Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Monday- An Award and An Antique Quilt!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Anne-Lise at RagTagBobTail for this award- so very kind of her... Visit her cute sewing blog here.

Daughter and I took a trip to Winterthur Museum and Gardens the other day. It was nice to get outside, it actually wasn't raining! (those of you here on the east coast of the U.S. know what I'm sayin'- has it been wacky weather this spring/early summer or what?) We (and by we, I mean mostly she) took a few photos, but there was not a lot in bloom right now- unfortunately with being very busy and the lousy wet weather, we missed out on the azaleas and peonies a few weeks ago.

So since I have been putting up a lot of garden photos lately, I thought I'd share some photos that I took at Winterthur a couple of years ago when they had a really great exhibit called "Quilts in a Material World." These are photos of a Baltimore Album quilt, made by members of Old Otterbein Church, circa 1854. The colors are brilliant- bright pinks and greens (an inspiration to Lilly Pullitzer, perhaps??) And yes, I was allowed to take photos because the quilt is part of their permanent collection (I wouldn't want you to think I was an outlaw, or something!) Enjoy!

PS- This is why you ALWAYS need to sign and date your work- it may be in a museum some day! I doubt that the ladies at the Old Otterbein Church had any idea that this quilt that they made for their pastor would ever be in a museum- but there it is!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hydrangea Study

I managed to get out at about 7 am the other day to take a few photos. I never got past the hydrangea bush... The early morning light was luminous and I just kept snapping away... revealing numerous facets of a single bush...Baby praying mantis in the upper left of the flower... I read somewhere that they are voracious eaters and will canibalize each other...I know... lovely, right?...
I think this might be my favorite photo that day, I just like the light.

A dried blossom from last year.
Another "resident".... I had a hard time focusing, I think I finally used the manual focus.... but maybe it's time to invest in another lens for the camera.

"And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:28-34

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Vegetable Garden

For the last few years, I haven't had a large vegetable garden, I have just been sticking in my tomato and pepper plants where ever I can fit them amongst the herbs and flowers. It got to be too much work trying to clear the big plot of ground for the vegetable garden every year. And the advantage of having my vegetables with my flowers and herbs is that everything is up near the house, so I can just walk out the kitchen door and grab what I need, instead of having to walk all the way out to the back yard. Plus, since everything is together, it makes watering easier. With tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cilantro, basil, etc. just a few steps outside the back door, it doesn't get much easier or tastier to "pick" myself a salad for lunch each day! Some cute little baby tomatoes

View from the top of a tomato cage

We have heads and heads of red leaf lettuce, all of which came up from seed from last year's crop. What a bargain- I didn't even have to buy seeds or plants! And we will save so much money over the next month or so, not having to buy lettuce at the store. This year I will be sure to let some of it go to seed again so hopefully next summer we will have more.

That's about all there is to this year's vegetable garden. We have a lot of different herbs in the garden, and a wonderful farm stand just a mile or so away, so we will be eating well this summer. We are so blessed!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Calling All Elves...

A sneak peek at a couple of different projects in the works...
By the way, there are OTHER projects underway, too..... Settle for working on just 1, 2, or even 3 projects at time... no sireee... not this multitasking crazy person... There are currently 2 wool projects under construction, at least 3 quilts sketched and planned out (just need to get to that pesky sewing part...), and there is an embroidery project on the coffee table calling my name... Countless projects in the sketchbook waiting to come to fruition (oooh, that's a neat word.... but I digress.... sometimes I have a little trouble with focus....... oh look a bird... Ritalin, anyone???) Did I mention that I need to type out the directions for at least THREE projects that are already completed?

Elves may apply at any time. I do not pay in cash, but will barter with chocolate and assorted home baked goodies...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stitching, Pride & Prejudice, & More Exciting Stuff

My wool pins are being featured on a brand new site called Sewn which is dedicated to the art of sewing and quilting. It just launched last week, so I'm very, very pleased to be included! Stop by this beautiful site for inspiration galore! In celebration, if you place an order from my website this week, you will receive a free gift!

[....So how aggravating is this- I updated a bunch of stuff on my website about 2 weeks ago, and just now I went back to the site and it was all gone! And I had to re-do everything! (That's OK, I had a couple of extra hours to fill today....) Oh well... I have updated everything AGAIN, hopefully it will stay put this time!]

The other night, my favorite movie Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly was on, so I got to sit and stitch and watch it- AGAIN... even though I have it on DVD, I watch it whenever it is on Oxygen.... which is a lot.... I am even willing to sit through the commercials (they make the movie last even longer.... sigh...) Oh Mr. Darcy, you are a complicated man.... Oh Lizzie, sometimes you are too outspoken for your own good.... what a perfect couple.... So anyway I just don't get tired of that movie ever... sad but true... This is what I was working on...

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Herb Garden

We have had a lot of rain at the beginning of the month, with just a few days of sun... the weekend was sunny and the next few days are supposed to be sunny and warm. The herb garden is happy...


Lemon balm in the back, parsley, basil and a pepper plant in front

Lavender (smells heavenly), oregano to the left, purple sage in front, yellow and green sage in back
Sage, oregano, thyme, lemon balm

June is my favorite month.... everything is green and new and fragrant... I love going for walks and breathing in the heavy scent of honeysuckle and wild roses along the roadside that only come around once a year.... I think God must take such delight in His creation, and that He delights in me when I delight in His wondrous creation.... I can almost see Him smiling down...

Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:3-4

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.”- Psalm 19:1-2

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Miscellany

We got through graduation the other night without too many tears! Daughter was valedictorian of her class and made an excellent speech.... afterwards we went for ice cream sundaes with the grandparents.... it was a great night...Older daughter recently landed the role of Sarah Brown in our community theater's summer production of Guys and Dolls... she once played the role of Adelaide perfectly in the same show when her school did it... she is very excited to be doing this new role! She gets to play a very straight-laced Salvation Army sergeant who falls for big time gambler Sky Masterson- doesn't that sound like fun!
A testimony to all the rain we have been having lately... I went out into the garden today to take some photos and noticed these little lovelies growing between the tomato plants... I am sure they are happy happy in the weather we have been having lately... here's hoping for some sun this weekend...
(Can you see the little "critter" on the left side of this one?)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Where Do You Think You're Going???

Just nine short years ago, the "baby" of our family started kindergarten...Today was her last day of 8th grade...
I tried really hard to stay busy today and not get too weepy, and I was pretty successful... but it is hard to believe that in a few short months my youngest will be starting high school... and that will fly by... and then it will be college... and marriage and career....
Who would have thought that life could go by so fast while you're driving to soccer and piano lessons and school plays... and making Halloween costumes and macaroni and cheese dinners...
and wondering if the house will ever stay clean for more than 5 minutes or if you'll ever get just 10 minutes to yourself to read a book or take a bubble bath....
And here it is... and there she goes....
let the weeping begin...

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Friday!

One of my favorite things about summer is all of the fresh fruits and vegetables available... The other day I stopped at the farmer's market and picked up some eggplant, zucchini, red and green peppers, asparagus.... Cut them up and put them in a large ziplock bag with Italian dressing to marinate for a few hours... Then popped them on the grill... YUM!
They are great as a side dish with grilled chicken or steak... I try to make extra for leftovers throughout the week.... cut them up and toss them with pasta or put in omelettes... or put them on a sandwich for lunch.... So, so good- and good for you!
A little sneak peek of a block I am working on for a special interest publication (i.e. magazine) which is scheduled to hit the news stands in November- I like the way this came out so much, I may try to design and entire quilt around it (time willing!)

This weekend promises nice weather, we will be shopping for a new minivan (ours isn't being nice anymore!) and trying to fit in some laundry, housecleaning, yard work, church and a picnic on Sunday- it's getting so that I look forward to Mondays so that I can "rest"!
Have a great weekend!
BTW- I took all of the photos myself this time- since my "professional" staff photographer is in school!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Now Have a Professional Photographer on Staff...

Realizing that my posts have been a little infrequent lately, and noticing that it has been several days since my last one, I told daughter- "Quick- go outside and take some pictures for my blog!" As usual, she did not disappoint...

Quite artsy, don't you think?
(Still wearing her Catholic school uniform....)

I have not altered the photos, just straighted one, but didn't even crop them... Amazing! Thanks, daughter, you're a pro!