hope it is okay to think on it for a few days. :-) It's just after midnight here and we are having a lovely little rain shower. Sounds so pretty on the roof. Time for bed, though. Thanks again.

  8. Just wanted you to know that I finally have put this award on my side bar and connected to your blog. Thank you again.
