Monday, November 16, 2009

Giveaway Winners, Little Visitors, and Yummy Treats

First things first: The winners of the Quiltmaker 100 giveaway are Tricia from Our Happy Little Home and Laura from A Quilter's Nest.
Congratulations- I'm sure you'll enjoy pouring over the pages of this wonderful publication... bring on the inspiration!

Do any of you have these little guys (girls) in your house? Seems like this time of year, every year, ladybugs take up residence in my studio. Aren't they cute? I even have a few living on the ceiling!
Here is one looking over my sketches....

Taking a sip from my water glass...

He (she??) even likes the same books I do!

And it must be getting close to Christmas because we found Panettone in the store the other day... We love this for breakfast or for a snack. It is something in between a cake and bread- light and fluffy with dried fruit, just a little sweet. Love it!


  1. We love Panettone also, it is great in bread pudding as well as french toast. Check out Giada on the food network she has a great recipe for the bread pudding.

  2. Oh goodness, the Panettone looks so yummy-I've never had it before and never will now that I am gluten free-SO have an extra piece for me okay? ;)

    Ronnie made Christmas chocolate lollipops today~So cute!
