Monday, January 12, 2009

Music Monday- Revelation Song

Music plays a huge part in my life. At any particular moment, you can find me listening to contemporary Christian favorites like Mercy Me, Third Day, Chris Tomlin.... or relaxing to some favorite movie soundtracks like Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility.... or belting out some Broadway tunes from shows like Les Mis or Thoroughly Modern Millie (love it!).... or boogie-in' down with some KC and the Sunshine Band or Justin Timberlake or No Doubt. (So as you can see, my musical taste is fairly eclectic...)

I have always loved to sing, and now have the privilege and honor and responsibility of singing on my church's worship team and in the choir. I find it amazing how God created sound and vibration and rhythm and melody and built this love and need for music into us. I have never met anyone who does not respond in some way to some form of music. Whether it's humming or singing along, a foot tap, or jumping and gyrating around, it seems that as humans we are wired to respond. And especially when we add meaningful lyrics, music can tap into our emotions, or make us think of something in a brand new way. For me, music transports me, makes me feel... I have a feeling that this was God's intent.....

So anyway.... I was thinking that maybe I'd post a music video or song once a week, and Monday seemed to be a good choice simply because I like the alliteration of Music Monday (some of you know how I feel about alliteration :) ). I cannot promise that every Monday will be Music Monday, 'cause frankly, I'm not sure I want that kind of committment ha ha! But I will be posting some of my favorites.

This first one is a song that we've done at church just a couple of times so far, but I've had several people come up and tell me how much they like it. In this video, it is sung by Kari Jobe. I know the first time I heard it, I was just moved to tears (and not quiet tears- I mean the bawling, ugly cry- not a pretty sight).... The awesomeness of God and His goodness.... The writer of this song (Jennie Lee Riddle) says all of the things I'd like to say to Him, if only I were a writer or a wordsmith.... I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Great idea! I am involved deeply in the music at our church and know how wonderful that can be!

    This is a beautiful song!

  2. What a beautiful song! I love to sing but as of yet have not sang a solo as it is really hard for me to stand alone in church and sing. However, our church pianist has talked me into singing a solo and so hopefully soon I will be able to.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  3. That's an awesome worship song. I love it. We're currently looking for a church to attend (we've moved about 4 hours away from where we used to live) - and music is a pretty important thing in my life - so I'm hoping we find somewhere that has excellent teaching and inspiring music as well. Great idea to post great worship songs. :)

  4. Great idea. Mondays are always a hard day and so this will be an uplifting encouraging place to come!

    I learned about the Mercy Seat two studies ago! Now when I hear this mentioned I know what it is!

    Also, Sense and Sensibility is one of my favorites!! On my IPOD right now I have James Taylor's Covers! Celtic Woman! Plus Darlene Zschech!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed your video. You have a lot of talent and a beautiful voice. Thank you for sharing this with us. :D

  6. Connie, I wish that were me, but it's not, it's a singer named Kari Jobe and I do love her voice. Maybe I should have clarified that in the post- or maybe I should just let people think that I am really that talented!

  7. Love the idea and beautiful uplifting song. I love music Have great day
    Peace and Blessings
    Cheryl...Snatch Joy!
