Friday, January 9, 2009

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily....

I don't know how it got to be January 9 already- time is just slipping- no- running- away from me! I've had one of those weeks where I feel like I'm spinning my wheels- busy, busy, busy, but in the end, nothing really to show for it! There have been dentist appointments, doctor appointments, vet appointments, plus the regular shopping and errands, not to mention the septic backup (I will spare the details), so not much of anything has gotten done in the studio at all! Company for dinner tonight, then the Christmas decorations come down tomorrow, daughter goes back to college on Sunday, so maybe next week I will have something to show you. Actually, I have just finished the binding on a few quilts, so as soon as I get the patterns printed up, I'll put them up here.

So anyway, as we row through the mundane and day-to-day stuff (and sometimes against the tide!), we might as well be peaceful and content about it- after all, tomorrow is another day and next week is another week. Reminds me of that little song....

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream,
merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a
Have a good weekend.

OOPS, I almost forgot... Cheryl at Peaceful Blessings was kind enough to give me this award.
The Lemonade Award is for blogs that show great attitude/gratitude. I am supposed to nominate 10 blogs- oh my goodness, I seem to love ALL of the blogs that I visit, I couldn't narrow it down to 10... so if you are reading this, consider yourself nominated!


  1. I JUST said to my husband this morning: "I've been working so hard around that house but looking at it you would never know it!"
    I'll just keep plugging away maybe someday it will look as though I've done something. I'd love to get "caught up" because I want to sew. BUT I have to be organized before I get crafty! If I keep this up I will never get any crafts done!
    Have a great weekend~! :)

  2. You know what they say about women's work and never done and all that jazz. Seems to be true. I call it busy work, keeps me busy but nothing shows. The award was well deserved...congrats.

  3. You have been busy. Congrats on your award. Have a great weekend.

  4. Oh, yes, "merrily, merrily traipsing through the snow" is how it would go here. And add "in the really, really cold" to it. Whoa, am I glad that I have almost nothing on my calendar as going out and about is not fun here in MN. I am going to work "merrily" in my sewing room today, then next weekend, I'll get to taking the Christmas things down. And maybe the maid will help. :-) If you haven't been over to visit my blog in the last couple of days, you might enjoy my "4:00 somewhere" post. :-) Time to get busy!!

  5. Hello Jaquilynne.
    I found you on the Country Register. My BFF sent me the link.

    I really enjoyed reading your last 2 posts and I've added you to my follow list.

    I can see that God blesses you in what you do.

    Keep on spreading the love!

    Blessings, Judy
