Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Super Cute iPod Case

Daughter made this super-cute iPod case (with a little help from Mom) before she left for college. We found these great Amy Butler and Hoffman fabrics on a recent shopping trip (you can't see the striped lining- adorable.) I have a feeling she will have lots of requests from her friends for these (hmm, maybe a side business for her? Wonder if there's room for a sewing machine in her dorm room...)

Well, she probably won't have time to make more of these anyway. She just found out that she made Concert Choir at college- a pretty big deal, and usually preference goes to Music majors and minors, which she is not (she is Secondary English Education.) But she really has an incredible voice. She will be traveling the U.S. on tour in May, which unfortunately means that she will not be able to help me in my booth at Quilt Market in Pittsburgh this spring. Next year, she will get to tour Europe with the choir, so she is very excited. She didn't think she'd make it, she didn't think her audition went great, but I guess it went a lot better than she thought!


  1. That is so cute... Maybe you could make them and she could take them to sell at her college. You probably don't have time either getting ready for your show! Congratulations to your daughter for making the cut! How very exciting! ~♥

  2. Congrats to your daughter, this is wonderful. After hearing you sing on your blog post, I can imagine she has a beautiful voice like you.

  3. What an exciting opportunity for your daughter! You must be so thrilled!

    Your iPod case is very pretty!

  4. How exciting for your daughter! And I wouldn't be surprised if she has lots of order for those cute iPod cases!

  5. Congratulations to you, your daughter and your husband for such blessings for the family. I am so happy for all of you and the great opportunities for your daughter.
