Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Monday- An Award and An Antique Quilt!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Anne-Lise at RagTagBobTail for this award- so very kind of her... Visit her cute sewing blog here.

Daughter and I took a trip to Winterthur Museum and Gardens the other day. It was nice to get outside, it actually wasn't raining! (those of you here on the east coast of the U.S. know what I'm sayin'- has it been wacky weather this spring/early summer or what?) We (and by we, I mean mostly she) took a few photos, but there was not a lot in bloom right now- unfortunately with being very busy and the lousy wet weather, we missed out on the azaleas and peonies a few weeks ago.

So since I have been putting up a lot of garden photos lately, I thought I'd share some photos that I took at Winterthur a couple of years ago when they had a really great exhibit called "Quilts in a Material World." These are photos of a Baltimore Album quilt, made by members of Old Otterbein Church, circa 1854. The colors are brilliant- bright pinks and greens (an inspiration to Lilly Pullitzer, perhaps??) And yes, I was allowed to take photos because the quilt is part of their permanent collection (I wouldn't want you to think I was an outlaw, or something!) Enjoy!

PS- This is why you ALWAYS need to sign and date your work- it may be in a museum some day! I doubt that the ladies at the Old Otterbein Church had any idea that this quilt that they made for their pastor would ever be in a museum- but there it is!!!


  1. Amazing quilt! Wish I had one.

  2. Gorgeous....and I'm a little jealous that you live close to a wonderful museum! :) Thanks for sharing your trip!
