Thursday, October 2, 2008

On the Menu

This is what I made last Friday when Sam was home from college and desperately wanted some home cooking. I call it Italian Vegetable Casserole Rustica, and it has pasta, all kinds of vegetables and tons of cheese- so it really can't be anything but yummy! I chopped and cooked all the vegetables the night before, then assembled it and baked it on Friday. This is comfort food, folks! You can CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE.

On the menu tonight is just some chicken that I threw in the crock pot with some onions and a jar of Trader Joe's Mole Sauce, which is a Mexican sauce that actually contains chocolate- sounds weird, I know, but it's delicious! If you go to an authentic Mexican restaurant and they have it on the menu, give it a try! Now, I have not tried the Trader Joe's brand of mole yet so we'll see how it comes out. My favorite brand is Dona Maria which is a little difficult to find, I have found it in grocery stores that cater to a Latino clientele- this is much more authentic than the Trader Joe's brand. I love Mexican food and will eat it any day of the week....

Tomorrow night we are having a camp out in our back yard for my nephew's 8th birthday. We will have a camp fire and project movies onto the barn wall and eat chili and s'mores and sleep in tents. Sounds like fun- except for the sleeping outside part- I may just sneak inside and sleep in my own bed, since this girl's idea of roughing it is staying at Motel 6 instead of the Holiday Inn.....


  1. That sounds delicious. I love casseroles especially this time of year. We've had alot of rainy, chilly days so I may have to go get the ingredients for this. I love zucchini & eggplant. Thanks for sharing. Your birthday dinner sounds so yummy & the movie idea is so fun.


  2. That meal is going to be remembered many a Ramen Noodle night at the dorm.

  3. Thanks for the recipe. And it sounds like so much fun tomorrow night!! Have a blessed day.

  4. I received my gifts today that you sent me. I am so excited. Thank you so much. I have the picture on my blog. This is really oh so NICE!

  5. Sounds yummy! The camp out sounds fun, but I hope you find a Motel 6!
    Tag!, your "it"!...when you have a moment.

  6. I can just see it now... Heading in to use the bathroom... a long while later someone finally realizes you've never come back! Still, sounds like fun, I'm kinda jealous!

  7. I hear you about camping out. I am not a fan of sleeping on the the camp fire and movies on the barn wall, though. Sounds like something we will be doing on our vacation that begins any minute now...

    Have fun!

    Becky K.

  8. I have enjoyed your blog for months! When I read this particular post that mentioned Mole Sauce, I wanted to share something with you...
    I just came back to the States from 7 weeks teaching in Oaxaca, Mexico.
    Oaxaca is famous for its mole.
    In fact, on Cinco de Mayo, Chef Bobby Flay gave a tv demonstration that included mole. He said that Oaxaca is the best place to find mole.
    Nice to know that someone else here in the States appreciates Mole sauce ~ a flavor I came to appreciate while living in the city famous for Mole. :)
